A Princely Prank by Tansy1354

Summary : Prince Legolas of Mirkwood had been the target of the Rivendell twins pranks once too often, it was time to get revenge. But how will they handle the unexpected consequences of their actions. Totally AU but not Slash.

Part 1. Blue Becomes You

Legolas Greenleaf had been enjoying a cool dip in one of the many springs that Rivendell was known for, after practicing archery all morning. Although he was still wearing his leggings the rest of his clothes were folded neatly on the bank.

As he broke the surface again without warning he felt a sting as though he had been bitten by an insect. Deciding it was time to get out anyway he reached out to the root of a large tree. Beginning to pull himself out he suddenly became weak and giddy, struggling to keep his grip he swung wildly. Before he could stop himself, he twisted around and the back of his head hit a small rock jutting out of the bank, and the Prince of Mirkwood knew no more.

When he awoke feeling somewhat dazed some time later, he noticed he was no longer wearing his own clothes but was clothed in a pale blue dress with an indigo blue bodice. His hair had been plaited in two plaits which he couldn't seem to untie. He also noticed there was a garland of flowers on his head.

Once his mind had cleared considerably he had only one thing on it, to avenge himself on the Rivendell twins as it could not have been any others who had come up with this scheme.

His mind worked furiously until he had come up with a plan of his own. Deciding that the twins were bound to be nearby watching the result of their handiwork, it was time to put on a show for them.

He slowly and lovingly ran his hands over the dress and let out a loud sigh of contentment. "Ah it is just what I dreamed of; someone must care a great deal about me to make sure that this dress was in my favourite colour and style."

Demurely he sat down on the ground and drew his knees up to his chin before embracing them with his arms. Then he looked out over the spring, seeming to contemplate the matter before continuing to voice his thoughts aloud. "I wonder who would send me such a gift. The only one who would know that information is Estel, but he has never given any indication that our relationship was more than that of friends. And what of the Lady Arwen who he has been starting to court of late, I would not wish to come between them. Perhaps I should seek out Lord Elrond and get his advice on the matter. Or perhaps I should just leave now."

With that the Prince of Mirkwood stood up quickly and in a very out of character move hurled a stone into the pool. "But wait, am I not just as beautiful as Lady Arwen and I am a Prince as well. I would be an excellent catch for Estel, as he seems to have realised. No, she shall not have him without a fight."

He hitched up his skirts and stalked back towards the Last Homely House, leaving Lord Elrond's sons aghast. They had found the bump where Legolas had hit his head when they had plaited his hair, so decided they had better hang around to make sure Legolas did not suffer from concussion, but they didn't expect it to change his personality like it did. To top it off the Prince was going to come between their beloved Arwen and Estel.

They were left to ponder how to stop Legolas without giving away their part in his behaviour. Too late they also realised that as part of their prank they had taken all of Legolas' clothes and belongings from his room and hidden them in a closet in an empty room down the hall from the Prince's room, before filling up his room with more dresses.

Meanwhile Legolas had gone looking for Estel and Arwen knowing that they had arranged to walk in the gardens together this afternoon. The Prince received strange looks from the few elves that he passed by, but he tried to keep his mind on the task at hand. Finally he found them and steeled himself for what he had to do.

"Estel, thank you, thank you for this wonderful gift, how did you know my size, for as you can see it fits perfectly? I know it had to have come from you, as you are the only one I told my secret to." He emphasized the part about the secret as he called enthusiastically; hoping Estel would recognize their code for something going on, play along and will explain later. Finally he came running up to Estel and threw his arms around the dumbstruck Ranger in a hug before kissing him over-enthusiastically on both cheeks.

"I suppose I had hoped but I never imagined that you could feel this way about me. I knew you couldn't really be in love with Lady Arwen as we have shared so much together. I know what this dress signifies and of course, I'll be yours. I don't care what my father thinks and as for your father well, I am sure once he calms down he will be all for our union. It would be good for both Rivendell and Mirkwood, don't you agree?"

Estel stood there gaping at his best friend, his mind was on overload, before the healer side of him kicked in. "Legolas are you feeling alright, perhaps you should sit down out of the sun, or better yet perhaps you should return to your room and lay down for a while." He had managed to free himself from the Prince's embrace and was now patting the blond elf's hand with one hand while feeling the prince's forehead with the other.

Arwen looked from Legolas who was all bright eyed and obviously not himself to her beloved Estel who was pleading for her understanding with his wide eyes. "Is this some kind of cruel joke Estel, or is Legolas actually ill?" She asked in a voice that was laced with both suspicion and concern.

Her beloved turned to Arwen in desperation, "Please believe me I know nothing of how Legolas got the dress. Although I am afraid he is right about the secret, I swear I didn't send it. I think we need to take him to Ada. (Father)"

Just then Elrohir came hurrying up the path in a slight state of shock, having heard the conversation. "No need Estel, Elladan has already gone to get him." As soon as he arrived next to the blond archer, Legolas threw himself into his arms crying in distress.

"Oh Elrohir, what am I to do? Your brother denies his feelings for me and even implies that there must be something wrong with me. How could he make me the happiest elf in Arda one minute and then accuse me of delusions in the other. It is just too much to bare." With that Legolas slumped against Elrohir supposedly in a dead faint.

Picking the Prince up in his arms, Elrohir addressed the rest of his family. "I suggest we continue this discussion somewhere not so public. We will go to father's study we should meet him on the way then."

Just then Legolas raised his head slightly and in a weak voice said, "Please Elrohir, I wish to suffer this pain alone in the comfort of my own bed in my own room." He was not surprised at the barely suppressed shudder that went through the dark haired elf carrying him, thus confirming his suspicion that they had carried their joke further.

From behind them, Estel also noticed the shudder and decided to play along. "While I deny my part in sending that dress to you, Legolas, I must admit it looks wonderful on you." He smiled inwardly as he noticed his brother's reaction.

"As for you, dear brother, I insist Legolas be taken directly to his room so he can lie down, even if I have to do it myself." As if to prove his resolve he had hurried to Elrohir and stopped him before he began to move off, making to take Legolas from his brother's arms by force.

Indeed Legolas had turned in the twin's arms and was reaching out for Estel to take him. "Oh, Estel, you do love me after all!" The Prince of Mirkwood sighed happily as Estel took him in his arms and stalked off towards the sleeping quarters of the Last Homely House, cursing the blond archer that was now lying back in his arms with his eyes closed. His siblings were left to follow in his wake.