A/N: Ok, before you start reading this I strongly recommend that you read my first story 'Revenge Is Bittersweet'. If you've already read it then great! Read on! (I've changed this chapter a tiny bit as I realised I'd made a mistake)

For those of you who haven't read the first story and really can't be bothered here's a quick update on what happened. Basically, Cole decided that it was Paige's fault for ruining his and Phoebe's relationship so she had to die. After a few attempts which involved torturing and raping her, to make her suffer, he finally managed to kill Paige. He cast a memory spell on everyone making them think a different demon killed her and that he himself tried to save her.

This story is set about a month after Paige's funeral. Phoebe and Cole are back together.



Piper dropped to the ground as an energy ball whirled over her head, hitting the wall and showering her in dust. Getting to her feet she flicked her hands at the demon in an attempt to blow it to pieces but nothing happened. Uh-oh.

Phoebe attacked the creature with a roundhouse kick but it was easily dodged and she was shoved backwards. She hit her head against the corner of the cabinet and fell to the floor, out cold.

As Piper hurried to her fallen sister she heard Paige's voice call out a warning. Without even thinking about it she leapt to the ground again, avoiding yet another energy ball. She crawled on her stomach over to Phoebe and checked her pulse. She was ok.

Turning back to Paige she watched in horror as the demon launched two energy balls, one after the other straight at her baby sister. Paige orbed out of the way for the first one but as she orbed back in the second energy ball it her squarely in the chest, hurling her across the room.

Suddenly Cole appeared out of nowhere and started firing energy balls at the demon. After what seemed like an eternity, the demon staggered backwards and shimmered out. Cole turned quickly and dropped down next to Paige's crumpled form.

She could vaguely hear someone screaming Leo's name and then realised with a start that it was her own voice. She watched Cole perform CPR on Paige but to no avail. Leo finally orbed in and ran to heal the youngest Charmed One but she already knew it was too late.

White hot anger and grief erupted inside of her and she dropped to her knees screaming Paige's name.

She could hear Paige's ghostly voice echoing round the room.

"Save me!"

"Save me…!"

"Save me…"

Piper woke with a start, the bed sheets sticking to her sweat drenched body. She was panting slightly. It was that dream again. Damn it. She already felt guilty enough without the dreams haunting her. And Paige's voice... She was almost certain she could still hear the faint echo but knew it was just exhaustion playing tricks on her mind. She hadn't had a good night's sleep since the night it had happened. The night her baby sister had died.

She glanced over at the clock, it's digital numbers telling her that it was only 3.30am. As she sat up her husband grunted in his sleep and rolled over. It was unusual for him to be home. He was always off on whitelighter business these days. They'd hardly spent anytime together since Paige had died. She couldn't understand why or how he could sleep so well.

Standing up, she slipped her feet into her slippers and made her way up to the attic. As she reached the door she heard a voice and stopped to listen.

"….blood to blood, return to me…"

It was Phoebe. She was obviously trying the 'To Call A Lost Witch' spell again. Not that it would work. After all, it hadn't worked the last twenty times they'd tried.

Piper stepped into the room in time to see Phoebe dabbing her bleeding finger with a cloth. "Pheebs?"

Phoebe looked up, "Couldn't sleep either?" Piper shook her head and crossed the room to sit on the sofa.

"I had that dream again. It's like she's haunting me. As if she blames me for her death. Maybe she's right. Maybe it was my fault."

Phoebe sighed impatiently, "It wasn't your fault." She walked over to the Book Of Shadows and ran her hand over the cover. The triquetra on the front was broken. Divided. It had been that way since Paige's death. All the Power of Three spells had vanished making Paige's absence even more evident than it already was.

Piper watched as Phoebe idly flipped through a couple of pages before slamming it closed angrily. "I've looked through this damn thing a thousand times! I can't find anything! I don't even remember what that thing looked like! What sort of a sister does that make me?? All I remember is going to kick the demon and getting thrown back. The next thing I know I'm waking up to see you crying and Paige de…"

She stopped suddenly, her voice breaking. Piper nodded, "I know…"

"You got a better look at it than me. Did you see what it looked like?"

Piper stared at the floor. It had grown dusty since she and Phoebe had stopped bothering with housework. They were more focused on catching Paige's killer. Realising that Phoebe was still waiting for an answer she raised her eyes to meet Phoebe's tear filled ones.
