
Hi people. This is Sasukez-SmexySlayer here this is my first fic so I want all comments. Yessssss this is a fic based on catwoman the movie so nahhhhh! Sticks toung out ok I really don't like these intro things so lets get to the story!


'Inner thoughts'



Sakura's pov

The blood moon shone over the crystal lake, Shining like glass. It lay undisturbed until the ripple of something drifting through it, ruined its glass like image.

'It all started on the day that I died…because the day I died is the day I truly started to live, but well get to that later.'

"Mhhnnn"I groaned. "I don't wanna get up.." I sighed and sat up. I yawned and yanked off my bed sheets getting out of bed.

5 minutes later

I struck a pose in my mirror, my bubblegum pink hair standing out like a crow on a field of snow.

Yes I have bubblegum pink waist length hair, with emerald green eyes and an unusually larger than average forehead. Greeeaattttt. Just purrrffeeccttttt. I sarcastically thought.

"Well sakura this is as good as it gets." I sighed again

'Ugh if this is the good i'm afraid of the bad.' My inner sarcastically stated 'but seriously this... is pretty sad.'she concluded



" Whatever I'm gonna be late…" I looked at the time. 4:30am. I had to meet the rest of team 7 at 5:00am.

" See you in the afternoon Kilala" I hugged my two tailed feline and kissed her softly on the head and ran out the door. I ran at full speed to the bridge just outside konoha.(sp?) I began to see the bridge and slowed to a walk. There leaning on the bridge railing, first as usual was the ever so hot, cool and veryyy sexy uchiha.

normal pov

Sakura energetically raised her hand and waved to her crush since forever,Sasuke.

"Ohiyho(sp?)Sasuke-kun!she squealed

Sasuke's onyx eyes opend to look at the sorce of the disturbance. His black spiky hair swaying slightly because of the motion.

" Hn."he replied returning to hid previous position, closing his eyes again.

'he's sooo hot' inner sakura drooled.

Sakura sighed knowing that's all she would get out of him.She turned to the other side of the bridge and leaned over the side watching the river below flow.

'He's never going to notice me at all. I really wish he would at lest notice me.' Sakura sadly thought.

"SAKURA-CHAN!SASUKE-TEME!" A high annoying voice screeched. A overly hyper blond ran up to sakura and hugged her.

"Naruto get off!" sakura screeched back glaring.

"Dope" Sasuke "greeted" glaring at naruto.


well that's all for chappy 1. wahhh!im soo srry I can't spell and that I have to cut off here!

dramatically falls to groung fake crying

sasuke:oh suck it up have some dignity. Me:NOO!ILL SEND MY RABID FLYIN HAMPSTERS OF DOOM WITH THEIR CHAINSAWS IF U DON'T REVIEW!MUAHAHA…Sasuke:hideshelp...