Fifteen feet of pure white snow

Chapter 18: Any Other World

Okay. What the hell do I do now? I need to explain. Yes, that's it. I need to explain my weird behavior to Cloud. And to Yuffie. I need to explain to my best friend and my significant other why I've been acting so fucking weird. Okay. Not too difficult. Leon took a few deep breaths and reached out his hand to knock on Cloud's door. Wait. How the hell do I explain? Oh for heaven's sake. Squall Leonhart, gat a fucking grip. And stop swearing. You sound like Yuffie. Hold on, why am I yelling at myself in my head?


"Where the hell have you been?" Cloud screamed. Leon wondered if it might have been wiser to stay at home. Well, no point in crying over spilt milk.


"First you act all weird for days and then you just disappear. I've been trying to reach you all weekend, but you just won't answer your fucking phone, will you? Here I am, my brother is refusing to eat, and stays in his room all day, and when he leaves it he runs out the door faster then I can say "where the hell are you going?". And you know what? I don't even have time to worry about him, because I need to figure out how I'm going to find enough space for Rikku to live here. Her grandmother somehow discovered that she's pregnant, and threw her out. No "You have a certain number of days to find a new place to live", she got one hour. So she's been sleeping on the couch tonight, but if it continues like that she'll destroy her back, and within a few months won't be able to walk. In case you didn't know, that couch is not a comfortable piece of furniture to sleep on. Oh, but don't think that's all. I have to spend lots of time every fucking day telling Rikku that it'll be fucking okay. Actually, I don't know if it will, but I have to tell her, don't I? Somehow she's just realized what it means to be pregnant. I think finding out who the father is made her realize this was actually real. By the way, the father is Reno. You don't know him. I don't either, really, but I know someone who knows someone. He's clumsy, irresponsible etc, etc. He'll make a lousy father, and Rikku is very well aware of that. She's a bit desperate, really. Has no idea what she's going to do once the baby's born. Oh, by the way, your best friend has been worried sick about you, on top of taking care of her girlfriend. Larxene's dead, by the way. Killed in a car crash. You know, Yuffie and I are kinda busy taking care of people, but you just disappear for a few days without fucking telling us where you are. Now tell me, were on fucking earth have you been?"

Leon stared at Cloud for a few seconds, completely dumbfounded.

"I've been looking through Aerith's old stuff. Found her diary and a suicide note that "no one" has ever seen before. I'm pissed of at my dad, and the world in general, but at least I know why she killed herself. Can I come in? It's freezing out here!"

"Oh. Okay. Sure. Come on in."


Tifa raised her eyebrows as Yuffie put down the phone. She'd been talking to Cloud for almost half an hour, and seemed more than a little confused.

"What was that all about?" Tifa asked.

"I don't know. He wouldn't say much. He wants us to come over as soon as possible, though."


Cloud looked at the people gathered around his living room. What a motley crew. In one chair was Demyx with his mohawk, worn out jeans and converse. One the floor by his feet was Zexion hiding in his over-sized black hoodie, seemingly trying to make himself as small as possible. Rikku looked out of place, lying on the couch with her brightly colored clothes and beaded braids, but wearing an expression of deep agony. Apparently she was experiencing both morning sickness and back pains. Leon was sitting in another chair, watching everyone with a worried expression. On the floor, between Leon's chair and the couch, sat Yuffie, wearing camo shorts, combat boots and a black t-shirt that looked like something stolen from Vincent's wardrobe (it probably was), and Tifa in a short, pleated skirt, a black tank top and her hair tied back with a purple ribbon. Cloud couldn't help but think that right then and there, the two of them looked like the weirdest couple he'd ever seen.

"Right," he said. "We're all here. I believe several people in this room have a bit of explaining to do, and we also need to discuss a few problems. But first I think Leon has a few things he'd like to say." He gave his boyfriend a stern look.

"Yeah, well, I guess I have a bit of explaining to do," Leon said. "First of all; sorry. I promise I won't just isolate myself like that again. Yuffie, I can tell that you want to beat the crap out of me, and I sort of understand why. I haven't exactly been a very good best friend."

His eyes were fixed on the floor, but his voice was clear and confident. He took a deep breath and threw one quick glance at Cloud. Then he started speaking. He talked about Aerith. He told everyone about her life, her suicide and how his life had been after he lost his sister. Then all of a sudden his voice got an angry tone.

"See, I didn't know until a few days ago why it happened. Why she didn't want to live anymore. But then I found out. Apparently my father had been abusing her for years. In just about every possible way.

She wrote a suicide note, explaining everything to me. But guess what, I never saw that note. Because my father took it. I found it a few days ago. The worst part is that my parents actually knew that she killed herself. They had acted like they didn't believe that she would actually want to end her own life, and I thought they were just stupid, but apparently they simply lied to me.

I guess this isn't much of an excuse. I should have told you guys where I was and stuff, but I just needed some time to be alone. Sorry."


After Leon stopped talking, everyone stared at him for a while. Yuffie was the first person to speak: "I don't really want to beat the crap out of you anymore." She gave him a tiny smile. He walked over and gave her a quick hug. With the look they gave each other, they both said: "You're my best friend in the entire world. I'm here for you."

Cloud cleared his throat, and turned to Demyx. "So… Big brother? Your turn?"

"It's confession time, is it?" Demyx said. "I don't really know if this is the time and place. Couldn't we just talk later, without everyone else?"

Cloud considered this for a moment. "I guess. I mean, it's your choice. Okay. We'll talk later."

He turned to everybody. "Any other confessions, or can we move on to problem-solving?"

No one said anything, so Cloud started speaking again.

"Okay, the thing is that I, well, Rikku and I, have a bit of a problem. As you all know, she's having a baby in a few months. She got kicked out from home, the baby's father is not about to take any responsibility, so… She's been staying here for a few days, but my couch is gonna destroy her back sooner or later if she keeps on sleeping there. I know this is a really big favor, and everything, but we were wondering if anyone has enough space for a new roomie?"

Almost immediately Tifa opened her mouth. "She can stay with me."

"You sure?"

"Of course. My house is ginormous, and quite frankly, it's a bit boring there. And I don't really feel comfortable about being alone there after… you know… So a new roomie sounds just perfect."

Rikku looked up and gave Tifa a big smile. "Thanks, Tifa, I really, really appreciate it."


Leon and Yuffie had gone outside for a while to smoke and talk.

"You don't smoke!" Leon said. "You haven't smoked since you were thirteen. Seriously, you don't smoke!"

"I do now," Yuffie replied. "It's partly your fault. I've been so stressed out lately that I started again. But I'll stop. Zexion and I have a plan. We're quitting together. Really."

"As if."

Inside, the house was buzzing with activity. Zexion was in the kitchen making dinner for everyone, Tifa and Rikku were packing Rikku's stuff and Demyx and Cloud were talking. Well, Cloud was talking, Demyx was trying to avoid his brother's questions.

"Come on, Dem. You've gotta talk to me. You've been acting weird lately. Really weird. You have some serious explaining to do."

"Me and Zexion have been having some problems, okay?" Demyx said. He stared at Cloud with a stubborn expression. "It's none of your business. We had some trouble, we've worked it out."

"I'm not forcing you, but if you need to talk…"

"…I know where to find you." Suddenly he started laughing. Cloud raised an eyebrow.

"It's just," Demyx started. "You're my little brother. Aren't I the one supposed to be taking care of you?"


OMG, a new chapter!!! I'm kinda proud of myself for actually updating.

This sucks, but I'm not in the mood to write better. I need to finish this story. I've been working on this for more than 5 months. I need to finish it and start writing one-shots. I'm really a short story person. I suck at this long shit.

The next chapter will be the last. I need your help with that one. I have to gather all the ends, but it's been so long since I worked on this story that I've forgot much of it. So you guys have to tell me what you're wondering about. Any questions that your left with that haven't been answered yet? Let me know, cause I need to answer them in the next chapter.

Title is stolen from Mika. He's amazing and I command y'all to listen to him!