Well hello there ;) This is a sequel to "The Story Of Our Lives". (So if anyone who is reading this, haven't read that, do it before you read this) Well, I know it's been some time, since I finished the other, but I've had a few other projects, which are on this board now too. But I still had some love for my biggest succes, and people still told me how much they'd enjoyed it, and that I should write a sequel, so that's why I thought; "It cant be that hard. You already know the characters" and decided to write this. And I'm gonna try now. I just have to say; you have to promise me not to be too disappointed if this sorta doesn't get finished. But I'll really try. I hate stories which isn't finished, so I'll do practically anything. But there might be longer between the chapters then in the first, simply also because 9th grade is bugging me, well, not as much 9th grade as the homework, but I think you've got the point?

Anyway. This story picks up, sorta in the first one. Right after the airport, and then some chapters, and then after "Dear Diary". Kinda with a chapter, where there was sort of missing a chapter in the last story. If you don't understand, you'll see when we get there. But right now I'm kinda in a daze, I don't really know what I'm gonna write, but I'm gonna begin anyway. I know it's stupid to write something, when you don't know what you're gonna write (I heard it, lol) but I think it's gonna be good. Anyway, look at all the stuff I've written, sorry, I tend to ramble. I'll just let you guys do what you came in for; read my brilliant story, lol. And one last thing; this story isn't so full of surprises and stuff, that the characters will have to get through. This story will mainly be about all of them, settling down, even though I have a few things for some of them, and I'll really try and make this at least half as exciting as the first one. But, this one will be more calm, so don't get dissapointed. Okay? Deal? Good :D

Disclaimer; I don't own Friends, but I think we can all agree that I do own a lot of the characters in this story!

We've Had Our Story…

- But What Happened Then?

Chapter 1.

New Stories

The ride home in the car was full of joy.

Screaming. Yelling. Giggling. Laughing. Tickling, even… you name it.

Gracie was sitting at the front seat next to Shelly who was driving.

Behind them were Jack, Emma and Ben.

"Aren't you happy, Grace?" Shelly yelled, through the noise the other three were making.

Apparently, Jack and Ben found it so funny to tickle Emma that they just couldn't wait till they got home and out of the car.

"Yeah," Gracie said, looking at Shelly, "I'm pretty happy, Shell… But so much can still go wrong you know?"

"No, it cant!" Shelly said, "Stay positive. They're together now!"

"Yes, but you don't know my mom." Gracie said, "She changes her mind about everything at least a hundred times."

"But isn't this that kind of thing you cant change your mind about?" Shelly asked, "I mean… your plane just left, right?"

Gracie turned her head to look at Shelly, who at some point, always managed to leave her wonder.


"Monica, will you stop it!?" Phoebe yelled.

"I'm sorry!" Monica said, "I just cant believe this. Ross finally got his Rachel back."

She sung again.

"Stop it, Monica." Phoebe yelled, again, but it was useless. Monica was unstoppable.

"At least she's happy about it." Mike pointed out, "I mean, not all would have been."

"Who wouldn't?" Phoebe asked, "I mean; the Lobsters have reunited. In fact; I think we all ought to sing!"

And then she begun too.

Mike turned his head to look at Chandler, who was driving; "Is there any chance that you could drive in here and let me off?"


He kissed her again.

"I'm sorry," Ross said, "I just cant help it."

Rachel giggled. Even though she was older, she could still giggle a real true Rachel giggle.

"That is no problem." she said.

"I cant believe you actually stayed." Ross said, looking at her, "I mean – you're here…"

"And I'll be here forever now, babe." Rachel said.

"Wow!" Ross said, "Paris has really done you good."

Rachel slapped his arm and laid back against him in the car seat.

They'd taken a cab together – just the two of them.

They'd needed some time alone. That was for sure.

All the others had driven first, leaving them behind.

Rachel was sure Monica was going to have some sort of welcome back party arranged when they arrived in Westchester. But now… she just wanted some time with Ross.

"I hope Gracie will be happy here." Ross said, "I mean – I'm a little concerned, she said she wanted to stay, but in Paris… her school and all her friends-"

"Don't worry Ross." Rachel cut him off, "It's not a problem. She- she never really had any friends."


"She was alone a lot. Or with Emma or I. That's why they have such a bond. I mean, everyone has always found Gracie weird. A lot. And she… she was okay with it. She didn't really want to make them accept her. She's always been sick, and I think she was better off alone, than with people. She'd have to work to make them love her, but here… she's just loved. It's easier for her, you know?"

Ross looked at Rachel with a smile; "Okay. I just hope everything will work out for the best, you know?"

"It will, honey," Rachel assured him, "I know it will."

"I have an idea." Ross said, "It might be fast, but if we want to beat Ben and Shelly we should probably do it now."

"What's that?" Rachel asked.

"We should get a house." Ross said, "In Westchester. Next to Mon and Chan. I actually do think that there's a couple of houses for sale. I mean, there only has to be one room. For Gracie. And oh God, we have to get her into a school soon! I'll se what I can do already tomorrow. And you have to call your work and Gracie's school…" Ross was freaking out, "You also have to go to Paris to pack all your stuff, and oh…"

"Ross!" Rachel said, "Let's just take it one thing at a time. I would love to move in with you."


"Joey?" Alex said.

Joey turned his head to look at his wife. They were in a car with their kids.

"I know how you feel about this," she said, "But I do think we should move here."

"Are you moving?" Sandra exclaimed, "Yai! Did you hear that JJ?"

"Yeah, that'd be cool." JJ said, not bothering to look at her.

Nor his dad – they were still not talking because of JJ's career choice.

"We haven't decided anything yet, Sandy." Alex said, "I'm still trying to convince your dear father."

"Why wont you move, dad?" Sandra asked, turning around to look at him.

"Because our home is in L.A." Joey said.

"Yeah, and Rachel's home is in Paris, things change. She's moving here." Sandra argued.

Alex leaned back and shut up. If anyone could convince her husband – she knew it'd be their daughter. She had a dangerous ability of hers there.

"Yes, but I have work there. So do your mom." Joey said.

"Maybe." Sandra said, "But JJ and I'll live here. We've started collage. We live here. New York is our home, you know? We wont get to see you much if we have to catch a flight every time. We don't have that much money, dad."

"I know, and I can see the problem…"

"Plus;" Alex shot in, "Here you can see you friends all the time. You and Chandler can go to games, and I can chat with Monica and Phoebe and those guys."

Joey sighed, "All right, you win." he said, "But if I'm ending up not finding work, I'm blaming this on you!"


"Mike, can I ask you a question?" Sophie asked her brother, when they drove in their car.


"What's up with you and Sandy?"

"What?" Mike laughed, "What's up with me and Sandy? Nothing I guess."

"I mean… do you like her?" Sophie asked.

"Kinda, yeah. But it doesn't matter. She doesn't like me." Mike said.

"How do you know?"

"We've been spending so much time together." Mike explained, "But I don't see her showing any signs of emotions towards me. More than friendship that is."

"Well, maybe she's a good actress?" Sophie said, "She's probably just insecure, you know?"

"I don't know." Mike said, "But enough about me, what's the deal with you and that guy you met at the wedding?"

"Oh," Sophie got a smile on her face, "He asked me on a date. We're going out tomorrow. I actually think he's a guy I wont get tired off, and a guy that most important wont get tired of me, you know?"

"Oh, that's difficult to find." Mike said, "I hope this works out for you, sis. I chatted with him at the wedding. He seemed like a nice guy."

"If he was a friend of Shelly's, he has to be. She knows how to pick them." Sophie laughed.

"Yeah," Mike sighed, "She really does… and she picked us…"


"Don't you think everything is as it's supposed to now?" Monica asked Phoebe when they were quickly setting a coffee table.

"I do think so." Phoebe said, "Ross will be happy now."

"Yes, he really will." Monica said, "I've been mocking him about a woman for a long time. He's just been so damn stubborn."

"But now he has the woman he's meant to be with." Phoebe smiled, "Think about it."

Monica trailed off in her own world. Thinking that their lives were finally coming together. Now they've all found their place in the world.

Soon, she would be able to experience her kids and her nieces and nephews go through love, kids and career.

She couldn't wait.

Okay, hmm, I know, weird start, but I didn't know how else to do it. You know the characters already, and you pretty much just wants to know what happened then. And I'm gonna try and write it, I just needed a first chapter, with a bit of feelings and stuff. Leave me a review and tell if you still thinks this sequel is a good idea. Thanks, Stessa :)