A/n: Right…the next chapter. All at once go YAY!!! My exams are over (my last one was on the 30th of November...just so you know) and this is what you've been waiting for, The Explanation.

Summary: Tala and Bryan finally explain everything to Rei and he finds out the truth about himself and discovers there is some sort of evil twisted plot involved in his future (A/n: I don't know what it is yet so bare with me…I'm making it up as I go).

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing/cries/ well i own the witty comments...

Pairings: R/K, T/B and Ty/M Yaoi…no like… that's not my fault…you opened this story up.

Marishka: I said not to flame me sis…and it was a surprise…you weren't meant to know…hehehe…you find out he's much more than a book keeper…oh no I've said too much…and you should understand…you had exams too!

EmoLollipop: why thank you…it isn't a bad story…I update as fast as I get inspired.

Sos/ …---… : I no mi mums stupid enough to get hit by a parked car…try to chose and insult that will work…ewwww Relena… I'm glad that you like it! Meh! My b-day was fun and relaxing, with a bit of revision.

Darksaphire: I'm glad that it pulls you right in. And yes I'm aware of my grammatical and spelling errors, but I usually can't be shit stuffed about correcting them. Everyone makes mistakes, especially when they are typing fast. But criticism is good.

Black-Dranzer-1119: Funny aye? You ain't seen nothing yet…wait until later chapters come into it…Tala will have you rolling in your seat in laughter.

TalaKaiReiLover: Thanks; I hope you enjoy this chapter

Rachael! …Aduh: that's cause I read it to you when you came over that time, dipstick!

BLUEGIRL2.0: I've written it so please don't send an angry mob after me…hey wait a minute…you don't know where I live…I have nothing to fear!! I'll live after all…mwahahahahaha!!!

Super-Hype-Queen: Yes in a perfect world they wouldn't exist…but to our shame this isn't a perfect world so they do exist.

Skyblue101: happy (late) birthday for the 2nd! I hope you had a good day and here is the next chapter.

Susi: thank you (my b-day was on 26th November…I forgot to put that…oh well) I did not get sick…at least I don't think so (checks health) nope I'm still 99.99999999 percent healthy. I'm on holiday now for the summer and have plenty of time to write more chapters.

Mae Rose: i'm glad that you like it!

What?!: how is it cute? you mean Tal and Bry? hehe i know it's december...i'm working on it right now...

Thanks everyone for the reviews! But If I don't reach thirty reviews with this chapter I'm gonna stop writing... and I make good with my threats… Anywho…enjoy!

Chapter two: The Explanation

Lunch was an interesting affair; well that's what Rei thought anyway. They had beef and potatoes…just beef and potatoes. Rei shakes his head, thinking about all the things Tala and Bryan had said about the place and time he was in now.

He couldn't quite believe that he was now 500 years in the past and in another "dimention", in the times of Kings and knights. He had been told that he was in the Kingdom of Harmonia. Harmonia was a land rich and plentiful, things grew in abundance and the people were happy.

Tala motions Rei to get comfortable. He settles into his chair and rests his head on his hands, looking from Bryan to Tala, wondering who's going to say what. Bryan speaks first.

"500 years ago, this Kingdom and the neighbouring Kingdom of Adiemus (A/N: Sarah don't laugh, I couldn't think of anything! (A/n in A/n: She's mi friend by the way and will know what I'm talking about)), were in a terrible war. The war was over a prophecy that was made 100 years earlier." He pauses and Tala continues.

"The prophecy stated that in 100 years an heir would be born to a bloodline that would unite two warring Kingdoms" Tala looks at Rei, his eyes were filled with an emotion that Rei couldn't describe.

"Now you have to understand, at that time this Kingdom had a King who had been in power for only 5 years and he had just married. Adiemus on the other hand had a King who had reigned for over 20 years and his wife had recently died, his two children had already grown up.

Adiemus's King believed the prophecy to be true and believed it to be a baby yet to be born to the new Queen. He hated the people of Harmonia who had defeated him in battle 5 years earlier, where our King had died, his son now rules this time period.

The King of Adiemus was disgusted at the very idea of unification between the two Kingdoms, and sort to kill the Queen, before she fall pregnant. But the information was leaked, and when the Army attacked, they were ready for them." Rei blinks, this place has a horrible past, but what does this have to do with him?

"You said I was the one? What do you mean?" Rei couldn't help but ask. Bryan looks over to him, putting his finger to his lips.

"I was just about to get to that…Shhh" Tala said, shifting in his chair.

"Where was I? Ah yes. The war ragged on for four years, until the Queen announced to here husband that she was pregnant. The king fearing for his wife and Childs lives summoned my great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather. You see he was a magician of sorts and possessed strong powers.

The King asked him to find away to keep the queen and child safe. My uhh…Grandfather times several greats, could only think of one way, to transfer the Queen and unborn baby into a hidden place, where it would be protected until the time was right for them to come back." Tala walks over to the book that Rei had started reading and picks it up, turning it over in his hands.

"But something went wrong, somehow the enemy learned of our plan and attacked the safe house where my grandfather was performing the transfer. He sent them into a book, called the Curse, and sent a book called the Enchantment after them.

As he was about to send the Enchantment through, he was shot and killed, the last of his strength was used up to transfer the book inside, but not to the same place as the Queen." Rei starts putting two and two together.

"You mean that I'm the Prince? The Heir to the throne of Harmonia?" he lets out a nervous laugh. Tala and Bryan look at each other then at Rei. Bryan stands up and walks into another room. Rei hears him moving things around, as if he's looking for something.

"It's true Rei. In the Curse, time passes slower than here, every four years that passes in the book, 100 years passed out here in the real world." Rei couldn't believe what he was hearing, he was a 500 year old prince that had come back to unify two Kingdoms? Impossible!

Bryan comes back in carrying two large portraits and a book. He lays them out on the wooden table. The first portrait he holds up is of a young man with long raven hair tied back with a golden crown on top of his head covered in rubies and emeralds. He had golden eyes, pointy, catlike ears and it showed fangs when he smiled. He looked like Rei in every way except that Rei wasn't as masculine as him.

"That was the King. King Shuro, he looks like you doesn't he." Tala states, taking the portrait off Bryan. Bryan holds up the second portrait. Rei gasps when he sees who it is. It was his mother, except younger looking. Memories flash through his mind.

"Mummy, what happened to Daddy?" a young Rei asks crawling on to his mothers lap, burying his face into her neck.

"Why do you ask Rei-Rei?" She says running her hands though his hair in a calming motion. Rei looks up at her with big beady golden eyes.

"All the kids at school talk about their Dads and I don't know anything about mine". She looks down at him with soft eyes that looked ready to leak out tears.

"Daddy died sweetie, just before you were born."

The memories fade and Rei eyes fill up with tears as he continues to stare at the portrait of his mother. She had died 5 years ago when he was 15 ' It's true' he thinks to himself, 'It's all true...Mother...'

Rei looks over to Tala and Bryan. They bow their heads to him with respect. Rei just can't believe it...he's a prince.

"You said you were a book-keeper...what does that mean?" He asks Tala as Bryan puts the portaits to the side. Tala gives Rei a half grin before pulling out two books; The Enchantment and The Curse. H eplaces them on the wooden table in front of Rei.

"The King ordered my family to keep the books safe from harm, just before he died. also he ordered our family to protect his son when he came back." Tala looks at Rei with his blue eyes.

"I kept tabs on you through this book" He grabs the Curse and holds it up. "It contains your whole life, up until the time when you arrived here." He hands it to Rei. He takes it and flips through it. He gasps when he reads about his life.

"Oh my...it's got my thoughts and everything..." He blushes when he reads about the relationships...lets just say, it's very detailed. Tala laughs at Reis expression.

"The Enchantment on the other hand" Bryan continues " shows what we hope will be your future here in this world. We can't say for certain though cause no one knows the future" he says gruffly. Tala leans over and pats Bryans knee.

"There there Bry-Bry...you just like knowing what comes next." He glares at Tala and he pouts, pulling his hand away. Bryan garbs his hand back and intwines their fingers. Tala smiles a bit then turns to Rei, who is looking in another direction. He opens his mouth to speak, when somebody knock harshly on the door.

The colour drains from Talas face slightly as he gets to his feet, dropping Bryans hand. Bryan pulls Rei to his feet and places him in the next room. Tala peeks out the window to see a figure dressed in black and a few armed guards behind them. He turns around to face Bryan.

"Shit" was the only thing he could say, before the door was blowen off it's hinges, letting the clocked man step inside...

Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo what an ending...sooooooooo yeah...review...PLEASE!!!! i wonder how long it'll take for the next chapter...not long i hope...angry fans dead author...TTFN! Kristen