Hey guys!
I just wanted to let all of you know that the sequel is now up. On my story list it's Untitled. I'm letting you guys choose the title. On my bio page is the poll and everything. Just PM me or post an idea in a review of the sequel. Chapter 2 will probably be up on Wednesday (depending on how busy I get).
I want to thank all of my reviewers:
angel61991, catwwomen47, Chaotic Rei(2), crystal13moon, Faina(2), -Flurry(2), ginny is a freak, Karasu7, Lady Aru(2), Manda3rd, Moonyasha, organization-mischeif15, PrincessSerenity110(3), Riku-Rocks(3), Ritsuka-kun17, Roxxi-koiboto(6), sapphireplulse, SasuNaru Dattebayo(3), ShinjaNoBaka, so hot, Special Pleb, xxpapercutxx(4), yamano ringo(2)
Okay, so I know that's not everyone but if I missed you...SORRY! My counting is off and a whole bunch of other stuff. If I forgot you...sorry.
Now...go read the sequel and put your input in/vote in for a title!
Your Sweet Suicide