Disclaimer: I don't own Psychonauts or a Dufflebag or the tag…
Once upon a time
There was a little Dufflebag
And this little blue Dufflebag was very sad
Because as we all know, it had lost its Tag
So it cried the entire night
Until there came a small goggled knight
And through he wasn't very tall
He brought with him, you guess it all
A shiny, happy blue Dufflebag Tag
And so the Dufflebag wasn't sad
Instead now it could smile
And together they flew away and after a while
They build a small blue tent
And lived happily together until the end
Authors note: I just had to write this, because I like the mental baggage and I just feel so sorry for them, when they are crying. I like happy bags, especially the Dufflebag…Yeah I know weird…well the poem isn't the best but I hope you all liked it! Again no flames and be aware that English is not my native language.