Author's Note: Okay, the idea for this came from the great reviews I got for my one-shot That Night, which was my take on what would have happened between Jack and Kate the night that they were in the jungle together had stupid Michael not interrupted things. Since y'all seemed to enjoy the "what if?" scenario so much, I thought it would be fun to write a series of them – my personal takes on several Jate scenes and how they played out in my warped little mind.

I've decided to put them all into one fanfic, much in the same fashion as Random by Stun04, which is one of my very favorite Lost fanfics (and which I totally recommended to anyone who hasn't read it – absolutely the best Jate Jex on this site – much better than mine!). The different chapters are totally unrelated – I'm just planning on putting them all together so they will be easily accessible and all in one place (oh, and I will probably re-post That Night as a chapter in here, just because it is part of my series and goes well with some of the other stories I have planned).

I am totally open to suggestions and requests, so please let me know if you have a particular scene in mind that you'd like me to write. As of now, most of what I have in mind are, again, rewrites of several Jate scenes from the show, although I do have some AU "what-if?" scenarios planned for later.

I'm rating this M because most of my rewrites will inevitably involve Jack and Kate getting it on. And, unfortunately, I own nothing except my own words – which, unfortunately, aren't worth all that much.

On with the show….



What if…Jack and Kate's time in one of Rousseau's nets led to...uh…something more?

The jungle heat was stifling. Kate paused to take a sip out of her water bottle, annoyed that Jack, despite having asked her to come along as he went off in search of Michael, was still giving her the silent treatment.

"I'm flattered," Kate said to Jack's back as she replaced the bottle in her pack.

Jack finally stopped and turned to look at her. "Yeah, why is that?" he asked, taking a swig of his own water.

"Because you chose me to go with you instead of Sawyer," Kate replied, relieved that he was talking to her again.

Jack chuckled as he took another drink. "Well, I asked Sayid first but he turned me down. And I only asked you because they don't want you. They grabbed you - had you at gunpoint. They could have kept you, but they didn't." He paused, shrugged his shoulders. "Then again, they didn't really want me, either."

Kate laughed along with him, finally able to see the humor in the situation. "Damaged goods, both of us," she agreed as they hoisted their packs on their shoulders once again and set off at a brisk pace.

They hadn't walked far when Kate noticed something light-colored amid the browns and greens of the jungle floor.

"What's that?" she wondered out loud as she moved toward the object lying on the ground a few feet away.

Several yards ahead, Jack had stopped walking. He turned to see Kate bending over, reaching for something on the ground. "Kate?" he asked, moving towards her.

Kate looked up at Jack. "It's a doll," she said, reaching for it. Jack began to run.

"Wait, wait, no. No, don't!" he yelled forcefully, but it was too late. He reached her just as the trap sprung, hoisting them up into the air in a large net.

Jack and Kate were silent for several moments, struggling to catch the breaths that had been taken at the suddenness of being strung up in the air. Finally, Jack, his breathing under control again, broke the silence.

"You okay?" he asked Kate.

"Yeah," she replied, taking a deep breath and attempting to reposition her body, which was pressed tight against Jack's.

"Oh good, so you can hear me?" Jack said sarcastically, giving Kate one of his obnoxious "told-you-so" smirks.

"Oh, shut up," Kate said with no real venom in her voice. She began to giggle at their current situation.

"Well, I'm glad you find this funny," Jack snapped.

"No, it's just…" Kate's giggling was uncontrollable now. Finally, Jack gave in and smiled at her helpless laughter.

"Will you ever just listen to me?" he asked, shifting his body so he wasn't pressing so much weight against Kate.

"Probably not," Kate replied, attempting to stifle her giggles.

Jack rolled his eyes at her stubbornness. He knew she'd never admit that this was her fault. "This looks like one of Rousseau's traps," he said, changing the subject and examining their surroundings. "She might be nearby. Then again, she could be all the way across the island. We need to try and get out of here on our own." He began wiggling around, trying to maneuver his right arm behind him.

"What are you doing?" Kate asked him, grunting as his efforts caused him to sink an elbow into her chest.

"Sorry," Jack said, still trying to get his arm around. "I'm trying to get the gun. It's in my back waistband and I can't get my arm around far enough."

"Here, let me," Kate said, wiggling closer to him in an attempt to get her arm around him.

Jack closed his eyes and tilted his chin upward. Oh, god. Here was Kate, the woman who haunted his dreams, the woman he had mentally undressed hundreds of times, the woman he was desperately in love with, rubbing her hot, tight body against him. Think of something else, anything else, he ordered himself. Baseball, baseball, baseball...Kate playing baseball in tight little pants, bending over to scoop up a grounder…oh shit. Barely suppressing a groan as Kate's arm shifted across his crotch, Jack was shocked and embarrassed to feel himself growing hard as her body continued to rub against his as she struggled for the gun.

Maybe she won't notice, Jack thought as he struggled to suppress the sensations that were growing steadily stronger in his nether regions.

Suddenly, Kate stopped moving. She looked up at Jack, whose face had gone bright red with embarrassment.

Kate smiled up at him, then shifted her body closer to his. "Sorry, Jack, but this particular situation just demands that I use this line. Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you happy to see me?" Her eyes twinkled.

Jack rolled his eyes, attempting to regain some shred of dignity. "Okay, Kate, what the fuck do you want me to say? I'm sorry if you think I'm horrible or disgusting or whatever. I'm sorry I can't control myself better when a beautiful woman rubs her gorgeous body up against me…" Kate stopped him by placing two fingers over his lips.

"You think I'm beautiful?" she whispered.

Jack looked at her in amazement. Then he smiled. "Uh, I think the evidence would suggest that I find you mildly attractive," he admitted, some of his embarrassment fading. He slid his arms around he back, entangling his fingers in her brown curls. "Kate, I think you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," he said, staring deep into her green eyes. As he bent his head towards hers, his lips moist and slightly parted, they were suddenly taken by a falling sensation that lasted only a few seconds before they landed on the ground with a thump.

From their sprawled positions on the jungle floor, Jack and Kate looked up to see Rousseau standing above them, the knife she'd used to cut the rope holding the net clenched firmly in her hand.

After an embarrassed silence, Rousseau's face broke into a seldom-seen smile. "Don't let me interrupt anything," she said slyly before disappearing back into the jungle.

Jack and Kate watched her go, stunned expressions on their faces.

"Did she just smile?" Kate asked, mystified.

"I think she did," Jack replied, unable to contain his laughter. Kate joined in.

"So," she said once they had calmed down a bit. "Weren't we in the middle of something?"

"Uh, yeah, I think we were," Jack said, placing his arm around Kate's back and lowering her to a horizontal position on the jungle floor. He stared down at her, one hand brushing her curls off her face in a tender motion. "I think I was telling you how beautiful you are and how much I want to…"

Kate cut him off by placing her hands on his face and bringing his mouth towards hers. "I think you talk too much," she murmured teasingly against his mouth before crushing her lips against his in a kiss that expressed weeks and weeks of pent-up desire and attraction.

Jack responded immediately. He knew he'd never forget the softness of her lips, the feel of her tongue as she ran it lightly across his lips, lightly nipping at his bottom one with her teeth. He opened his mouth into hers and used his own tongue to taste her in the way that he'd only imagined in his dreams.

Their tongues dueled against one another as the kiss deepened, pausing every few minutes to breathe before delving into one another once again. Momentarily sated by the taste and feel of Kate's lips against his, Jack began to use his hands to explore her body.

Kate shivered as she felt Jack's warm, calloused hands caressing her waist. Then they began to inch upward, sliding her tank top with them. He lifted her slightly to tug the garment over her shoulders and head, then paused to take in the sight of her taut breasts straining against the skimpy black lace of her bra.

"See something you like?" Kate teased softly, running her hand across Jack's chest.

"Kate, you're perfect," he breathed, lowering his lips to the skin that spilled over the tops of her bra cups. "You have the most perfect breasts I've ever seen…." Kate groaned and closed her eyes, reveling in the sensation of his hot mouth against her skin. He fumbled with the clasp that held the bra together for several moments before finally snapping it open. He lifted her breasts from the cups, kissing each one reverently before using his lips, teeth, and tongue to stimulate her already-hard nipples.

Kate's moans grew louder as Jack continued to suck and nibble at her breasts. She ran her hands up and down Jack's sculpted back, pulling him closer to her. Finally moving his lips away from her breasts, he lifted himself off of her and rolled to the side. Kate opened her eyes, her disappointment evident.

Jack caught the look. "Just a pause, baby," he said, leaning down to kiss her as he pulled his shirt over his head. "I just wanted to be able to feel you against me." Kate smiled up at him, then reached down to unbutton her jeans. Wiggling them off of her hips and down her legs, she motioned for him to do the same.

Jack gently pushed Kate back to the ground. Reaching down, he ran his hand up her smooth thigh, feeling the heat radiating from her center. He bent to kiss her again as his fingers began to explore the wetness pooled between her legs.

Kate groaned and opened herself wider to his explorations. He latched onto her neck with his lips as he shoved one, then two, fingers inside of her in a fluid motion. Satisfied that she was ready for him, he removed his fingers and positioned his cock, now hard to the point of aching, over her.

"Is this what you want, Kate?" he asked, his breath hot on her neck. "Tell me what you want."

"Oh, god, yes, Jack," Kate cried out, lifting her hips towards him, desperate to have him fill her. "I want you inside of me, I want you….I want you to make love to me, Jack."

Jack pushed himself inside of her slowly, wanting to savor and remember every second of it. "Oh, Christ, Kate, you feel so good, so right….this feels so right," he moaned as he pushed harder, filling her completely.

They lay still for a moment, simply enjoying the feel of completion. Jack lowered his lips to Kate's in a kiss more tender and pure than any he'd ever experienced. Overcome with emotion, he slowly began to move his hips against hers, wanting to feel every inch of her.

Kate's body responded enthusiastically. She wrapped her arms around him, using her hands on his firm buttocks to pull him deeper inside of her.

"Faster, harder, Jack, please," she breathed, lifting her hips to him. The fire had begun in the lower part of her belly and she knew that she was close to the edge. She groaned as she felt him pound deeper and harder. "Yes, like that, Jack, yes, please, more!" she screamed as he grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to him.

Within minutes Kate felt her body explode into a powerfully intense orgasm that she felt from the tips of her toes to the top of her head. Jack groaned as her inner muscles clenched around him, mentally willing himself not to come, to let her enjoy the moment alone. This orgasm was his gift to her; the next they would share between them.

Kate finally came down from her high and opened her eyes to find Jack's deep brown ones staring back at her. "Wow," she said softly, smiling at how silly that must have sounded.

Jack chuckled and pulled her close to him. He kissed her passionately as he began to move inside of her once again in a slow and steady rhythm. Kate, still excruciatingly sensitive from her previous orgasm, responded immediately, wrapping her legs around his waist to pull him deeper into the hot, wet center of her.

After what seemed like hours of the slow, calculated thrusts that were driving Kate simply insane by continuously taking her to the edge and then pulling her back again, Jack began to quicken his pace. He pulled her left leg from around his waist and shoved it straight up into the air, attempting to enter her even more fully.

Jack's movements gained speed and strength as he felt himself approaching the brink of orgasm. "Kate, I can't hold on much longer," he gasped, his hips pumping at a rapid pace. "Please, please come with me, Kate. I need it, need to feel you coming, need to know that you're coming for me…." His breath was coming in short spurts now as he sped along the edge of the abyss.

His intensity aroused Kate. She closed her eyes and let the sensations take over her body once again. She closed tightly around Jack's cock, sheathed firmly inside of her, and felt him shudder as her hot juices flowed over and around him. He came with a shout, filling her with his own hot release. He collapsed on top of her, his breath sobbing, his body covered in a thin coat of sweat. Kate hugged him close to her, unwilling to let him break the fragile connection that still held them together. Jack was fine with that; he felt as though he could stay buried inside of her forever.

Fifteen minutes passed, then twenty, then thirty. Jack finally had to pull out of her, groaning as he maneuvered himself out of the warm wetness between her legs. He flopped down on his back and pulled Kate to him, wrapping his arms around her to shield her from the breeze that had come from the depths of the jungle.

"I've wanted this for a long time now, Kate," Jack said as her toyed idly with a strand of her hair. "There've been so many times…" he trailed off as she turned to face him.

"Well, you have it now," she told him, kissing him lightly on the lips. "You have me. I want to be yours, Jack. I want us to be together. I've wanted to tell you for a long time, but things always just…seem to get in the way. I…I love you, Jack. I've loved you since the first moment I saw you."

Jack's breath quickened at hearing the words for which he had waited so long. "I love you, too, Kate," he said, caressing her cheek with his fingers. "I've loved you for so long I can't remember what it feels like not to love you. I know I've been a complete jerk at times…but it's been so hard to be with you and not be able to tell you how I feel about you."

Kate smiled at his assessment of his behavior. "I've been a jerk, too, Jack. I'm sure I will be again. I'm sure we'll fight and scream and probably throw things as well. I'm sure I'll call you all kinds of names and tell you I hate you…so I'll just go ahead and tell you now that I promise I'll never really mean it when I say things like that. I could never hate you. I've tried, thinking it would be easier than loving you, but it was impossible."

Jack laughed at her. "Oh, Kate, I think we're in for some rough times. Being in love with you is never going to be boring, I can already tell that!" He kissed her again, pulling her on top of him. Kate let out a small squeal as she felt his hardness probing at her. She shifted, taking him into her in one sudden movement, then sighed as she felt the familiar tingle in all her secret places.

"My, Dr. Shephard, you certainly have some stamina," she giggled, moving up and down on top of him.

"When it comes to you, I guess I do," he replied lazily, pulling her mouth down towards his, making further conversation impossible.


Jack and Kate made love several more times that afternoon and into the night. They were pleasantly exhausted the next morning as they pulled their packs onto their backs for the trip back to their camp, Michael and the Others temporarily forgotten in the afterglow of the night they'd spent together. Just as they were about to leave the clearing, Jack saw Kate looking up at Rousseau's net.

"Whatcha thinking about?" he asked, moving up behind her and sliding his arms around her small waist.

Kate turned her neck to look up and him and smiled slyly. "Since there's obviously no sex-toy store on this island and we can't exactly order off the internet…I was just wondering…how do you think this net would look strung from the roof of your cave?"


Review, review, review and let me know what "what-if?" scenario you'd like next!