Hello all. I feel rather cheery because I have actual excuses this time for not updating for a bit. x
1) I went to the shore for 6 days

2) My computer crashed and it took forever to get it reformatted

Oh and by the way, this is a sort of...preview of the next chapter. I'm gathering ideas and I'm sure I'll have chapter 15 for you soon.

A ringing awoke Rosette from her deep sleep. At first she tried to ignore it but the shrill ringing of her nearby cell phone was persistent. Groaning, she rubbed her eyes and got up, to find herself in her bed. For a moment she forgot how she got there but quickly the realization of what had happened last night washed upon her. She reached over to her nightstand and flipped open the phone, annoyed to see from her alarm clock that it was roughly around seven in the morning.




"In case you haven't realized, dear sister, our concert is tomorrow!"

Rosette's heart skipped a beat and Dave heard her swear under her breath.

"I totally knew that." Dave sighed impatiently at her response.

"And I'm very glad that you were here with us to assist with preparations."

"Oh, Dave, I'm sorry...a lot has-"

"I know a lot has happened and I would do anything to help you sort everything out, but..."

Rosette felt immediate guilt.

"I know, I know, this is your dream, your big break. I promise I'll do my best not to ruin this anymore."

"Well, thanks for the understanding, Rosette, but can you start by getting your butt over here? The manager is giving me a headache and-"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" She hung up.

Rosette let the phone fall out of her grasp onto the floor and she fell back lazily onto her bed.

She thought of last night and blushed with silent happiness.

But boy, did she have a headache!

Chrno was in panick mode. No, worse.

Chrno...was in love.

Hope you stick around for the next chapter! (Even more drama to come!) :