A Princely Prank by Tansy1354

Summary: Prince Legolas of Mirkwood had been the target of the Rivendell twins' pranks once too often; it was time to get revenge. (Nessa, Eryniel, Amroth, Menuldur and Gildin are my own creations)

A/N this has been slightly re-edited by a couple of paragraphs to better fit the timeline and fix a small hole that has been niggling at me. 6th Jan.2012

Part 13. Fuzzy Minds and Furry Feet

During the time Arwen had returned to Elrohir's room, Elladan along with his father had hurried to Legolas' room to offer their aid.

After receiving no answer to their knocking, they quickly made their way into the empty bedroom and over to the bathing room door where the sound of whispered words could be heard.

"Estel, it is ada and Elladan, do you require some assistance?" The Lord of Imladris called in concern.

There was a short whispered conversation, before Estel replied "No, Ada, I believe it would be better to let just myself and Arwen see to Eryniel for now. Would you mind coming back sometime after the evening meal has finished? If Eryniel is not sufficiently recovered by then, I shall send word via Arwen."

Before the two occupants of the bedroom could reply however there was further whispering then, " Ada, Eryniel is most concerned about Elrohir and requests that you please go to him and make sure that he is well."

The Lord of Imladris and his son were taken a little by surprise at this but deciding they could not do anything here for the moment, agreed to do as bid.

"If you're sure Estel, then we will see you and hopefully Eryniel later this evening. I will make sure that Arwen returns as soon possible." Elrond replied before pushing Elladan towards the door to the hall and closing it behind them.

While everyone else around them carried out their appointed tasks, the two in the bathing room were also making a move. Estel was now standing and reaching down to the still prone elf.

"Eryniel, are you feeling well enough to return to your bed? Estel was worried by the pale forlorn look on his best friend's face.

Eryniel did not answer just nodded yes before she reached for Estel's offered hand and was gently pulled to her feet. But immediately the fuzziness returned to her brain and she leaned heavily against her beloved.

"Ai, will I ever be totally well again?" She whispered as she tried to fight back her tears and the new headache that was quickly forming.

Without thinking Estel pulled her into his strong arms to steady her, "Sh… Sh… fear not, dear Eryniel, this will pass and you will be your old self again soon, I promise." With that he opened the door and led her back to the bed.

As the maiden lay down once more there was a groan as her hands went to the sides of her head.

Noticing this the healer in Estel took over immediately and he soon had the pain relieving herbs prepared and placed in a small amount of water for his companion to take.

Once this was done he again pulled the curtains across the windows to dull the room and placed a cool damp cloth over the elf's eyes.

He sat there beside her bed and thankfully noted that the elf was once more asleep. He continued to sit there for what seemed like quite some time trying to work out how everything had gone so wrong with what was supposed to be a simple apology.

Finally his musing was interrupted by a quiet knock before Arwen poked her head around the door, "Is it alright if I come in Estel as I believe there are some urgent matters which we need to discuss in regard to our maiden?" At his nod towards the now cold fire she went to one of the chairs where he joined her once he was sure that his charge was still asleep.

Once he sat down he noticed a book and a letter sitting on the small table between them which he was sure was not there before, Arwen noticing this immediately spoke up, "These are from Elrohir, he asked me to pass them onto Eryniel with a message that he is at her service, be it to discuss the book or bring flowers to brighten her room or provide another book for her to read. I believe he was truly shocked by what happened and in particular at what was in the letter that Eryniel gave him."

While Estel was digesting that she continued quickly, "Estel, it is the letter that I wish to speak to you about. She feels that she is not worthy of you and that Elrohir agrees with her. Further she perceives rightly or wrongly that she has caused ill feelings between you and your brother and has offered to not leave her room till she is well and then she will return to Mirkwood. She has left it up to Elrohir to decide, since supposedly he was the one she wronged."

Estel was horrified and would have shouted had it not been for the sleeping elf, trying to calm himself he said, "But Elrohir would not entertain that idea and even if he did, Ada would not allow it. Especially if our brother now believes what we have tried to tell him and wants to make amends."

Arwen placed a calming hand on Estel's knee and said quietly, "Worry not as I really don't think it will come to that, trust Ada to find a way to remedy this situation."

Elrohir arrived back in his room down the hall after making a detour to the kitchens to speak to Nessa after having an epiphany on another way to make up for his behaviour towards Eryniel. In fact he had only just returned when there was a knock on his door bringing with it his twin and his father.

After he had bid them enter, he was somewhat surprised to learn who had sent them and why, since he had been expecting a dressing down from them both.

With a heavy heart and in a remorseful tone he addressed his father, "Ada, I see now I was wrong about Legolas and the maiden and that I have done them a great disservice, something which I fully intend to atone for. I have already begun by sending her a letter of apology and a gift along with an offer to be of service to her in any way I can."

Both Elrond and Elladan could not believe this sudden turnaround and it showed on their faces, although both were also glad that the younger twin finally understood the situation.

Elrohir taking their looks for disbelief continued quickly, "I assure you Ada, that I will do everything I can to regain Eyniel's trust. In fact I was wondering if I could take my evening meal here in my room so that I may start putting my plan into action. I promise however that it will in no way harm or upset our maiden, I only seek to show her the depth of my regret."

The Lord of Imladris could see that his son was truly sorry and perhaps they would finally be able to begin the process of bringing Legolas back, although he had to admit he too found the maiden intriguing.

"Very well, ion nin, it pleases me greatly that you have seen your error and you have my permission to miss the evening meal. Remember however that whatever you do may or may not be remembered by Legolas when he comes back to us.

I shall wish you good night and see you for breakfast in the morning as usual." With that he kissed his son's forehead and swept out of the room.

Having carried out the task that had brought him to his twin's room, Elladan turned to leave as well. But he was pulled back by Elrohir who took a deep breath, "Dearest brother, I also ask your forgiveness for I have treated you as badly as our ailing maiden. I was wrong to doubt you and your instincts. Can you ever forgive me, ion nin?"

Before Elladan could answer however there was a knock on the door, which was quickly answered by Elrohir crossing to it and opening it.

"Ah, the beautiful Nessa, were you successful in your mission for me this afternoon?" He smiled warmly as he saw the wicker basket in her hand and the blush on the maiden's face.

"Indeed I was Lord Elrohir, your friend Gildin was more than happy to oblige and even provided the basket to carry her and the necessary requirements to care for her. Do you wish to deliver her yourself?" The servant held the basket out in front of her.

"Yes I will deliver my apology gift to the Lady Eryniel myself, and I thank you sincerely for undertaking to collect it for me." Elrohir beamed at the servant as he took the basket from her.

With a quick nod of the head Nessa returned to her duties in the kitchen and the younger twin turned to face his obviously curious brother. He immediately walked over to Elladan and opened the top of the basket so they could both see the contents. Inside was a small amber coloured kitten with long hair and hazel eyes peering up at them.

Again before his brother could open his mouth, Elrohir grinned at the look of confusion betrayed on Elladan's face, "What do you think brother, do you think that Eryniel will accept my furry apology?"