All right, here is a very, very weird fic done by yours truly and I would just love reviews thank you. Also, if you read this fic please note that it takes place with Naruto and Sasuke fighting at the waterfall in the Valley Of The End. Also, I changed it slightly so that Orochimaru didn't transfer to a new body before Sasuke got to him, instead he grinned and bared the pain in his arms so he could watch the fight between Naruto and Sasuke. . Hope you enjoy this really odd fic!

I don't own Kabuto. I don't own Orochimaru or Kyuubi. I don't own Sasuke or Sakura and, oh look; I don't own Naruto either.

Kabuto's Role As A Dad

Chapter 1



Their shouts could be heard from miles away, yet from where Orochimaru sat shadowed in the trees, it felt like they had said it in a quiet whisper that bounded off the watery rock walls in the Valley Of The End. The purple beam of light surrounded Naruto and Sasuke in front of the loud waterfall. Who had won? Of course his Sasuke kun had to win, right? Both he and Kabuto watched as the two figures hurtled out of the purple orb and into the lake below the cannon. He watched as Naruto rose to his feet. Did Sasuke really lose? How? Maybe Sasuke wasn't as strong as he thought in the first place.

Naruto slowly stumbled over to Sasuke, who was lying face down in the cold water, his curse mark had deactivated itself, leaving Sasuke with tattered clothes and a bruised, unmoving body. Naruto crouched down beside him and pushed his face out of the water, his forehead protector bobbing up and down beside him. "Have I killed him?" He asked himself worriedly, moving Sasuke's hair to the side. His forehead was covered in blood that dripped down the side of his head. Naruto had gone to far, he was dead.

"So, you've killed my Sasuke kun have you?" a voice hissed from behind him. Naruto shot up and twirled around quick enough to see Orochimaru and Kabuto landing softly on the top of the lake. Orochimaru's hands were dropped to his sides, they were a sickening red and brown with a tint of purple even from what Naruto could see under the bandages that covered them.

"Orochimaru. What do you want?!" Naruto growled and flicked out a kunai from his pocket.

Orochimaru cackled. "Do you plan to fight me with those wounds? Even without my arms I can beat you. And it just so happens you killed my future container, you'll regret that." He said darkly and walked closer to the young shinobi, Kabuto at his side.

Naruto started to back away but found that he was already as far as he could go, the valley wall stood behind him, preventing him from stepping backwards any further. His eyes dashed to Sasuke and then back up to Orochimaru and Kabuto, which were both closing in on him fast. "He's right, I can't win against them in my current condition. I'm going to have to run." He looked around desperately, there was nowhere to escape, and he had promised Sakura Chan that he would bring Sasuke back, dead or alive. He wasn't going to break a promise, not on any condition.

"Now Kabuto." Orochimaru hissed to the medic ninja beside him. Kabuto nodded and charged at Naruto with a kunai.

Naruto dodged it to the side but Kabuto got the better of him and slashed him hard across the top of his head. Naruto's already blood stained clothes became more sopping wet with his blood. He held the gash on his head, wincing in pain as another slash developed around his chest, and then another, and another, and so on, until Naruto was a cut up mess. He slunk to his knees, trying to catch his breath as another cut opened up on his face. Kabuto was just to fast for him, he couldn't see anything but a blur zipping around him in every direction. He could however, make out Orochimaru's dark figure standing a couple of feet away from him, enjoying the show as Naruto slowly died. "Damn bastard, this is all his fault." He thought angrily and tried to dodge a bloody kunai coming for his neck, only failing and getting cut on the side of his cheek instead.

"The damn little Kyuubi gaki, how dare he kill my Sasuke kun! What am I to do now that I have no container to transfer to?" Orochimaru cursed as he watched Naruto get the crap beaten out of him by Kabuto. "Unless…" he pondered and looked down at his purplish, blood red and brown hands that lay at his side. "Unless Sasuke kun really was weaker then Naruto. Could it be that I've chosen the wrong container? Maybe it's the Kyuubi brat I want."

Naruto's vision was becoming very blurry, red was covering over his eyes. The pain felt distant now but it was still there. He was huddled in a ball, trying to avoid getting hit in any vital organ or pulse. Suddenly Kabuto's attacks stopped and Naruto opened his eyes, looking into the blood red water below him. He saw Orochimaru's feet walk up next to him and Kabuto on his other side. What was going on now, please nothing painful.

"Are you sure about this, Orochimaru sama?" He heard Kabuto say as they stood over him.

"Yes I've made up my mind. If Naruto was able to defeat my Sasuke kun, then he's the obvious choice." Orochimaru said quietly, and Naruto hinted a touch of cold happiness in his voice.

As Naruto was ready to rise to his feet and throw a punch at his enemies, tight wires started to coil around his body, holding him in place. "What the?" he muttered in alarm and tried to wriggle his way through the wire, but it had no affect. He cringed as the wire cut farther into his already torn up skin. He then watched as Kabuto's hand came into view from above him and started writing some jutsu seals with blood in the water all around Naruto.

As Kabuto bent down typing out the odd symbols he met Naruto's eyes. He leaned in closer to him, a look of pity on his face. "To tell you the truth Naruto kun, I didn't want to hurt you, even from the moment we met." He whispered and then stood up next to Orochimaru, starting some quick hand signs.

Naruto blinked a couple of times from what Kabuto had just said, but right now wasn't the time to be thinking much about it. He started struggling in the wire some more, but it wasn't any use. He spat out some blood and looked back to the blood red water below him. Was Orochimaru really going to do what he thought he was going to do? Surely not! Why doesn't he just kill him and get it

over with? Naruto watched as small drops of his blood from his cuts and gashes dripped continuously into the water below. He wasn't really scared at the moment, instead he was in shock and denial. Was he really going to die so soon!? How could this happen to him? Naruto struggled desperately some more and heard Orochimaru cackle above him. He glanced up at his opponents who were towering over him, he glared at them with all he could muster. Suddenly Kabuto finished his jutsu and sadly laid a hand on Naruto's spine. All at once there was a burst of chakura shooting out of the seals around Naruto in the water. The chakura was so visible that it's current could be seen flying upwards into the gray cloudy sky. Naruto's heart pounded in his throat. Now he was scared.


The entire place shook. The brown and green sewer water fiercely splashed against Kyuubi's red and gold fur. He opened one lazy crimson red eye. "What now?" was his first thought until he felt the unknown chakura sweeping through his damp and dimly lit prison. "What the hell?!" Kyuubi growled to himself and sprang up from his sleeping position. The unknown chakura appeared to be a dark purple color that had rapped itself around the cage bars and was swimming through the sewer water, covering most the ground. Kyuubi backed off into the far corner of the cage. The chakura was now creeping into his little abode and Kyuubi was quite sure that it would rap around him just like it had done with the bars of his cell. "What has that damn gaki gotten himself into now?!" He thought angrily and lifted up a paw to keep from touching the dark purple chakura that had now invaded most of his tiny living space. "This feeling though, it feels like a body transfer. But that jutsu was supposed to have been destroyed centuries ago! I should know, I was there when it all happened!" He looked up at the snaking chakura that was crawling over the ceiling above him and raked his brain for an answer. The only conclusion he came to however was that some village must have kept a copy of the dangerous scroll of transfer jutsus in secret for some reason. He automatically accused Konoha for that treachery. One, because he hated the entire village. And two, they were all too innocent, like they're hiding something. The chakura that was now covering the entire room except where Kyuubi sat was searching for the human soul that currently occupied the body he was in, Naruto's soul. When it found his soul it would then push it out of his body and into the open air, where it would most likely be reincarnated to a new body. Then whoever wanted to take over the body would only need to touch the he empty shell and they're soul would shoot into its new container.

Suddenly Naruto appeared in front of the cage. The chakura starting to grab onto him. "KYUUBI! HELP ME DAMN IT!" He screamed as the chakura started to rap around his ankles and up his legs.

"Tell me what the hell is going on and I might!" Kyuubi barked angrily as he watched Naruto struggle to get his legs free.

"OROCHIMARU'S GOING TO TAKE OVER MY BODY! HELP ME!!!" he screamed again and started tugging at the chakura that was now coiled around his left arm.

Kyuubi practically tiptoed around the slithering chakura and grabbed onto Naruto with his own form of red chakura, stalling the purple color that was nearly around Naruto's neck. He opened Naruto's eyes and took control.


Orochimaru stepped into the flowing river of chakura that surrounded Naruto and he. Kabuto crouched on the ground behind him, panting for air. The jutsu had taken a lot of chakura from him, wearing him out completely. Orochimaru smirked at the small heap of his soon to be new body. He would have the Kyuubi to top it off, Naruto of course, couldn't have been able to kill Sasuke kun with out the great nine-tailed demon within him. Slowly, he reached out one of his dying bloody arms and placed his hand on Naruto's back. The effect that happened next was almost instant.

Chapter End

Is it good? Please tell me if you've read this, I mean it! I really want reviews, and I won't continue the next chapter until I get at least three or four reviews. I love to eat them for supper, reviews rock!

What happens next?: Somebody is betrayed and is out for revenge. What does Kyuubi plan to do to keep Orochimaru from taking over his idiot vessel's body? Give me three or four reviews to find out.