Goku's Fridge Raid

Goku stared at the inside of Roshi's fridge. "Why does he keep all his food in this box?" He decided he didn't care, and grabbed a steak and put it in his mouth, then grabbed two bottles of milk. He eagerly munched down the steak, then started gulping down the milk. His stomach started to feel strange, but he didn't notice it. He then crawled up to the bottom part of the fridge and found an apple. He shoved it in his mouth and swallowed it. He could have sworn he had gotten bigger for a second, but he shrugged it off. He started gorging himself on the rest of the food, shrugging off the feeling that his clothes were starting to feel tighter. As he made his way to the top of the fridge, he exclaimed, "Wow, It's like winter in here!" he continued eating until there was nothing left… then he felt the front of his pants bulge and his sash tear. Curious, he crawled down and undid his sash, feeling his pants automatically unbutton. He looked down, and noticed his stomach, which had managed to poke itself into visibility. My belly wasn't this big before, was it? He started rubbing it and groaning lightly. He continued doing this until the old timer came in and screamed. "I've been ransacked!" He yelled, running over and panting. "Where did ya put all my food?" Goku laughed nervously, feeling his enlarged gut.

Sorry I did this, I was bored.