Title: Normal
Verse: Musical
Rating: K plus
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Light Glinda/Elphaba
Suggested Listening: Without You- Rent
Note: In my head, Glinda did this by casting a spell on Elphaba, but I was not able to work that into the story.
"Glinda, maybe we shouln't have done this." I said uneasily, watching my reflection in the dark, watery glass.
"But, I thought this is what you wanted, Elphie." Glinda said, putting a warm, soft hand on my shoulder.
"Undue it. Glinda, please. Undue it." I pleaded.
I thought this was what I wanted, but... I was pale ivory, the creamy color of Nessa's skin. It looked... wrong on me. I wasn't normal and pretty. I was Elphaba. Ugly, strange Elphaba.
"Glinda, maybe we shouln't have done this." Elphaba said uneasily, watching her reflection in the dark, watery glass.
"But, I thought this is what you wanted, Elphie." I said, putting a hand on my friend's shoulder.
"Undue it. Glinda, please. Undue it." Elphaba was oddly quiet.
I didn't understand. All Elphaba had wanted was to be normal. And now she was. She was pretty, with ivory skin. Her black hair shone, and her deep brown eyes looked warm.
But then, I was glad. I wasn't sure I wanted to share my beautiful Elphaba with the world.