A/N: Disclaimer: Refer back to Chapter 1.
Chapter 3: Kitty Heaven
Ten long years had passed.
Cielo and Sera, now starting their careers, having finished their collegiate studies, once more found themselves by the same shrine where they had met all those years ago…
It was there that they had met Erwin…It was there that they had met one another.
Sera sobbed a bit, biting her bent finger in her lip as she prayed to the small shrine…A hand found her shoulder and touched her softly, consoling her.
Yes…consoling her…
Ten long years…
Granted it was a long time, but to the two of them, it wasn't nearly enough.
Erwin had passed from their world. Oh how she wished that he didn't have to go…All of the times that she had spent with him weren't nearly enough…
Ten years had gone by so quickly that it was as if it were a mere passing daydream…nothing more. And all those years were the most meaningful for her. She had been so full of life…so filled with zest for life…
She didn't have regrets with Erwin…Not many, anyway…
She didn't regret a single moment that she had spent with her fluffy kitty. Perhaps the only thing that she had regretted was the fact that, sooner or later, they would have to come to this.
This inevitable farewell.
She regretted that he had only a fraction of a lifetime in comparison to her and Cielo…
And throughout those years that she had spent with her friends, she had watched him steadily as he had grown up…matured…and finally grown old…and passed on.
It had all…been too quickly for her…
Too quickly. From one angle, it didn't seem fair…But on the other hand, it was. Death wasn't something that she should look at with disdain. It was as natural as breathing air…And it wasn't forever…Not really.
It was a mere transition from this life and onto the next; the afterlife.
The most important thing was that Erwin had been happy whilst he was still with Cielo and her. She and Cielo had taken care of him the best they could…They had showered him with all the love that they could bestow upon him…
And he had been a good companion; a friend. He may not have been human, but there was always that deep bond between the three of them.
It may sound horribly ludicrous to other people, but to Cielo and Sera, it meant the world. It made perfect sense. It transcended the barriers of species. Erwin may not have been able to speak, and he may have had fur and walked on all fours, but he felt sensations and emotions just as a human being would…
He had been able to feel affection…sadness…loneliness…fear…loyalty. He had had dreams as well…
And if that wasn't human, she didn't know what was.
'Thank you Erwin…' Sera whispered to herself.
She was thankful to him. If it weren't for Erwin, she wouldn't have met Cielo…If Erwin hadn't been under that bridge on that day, Cielo wouldn't have stopped over there and noticed him…
He wouldn't have met her…
She wouldn't be having that special someone…She would've still been alone…
If it weren't for him, she wouldn't have had spent memorable but fleeting years…Years of pure happiness.
She then chuckled a bit.
Ah! It wasn't goodbye! She'd meet Erwin again! She, after all, believed in Kitty Heaven!
Her mother may have been a recluse and was wary of people as the ever skeptic, but she was right about one thing though.
'Heaven…is what we make of it…' Sera thought to herself; mentally repeating what her mother had told her when she was little.
She was confident; now, more than ever. She and Cielo would meet Erwin once more…
Soon, their little funeral procession had come to an end and the two of them had begun to walk away…hand in hand.
She smiled and so did he.
She wasn't alone anymore…
He wasn't alone anymore…
Never again. And as for Erwin; they may not be able to see him or hear him, but he would always be there. There was more to this life than living and dying…
Even when the shell had died and had withered away into nothingness, their souls, their consciousness would always live on…
And as long as they were loved, they would never really die…
They would live on…
Yes. It's Schrödinger's first name. Erwin Schrödinger from Schrödinger's Cat. Quantum Mechanics. Look it up.