A Death Note Christmas Carol

Chapter 1: "Bah, Humbug!"

Matsuda yawned. It was 8:49 on Christmas eve. Matsuda had been dozing off for the past half-hour.

"Hey Boss," He said gingerly, "Ya' think that since tomorrow's Christmas an' all… you could… ya' know…" he looked up at Light Yagami, who glanced at him briefly to confirm that he could hear him, "Give me the day off?"

"Sure, Matsuda," Light replied without looking at him, "And Maybe Kira can sing Christmas Carols. You think Kira takes the day off, Matsuda?"

Matsuda sighed.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm sorry, I just… I don't know…"

"I didn't expect you to." Said Light, "Besides, I need those Takuma reports tomorrow."

"But you just gave me those yesterday!" Matsuda Protested.

"Haven't you been working on them?"

"Well, a little…" Matsuda looked at his feet, "I was Christmas shopping for my friends and family yesterday…"

"Well presents won't do them much good if they're dead, will they?"

Matsuda hung his head.

Just then, Mr. Yagami came in with a big grin on his face. "Light! Matsu!" He shouted jovially, "What are you still doing here? There's a party back at home! Misa's set up mistletoe and everything!"

"Could you wish mom and Sayu Merry Christmas for me?"

"What?" Mr. Yagami was flabbergasted, "Aren't you coming?"

"No. Kira's not going to catch himself."

"Well, I'll go!" Matsuda volunteered.

"You will?" asked Mr. Yagami, delighted that his invitation was not in vain.

"Hells Yeah!" Matsuda exclaimed, grabbing his coat and briefcase.

"Have a good time!" Light shouted after them, "Oh, and Matsuda?"


"Don't bother coming in to work tomorrow," said Light, and before Matsuda could thank him, he added: "Or any day after that!"

I do not own Death Note, or any of the characters in the manga, Anime, or live-action movie. Likewise, I am totally ripping off Charles Dickens, who created "A Christmas Carol".