The AU

by fuzzy-ninja

(original concept by Irrel)

Disclaimer: I'll only saw it once: Avatar? Not mine. Not in a million years.

A/N: It's AU. What more is there to be said?


Chapter 1: Dog Training

"It's not funny Azula, cut it out!" A nine year old Zuko screamed out for his sister, while her birthday present chased him up and down the block.
"What's going on?" Katara asked Azula, who was laughing at the whole situation.
"Katara, meet Snooky-Ookums. He's my new dog. Daddy got him for me."
"...Why is he chasing after your brother?"
Azula stifled a giggle. "I trained him to!" And then she was off in hysterics again.


A/N: Based on a true story.