Hey guys! Yume-chan here! My first fanfic is finally up!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or anything, so don't sue me. But if I did own Narutor… Sakura would get together with either Sai or Sasuke much faster than Kishimoto-sama is developing their love lives.

Anyway, read and review guys, my first fic, so I'm really looking to improve. Flames welcome with open arms

I know that this is a short chapter. I don't plan to keep them this short. This is simply a preview of what's in store for you all in future chapters!


The two pairs of onyx eyes met with one another across the room. You could nearly hear the explosion as the fire that blazed fiercely within their eyes with mounds of hatred, anger, jealousy, and passion met with one another. Years of unshowed emotions captured the moment, surrounding each of the three shinobi the room contained. And all because of their favorite, pink-haired kunoichi.

Yep, that's right, these two boys who shall remain unnamed (A/N: Sasuke and Sai) are fighting over a certain girl who shall also remain unnamed (A/N: Sakura) These two, normally calm boys were letting all of their emotions show. And guess what? You know that girl I mentioned? Yeah, well she was standing right between them. Previously, she knew nothing of their feelings for her. But right now, she was using her expertise in emotion reading to read these guys minds.

A Few Months Later

Her hands ran through his raven hair, his hands running up and down her slender yet muscular figure. Lips caught in a dangerous entangle, the two fight for control. Her back against the hospital wall. Him pressing her small figure as far into the concrete as it will go. Then he's pressed against the wall. Her arms pinning him to the wall, not allowing him to take control. But she melts when his hands brush her bare skin, exposed from the only five buttons he had managed to get undone so far on her tight, dress-like hospital uniform; he takes control again. His knee coaxes her uniform a little farther up her thigh. She moans his name, and they both die and go to heaven. (A/N: Not literally! They're still here; it's just an expression!) But whoa! I'm getting way ahead of myself now! We don't even know which raven-haired man is seducing Sakura yet! Maybe we should backtrack a bit, start our story from a more appropriate place…


Woohooo! Prologue/Preview up!

Hey guys, I'm in school, so who knows when my next update will be. Probably within

the next three days, I hope. Once I get things going, I plan to do a nice, long, chapter

once a week. Just a heads up.

Who should Sakura end up with?!?!?

I'm taking a poll on who Sakura will end up withI am a supporter of either couple, so I need you guys to vote on one guy or another, or this story will never end.Just don't tell me to put Sasuke and Sai togetherone of them must end up with Sakura. Email me or send me a message.

Thanks, guys! Read and review! Flames welcome!

Love Always, Yume-chan