Author's Note: As promised, here is the final chapter of "What I Like About You". But don't be sad. There will be a sequel. Or sequels. But first I have to finish one of the stories I have in the works that I have yet to put up.


SequinedRedPoppy: GreenNoseRing does not own Class of the Titans, but she does own their children. Why am I doing this again? Screw it; I'm gonna go get some Kool-Aid.

Me: ….Right.

Eighth and final chapter dedicated to the rest of you guys who added my story to your favorites. Emily Rae, SequinedRedPoppy (PEYTON!!!), The Wizard of Kazath, Winter-Rae, kitkat1327, this one's for all of you. I would have never finished this story if it wasn't for so many positive reviews. Fifty-nine and counting! Woo-hoo!


Jay looked up at who Cronus was staring at. He also was almost too stunned to speak at who he saw.

"Holy. Shit." he whispered, his mouth beginning to hang open slightly.

A tall man with brown hair and some stubble on his chin had knocked Cronus down. He was holding a xiphos blade in his callused hand, an exact copy of the one Jay had dropped in the cabin when he was taken by Cronus's giant. His dark brown eyes stared down at the god of time in cold fury.

It was him. Jay. Well, not Jay exactly, it couldn't be. That was scientifically impossible. But hey, anything could happen in New Olympia.


Atlanta looked up from where her hands were clasped over her eyes, horrified that she might see Cronus standing over a dead Josh. But she didn't. Instead she saw a beautiful young woman with flowing ginger hair crouched over the little boy.

"Mommy!" Josh exclaimed happily, throwing his arms around the woman's neck.

'Mommy?' Atlanta thought, her head swimming with confused thoughts.

"Oh, my baby!" the women cooed, rubbing Josh's back, "My little Josh! I was so worried about you!"

"I'm fine, Mommy!" Josh told her, "I stood up to that mean man! And daddy saved me!"

Daddy? Now Atlanta really was bewildered.

"Need a hand?" a deep voice asked. Atlanta shot her head up, and saw that a man in his late twenties was standing over her, his hand outstretched. Atlanta smiled gratefully and took it, eager to get a good look at this guy.

He had bright purple hair, like Archie's, but a little bit longer. His bangs were almost hanging into his dark blue eyes. Atlanta's eyes widened and she rubbed them just to make sure she wasn't seeing things.

"Archie?" she asked. The man threw his head back and laughed.

"Lannie, Lannie, Lannie," he chuckled, "Nothing gets past you, does it? My God, you look just like I remember!"

As he said that, a short girl with short red hair walked up to the guy and slapped him on the upside of the head.

"Oww!" the man said angrily, "What the hell was that for?"

"We're here five minutes and already you start flirting with my past self!" the woman bellowed.

"Excuse me?" Atlanta said, "Past self? Can somebody PLEASE explain to me what exactly what's going on here?"

"Oh jeez," the woman sighed, whacking herself on her forehead, "We've got some explaining to do."

"But not now," the purple-haired man winked, "I see a little boy in need of my assistance." He gestured over to where Archie was swinging madly to get out of the giant's grasp and ran over to help him.


"Let………go!" Archie grunted, trying to kick the giant across the cheek. The giant laughed and was about to knock Archie on his head when something caught the monster on the wrist. Upon looking at where the ropelike object holding it back was coming from, it was smacked on the face by someone's foot.

The giant grunted, dropping Archie as it staggered in pain. The teenage boy was about to fall headfirst into the ground when someone caught him.

"Careful there, buddy," his rescuer sniggered.

"Thanks," Archie breathed, still winded from his close call. He glanced at the guy, and was surprised to see that he looked very familiar. Not being able to think of anything else to say, he pointed at the stranger's violet tresses and said, "Nice hair."

"Nice one," the guy grinned. He stopped and stared at Archie. "Oh my GOD you're short!"

"Short?" Archie asked, "I don't really know who you are, and frankly, I don't give a shit…."

"You seriously don't know who I am?" the stranger said, "Look closer, Arch."

"And how do you know my name?" Archie asked, "Dude, you just can't come barging in here and…." He stopped, finally realizing why the guy looked so familiar. "Oh God. You're me, aren't you?"

"Damn straight," the guy nodded.

Archie almost fainted, right there.


"Need some help?" a muscular guy with dark hair asked Theresa and Herry, who were still being held by the giants.

"You think?" Theresa asked sarcastically.

"Same old Theresa," the man laughed. He grabbed each giant by the leg, and tripped them both, grabbing both Herry and Theresa in the process.

"Ooof!" Herry muttered as he hit the man's rock solid arm, "Some muscle there!"

"Thanks," the man grinned as he placed both teenagers onto the ground.

"You look…..familiar," Theresa said, placing a finger on her chin.

"I should," the man told her, "You've been living with me for the past year!"

"What?!" Theresa and Herry yelled at the same time.

"I don't even know you!" Theresa said, backing away from the guy.

"This guy's a psycho," Herry whispered.

"Actually, I'm not," the man smiled, "I'm you."

Like Archie, Herry was so surprised he felt like he was going to faint. Unlike Archie, however, Herry actually did faint.


"Herry,? Herry, wake up," Theresa whispered as she shook her friend's shoulder.

"Huh?" Herry murmured, sitting straight up. All of his friends were crouched around him "Theresa? Where is he? Is he still there? Did I dream that?"

"Um……no," Theresa admitted, "But it's okay. He's here to help."

"I have NO idea what's happening here," Herry said, shaking his head back and forth as if to block the memory of the insane guy claiming to be him out of his mind.

"Join the club," Neil said, "These two guys come over to me and Odie, claiming to be the future us. Then Scott and Lily run up to them and start calling them, "Daddy".

More voices started yelling. Herry looked up and saw that seven people, including the "future Herry" fighting off the giants. The one who had thrown Cronus away from Josh still had the god of time pinned to the ground.

"They're us," Atlanta whispered, "They're us, but as adults. The kids are their kids."

"Our kids," Odie corrected her.

"Our kids," Archie echoed. He looked over to the children, who were watching their parents fight with so much admiration in their eyes.

"Go Mommy!" Tara yelled as the red-haired woman hit a giant to the ground.

"Mama!" Tommy gurgled happily, clapping his tiny hands together.

Suddenly, a thought came to Archie's head. Supposedly, he thought, Tommy was his child that he would have in a few years or more. He saw now that the kid looked a lot like him when he thought about it. But then why was he calling the future Atlanta his mother? Maybe the baby was just copying Tara, as babies do. But if not, that could only mean…..

His eyes darted over to Atlanta, to see if she had realized this. Apparently she hadn't. She was too busy watching her future self continue beating up the giant.

"I kick ass!" she exclaimed happily as she watched the woman and the other adults beginning to rope up the giants.

Archie chuckled at this, looking up and down at his red-haired friend. She was so beautiful, her eyes lighting up as she laughed. Could it be possible that one day this was the girl he was going to marry and have children with?

"Argh!" a shout shot over the hills. The team looked over and saw that Cronus had finally been able to get up, and was now holding future Jay onto the ground by his foot.

"You shouldn't have tried to change the past, Jay!" the god smiled, "I'm the god of time! I know everything! Including knowing that your little children are going to try and stop me in my future! But with you gone, I don't think that will be possible! There does have to be seven after all!"

He was about to lower his scythe onto the future Jay's neck, when the younger Theresa ran up and knocked the weapon out of his hand.

"Don't you touch him!" she yelled, taking out her nun chucks.

"You think you can stop me, Theresa?" Cronus asked.

"No," the future Theresa said, walking over, "But she has help." The team, future and past selves, all sprinted over and stood around Cronus. He had no escape.

"This is from Pan!" Atlanta said, running up to Cronus and slapping him across the face.

"This is from Campe!" Herry shouted, punching the god and sending him to the ground.

"This is from Polyphemus!" Odie said, hitting Cronus in the stomach.

"This is from Eros!" Neil said, kicking him in the face.

"This is from Hephaestus!" Theresa exclaimed, whacking Cronus with her nun chucks again.

"And this is from us!" Archie smirked, cutting one of Cronus's hands off with his Hephaestus whip. The god gave a shriek of pain and clutched his bloodied wrist. He then looked up at the team with a look of desperation on his face. For a second, he looked so pathetic that the group almost felt sorry for him. But then they remembered all the pain and suffering he had caused so many people and the anger came back quickly.

"Can't we at least talk about this?" Cronus asked frantically.

"No," Jay told him, picking up a large rock and throwing it at the god's head, instantly knocking him unconscious.


"I can still remember this day!" the future Jay said, leaning against the wall of New Olympia Secondary School. After Jay had knocked Cronus out, the two Odie's' had gone back to the Brownstone and flown the jet out. Hera had then alerted Campe and gotten her to take Cronus and his giants back to Tartarus.

"It was great a second time around," future Theresa said, sliding her fingers through his. Younger Jay and Theresa both looked at each other, their faces turning slightly pink.

"So what happens now?" the young Atlanta asked. Chiron had stitched her cut together and she was now sporting pale white bandages under her blue sports jersey.

"I don't think we should spoil the surprise," her future self winked.

"I don't want to go home," Odie said, looking up from where he and the older Odie were playing patty cake with Lily.

"Yeah," Neil agreed. He had finally come out of a heated debate with his future self about who was the better looking. "You guys are the best friends I've ever had."

"We don't have to go yet," Jay said, "There wasn't anything in the prophecy about having to leave the city when we defeated Cronus."

Theresa, who was very happy to hear this, threw her arms around her leader's neck. Jay was startled at first, but then relaxed into the embrace.

"Hey, Terri? Can I talk to you for a second?" he asked.

"Sure," Theresa said.


Theresa followed Jay to Persephone's solarium, where the two immediately sat down on one of the many couches.

"So what's up?" Theresa asked. Jay looked at her, unsure of how to say what he was thinking. A second later, he cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Theresa, I didn't want to say this before, in case you freaked out or something. But things happened today that got me thinking. I need you. I need you to get me through the day and to help me fall asleep at night knowing that you're beside me. I came to New Olympia thinking that I could make a difference. That I could save the world. But what also happened is that I…..I fell in love"

Theresa stared at him, her eyes slowly turning wet.

'Oh crap,' Jay thought, 'What a dumb ass move, Jay! Now she thinks that you're some twisted stalker or something! She's going to go home, and I'm never going to see her again! And all because have such a freaking huge mouth!'

But Theresa didn't freak out. Instead, she smiled and took Jay's hand.

"I fell in love with you, too, Jay," she laughed, "In one stupid, fast-paced year, I fell in love with you!" She leaned in towards the boy and brushed his bangs away from his eyes. Then, as Jay placed a hand on one of Theresa's cheeks, their lips pressed together in a kiss that seemed to last forever.

The door opened, and Jay and Theresa were still locked in their embrace.

"Hey guys?" Herry asked as he walked into the room, followed by Odie and Neil. "Athena's here. She's going to send the kids and us…..err…..the future us back." He stopped when he saw what his friends were doing.

"At long last!" Odie cheered.

"Seriously guys," Neil said, "We had bets going for when you two would finally hook up!"

The new couple blushed and followed the boys out of the room, arm in arm.


"You're sending them back already?" Atlanta asked as Athena said her plan again when Jay and Theresa arrived.

"I have to," Athena said, "There are events happening in the future where they are needed. You have five minutes to say your goodbyes." Athena walked to the tops of the school's steps with the adults, watching the teenagers saying farewell to the kids.


"Bye Josh," Theresa murmured as the small boy hugged her, tears rolling down her face and into his hair.

"Bye Theresa," Josh said, "Don't forget about me, okay?"

"How could I forget about you?" Theresa asked, "You were so brave today! And you saved Atlanta's life!"

"Yeah," Josh smiled. Theresa leaned down and kissed the small boy on top of his ginger curls.


"You take care of yourself, alright Danny?" Jay asked his little friend.

"I will," Danny promised, "I love you, Jay."

"Love you, too, kid," Jay said as he rubbed Danny on the back.


"Let's arm wrestle again, okay?" Christy said to Herry.

"Okay," Herry agreed, "One last time." The two leaned down onto the cement staircase and joined their hands together. Unlike the last two times, however, Herry won.

"Maybe one day you'll be able to beat me again," Herry said, patting Christy on her shoulder.

"I let you win that time," Christy smirked, "I didn't want you to be sad."

"That was nice of you," Herry told her, "But I think we should go once more, just to be fair."

Christy giggled and laced her fingers through Herry's again.


"Please don't cry, Lily," Odie begged, "We'll see each other again, I promise."

"I'm not going to stop crying until you stop crying," Lily sobbed.

"I'm not crying," Odie insisted, even though he was.

"I'm gonna miss you, Odie," Lily whimpered, burying her face into Odie's shirt.

"I'll miss you too," Odie said, "But it's not going to be forever."

"Promise?" Lily asked, looking up at him.

"I promise," Odie said, "Say hi to your mommy for me, okay?"

Lily wiped a stray tear away from her cheek and nodded.


Neil and Scott sat with their backs leaning together, their arms crossed.

"So I guess this is goodbye," Neil said.

"Yeah," Scott said.

"Are you going to miss me?" they both asked at the same time. The two boys looked at each other and smiled.

"No duh I'm going to miss you," Neil told Scott, "It was pretty cool to have someone around here who admired me."

Scott laughed.

"Here, take this," Neil said, pulling his gold mirror out of his back pocket, "You'll need it someday when you're the ladies man of your high school."

Scott gave a small gasp of happiness and wrapped his tiny arms around Neil's waist.

"You're my best friend, Neil," he murmured.

"You're my best friend too, little guy," Neil grinned, hugging him back.


"Well, I guess this is it," Archie said.

"I guess," Atlanta said. They looked down at Tommy and Tara.

"This is goodbye, you guys," Archie said to them.

"I don't want to go!" Tara cried, tears slowly beginning to flow down her cheeks.

"No go! No go!" Tommy shouted.

"But don't you want to go back to your home again?" Atlanta asked.

"This is our home!" Tara said.

"No," Atlanta shook her head, "Your home is with your mommy and daddy. Don't you think they want to spend time with you again?"

"Yeah," Tara said under her breath.

"But we'll see you again someday," Archie said, "Maybe sooner than you think, so watch out!" He grabbed Tara and began to tickle her stomach.

"Stop it! Stop it!" Tara laughed hysterically. Archie smiled and put her down. Atlanta picked up Tommy and kissed him on the cheek.

"Bye-bye, Momma," the baby cooed, kissing her back.

"Bye-bye," Atlanta whispered.


After their goodbyes, the team took the kids up to their parents.

"Stand back," Athena instructed the teenagers, "It took almost all my power to get them here, and it's going to take almost the rest of it to get them back."

The goddess rose her hands up in the air, and they began to glow a golden color. She then lowered them and then shot the light onto the adults and their children. They all waved, and the heroes waved back. A second later they had vanished.

"I'm so proud of you," Athena told the team, "You managed to take care of the kids and defeated Cronus."

"Yeah," Jay said, "It seems like everything we ever knew is coming to an end."

"I don't know," Theresa told him, "I think it's just beginning!"

"Yeah," Jay smiled, "I think I like that one better."


And the story finally comes to a close. But don't fret, my friends. There will be two sequels! The first one won't have the kids in it, but will develop Archie and Atlanta's relationship further from where it picked up in this story. It will be up as soon as I'm done finishing and posting my next story, which is entitled, "Dare You To Move". I won't tell you what it's about, (although I'm pretty sure Winter-Rae knows) but I hope that you'll enjoy it as much as you enjoyed, "What I Like About You". See you later!
