I'd like to thank - and apologize to - Sirius Star Holder and everyone else I promised an update to, and was unable to deliver. Thanks to FFBecky on YouTube for asking for a Trailer for A World of Darkness. Thanks to ForgetfulLove for creating the trailer. It means so much to me!
This chapter is unbeta'd, and will be replaced with the beta'd version shortly.
Chapter Eleven
"Here," Professor Snape snarled with a face twisted with disgust. He shoved a small pile of letters in Hermione's direction, and she just barely managed to catch them before the older man was walking away. Watching him go, Hermione wished just once the man wouldn't be so angry about everything. With a shrug – like that was ever going to happen – Hermione turned her attention to the pile of letters in clutched in her hand.
Flipping through them, Hermione realized that all the letters were from her friends, and one was from…Professor Dumbledore? Wishing for privacy, Hermione turned and hurried to her room, pausing only to greet those she knew formally. Reaching her bedroom, she closed the door and leaned against it. With a sigh, Hermione moved to her bed and settled down on it.
Wiggling around to get more comfortable, she opened the first letter – the parchment was full of sloppy, smudged writing – a clear indication is was from Ron.
I hope you're doing well, wherever you are. Those bastards haven't tried anything, have they? If they have, me and Harry will come save you. We'll kick all their arses and make them wish they'd never met you. I bet Snape's being a real pain in the ass. He comes here and tells us what's been up with you, but he's never very nice about it. He doesn't say much either, except that you're still alive and breathing. What the hell kind of news is that? When Dumbledore asked him to deliver these letters to you for us, he looked like he was going to burn them the moment Dumbledore turned his back.
When you get back, Hermione…do you want to, ya know, hang out? We could go to Hogsmeade or something, and I swear I won't talk about Quidditch! Ah, it's time for dinner, so I've got to go.
I hope you're well, and please tell me if those vampires do anything to you, okay?
Much love,
Hermione smiled when she finished, and even as tears stung her eyes she gently smoothed out the parchment to get rid of the creases. The curly-haired witch could almost hear his stomach rumbling. Reading it one more time before setting it aside, she frowned a little as she read his invitation to "hang out" at Hogsmeade. I'm pretty sure I don't feel that way about him any longer, she thought. What do I say?
Unwilling to think about that now, Hermione carefully folded that letter up and set it aside. Reaching out, she picked up the next letter – this one covered with small, careful writing – Ginny's.
I don't know if you'll get this – Snape didn't seem too happy to be our delivery boy – but I wanted to write anyway. It's lonely without you here. While I love them both, Harry and Ron aren't exactly the type a girl can confide in, and I won't go to Mother or anybody else. Harry and Ron have been going crazy without real news from you – Snape's as stingy as ever in his replies to inquiries about you. I think he only bothers to respond because Dumbledore asked him to.
I'm doing well, and I really hope you are to. Are you safe? Nothing has happened, right? Everyone's worried about you, though Mother always says that if Snape says you're all right, it must be true. We'd love to hear back from you, so if you could just find a way to send word…
Mum's calling out – it's dinnertime. I have to go, but please write back!
I miss you!
With a fond smile for the red-haired girl, Hermione could imagine Ginny splayed out on her bed, her brow furrowed in concentration. I miss you too, Ginny. Hermione even missed her long discussions about Harry with the younger girl.With a sad smile – she was beginning to miss everybody, in fact – she laid that letter aside as well and picked up the next, this one undoubtedly Harry's.
I'm so worried about you! Nobody's heard anything about you for weeks. We're all wondering why you haven't been writing. Snape won't say much about you, and it's making me angry. I want to know how my best friend is doing! Still, there's not much I can do about it. I asked Dumbledore to do something, but he only lectured me on being patient and believing in adults.
What he means is believe in Snape, but that's not really likely to happen. But really, how are you doing? You can tell me anything, even if it's only the smallest thing. I'd really like to see you, but so far nobody's said anything about that. Though when I mentioned it, a few of the older Order members got odd looking.
Mrs. Weasley's been banging on my door for a while now, telling me its dinnertime. If I don't go, she's going to break down the door and force feed me. I think it's great how everyone has to attend dinner, unless you're ill.
Hoping your well (and write back!
Hermione couldn't hold back the tears any more. The familiar writing of her friends was making her feel so lonely, and she missed them with a fierceness she hadn't realized possible. She wanted to see Harry's shocking green eyes, and Ron's messy red hair…
But she couldn't. Not while she was stuck in this horrible place, with these…things. Realizing that she was getting depressed and angry – she'd never thought things like that before – she rolled over and sat up, scrubbing at her eyes vigorously to get rid of the tears that still lingered. I just need to get through this, and then I can see them all again.
Turning to gather up her letters, Hermione turned adjusted her position so she could lean across the bed to grab her letters. Hearing the sound of paper crinkling, Hermione glanced down at the hand that was propping her up. Beneath it was Dumbledore's letter, his bright personal seal sticking out against the cream parchment. Hesitantly, as if afraid of it, she reached out and picked it up.
Might as well get this over with, she told herself. I've got a bad feeling about all this…
Hurriedly opening the letter – get it over with, get it over with – she unfolded the paper and immediately began to read.
Miss Granger,
I hope this letter finds you well. I'm sure Severus will deliver this letter, and all your others, to you safely, but I'm afraid he didn't seem too thrilled with the prospect. Nevertheless, I'm sure you won't mind if he's a tad grumpy. That boy needs to cheer up. Eat a few lemon drops, read a few good books…
Anyway, I thought it best if I personally told you the news, since I'm afraid Severus would probably manage to twist things and make it seem like something truly unpleasant is about to happen. You see, your stay at Shadowland will be cut short, and you'll be turning to Hogwarts to begin your Mediwizardry training. Severus will be accompanying you, as will several other Shadowland dwellers. This is in part for your own protection – the Order cannot spare people to guard you, sadly – but also so that they may help you with the research you're doing for the vampires.
I ask that you not tell anybody in the Order of your research, especially not your friends. It could cause a few problems, and we cannot let anybody know the vampires are our allies; at least, not yet. Because you have been introduced to some very high profile vampires, we are going to ask that you become a liaison for us and King Alexion. It would be most helpful, my dear. I'll explain what that entails later.
You can respond when we meet again at Hogwarts. I hope they're treating you well – while they mean well, sometimes they forget that humans and vampires are different in some key aspects.
Albus Dumbledore
I'm…I'm returning to Hogwarts? Hermione felt all traces of depression and sadness disappear. I'll be able to see everybody again! Going through the letter carefully this time, Hermione noticed that Dumbledore didn't say when she'd be leaving Shadowland. Still, this small detail couldn't put an end to Hermione's happiness. Bouncing up from the bed, Hermione did a little dance, Dumbledore's letter still clutched in one hand.
"Good news from your boyfriend, perhaps?" A sardonic voice said. Spinning around, Hermione found Professor Snape and Cosimo standing in the doorway. Snape looked as grumpy and unkempt as ever; he was still wearing is black button-up outfit, and his eyes snapped with…something. Anger? Hermione wondered. A small movement pulled her attention from her dour professor and to the shorter man next to him.
Cosimo grinned warmly at her, his blue eyes glowing in her direction. His cloak was extravagant but oddly eye-catching: a deep blue giving way to a dark purple, with silver swirls around the edges of the cloak. Hermione couldn't help but smile back. I don't even really notice his scars any more, she thought.
"Not my boyfriend, no. I've just read the Headmaster's letter!" Hermione exclaimed, waving said letter around in the air, as if they couldn't see it from where they were standing. "It's the best news I've heard in a long time." With every word she spoke, Professor Snape's face seemed to darken with anger. Hermione felt her grin falter, and her arm dropped down to her side. She stood awkwardly next to her bed, nervously waiting for her former Professor to speak.
"How wonderful for you. May your good fortune last," He snarled, and with a swish of his cloak, spun around and exited the room. His footsteps could be heard for some time, and odd occurrence. That man could walk silently on anything, Hermione thought. I wonder what has him so upset?
"Ah, don't mind him. He feels guilty over what happened to you, and a family member is returning to Shadowland after a long absence. It's putting him on edge," Cosimo explained. He glided across the room and patted Hermione affectionately on the head. "Don't you worry your pretty little head over anything. So what's this news that has you in such a spin?" Sitting down on the edge of her bed, he looked up at her, a smile still lingering on his lips.
"Oh, well…it seems I'll be returning to Hogwarts at some point in the future." Hermione commented. Then, before Cosimo could speak, Hermione continued. "What's the Professor got to feel guilty over?"
"Most unfortunate," Cosimo said with a sad sigh. "He feels it is his fault that you got injured in your sojourn with the blues. Especially since it left a scar." He added. Hermione frowned and looked over her arms.
"Scar? I haven't got a scar."
Cosimo nodded. "But you do, love. Right underneath your left eye." Hermione raised a hand and touched the mentioned place, but could feel no raised skin. "Not to worry, it isn't a large one, and it's difficult to see unless you're close up." He reassured Hermione, who only shook her head.
"I don't care," she smiled. "I'm not one to fuss over my looks." Taking a seat on the bed next to the vampire, Hermione marveled at how comfortable she was around him. I really am fond of him, she thought. He makes me laugh, and he's so nice. Hermione didn't doubt he could be truly vicious if he so chose, but she hadn't seen that side of him.
"Um, Cosimo?" Hermione asked tentatively. Cosimo had tilted his head back and his eyes closed. He looked like he was resting upright, and he seemed very peaceful. He made a soft "hmm?" sound, and Hermione took that as indication that she could go on. "What…what family member of Sna – er, the Professor's is coming?"
Opening one eye – the eye closest to Hermione – he peered down at her thoughtfully. "He hasn't told you?" He inquired, and Hermione shook her head. "Not so odd, I suppose. It's his father that's to arrive tomorrow night, after a long stay away from the mansion." Hermione couldn't hide the shock she felt at such news.
"His FATHER?" She screeched. Cosimo chuckled and closed the eye he had opened.
"Of course. He wasn't born from a pod." He murmured. "He doesn't get along with his father, so it's a stressful time for him. Severus' father is one of the originals, you know." He commented, as if this was no big deal. Hermione could feel her mouth opening and closing in surprise.
"An original vampire? Seriously?" She squeaked.
"Oh yes. He has sworn his loyalty to King Alexion, and serves as Alexion's most trusted advisor and friend. With such a prestigious position in the court, he holds high expectations for his only son, expectations that Severus finds difficult to reach. They argue most of the time, and refuse to acknowledge each other the rest. I wouldn't mention him to Severus if I were you," He concluded, and then fell silent.
Hermione fell silent as well. Professor Snape's father! Will I be introduced to him? I suppose I will. I've been introduced to everybody else it feels like. I wonder what sort of man he is?
"I must leave you now, Hermione. There's many preparations to get done, and I've got my part like the rest of the peons." Cosimo said. Hermione blinked in surprise, but Cosimo only patted her on the head again. "You should be able to occupy yourself for the rest of the night, won't you?" Hermione nodded, and bid the older man goodnight.
Standing up, Hermione quickly moved to a desk she had put in the room. Spread across the table was pages of notes, all the research she had completed so far. Settling in to her chair, she picked up her quill and opened the nearest book to where she'd left off.
"Experimenting with Charms: Spell Combination," she read out loud. Rubbing the back of her neck, which she knew from experience would be aching by the time she went to bed, Hermione leaned forward to read, her hand positioned to begin writing immediately.
The doors creaked open, and the noise level on the other side immediately dropped to almost nothing. Hesitant to walk through the door, knowing that she'd be the center of attention, Hermione paused to nervously adjust her outfit. Knowing she can no longer put it off, the young woman stepped through the doorway and in to the chamber.
Hundreds of vampires: that was the impression she had as she entered. All the faces were turned expectantly toward her, waiting, watching…Telling herself sternly to take her time going down the isle toward the dais with the King and Queen, Hermione forced a smile on her lips. Standing before the seated King and Queen, his back turned toward her, was a black-haired man.
The Professor's father, perhaps? Hermione thought. Licking her lips she came up beside him and bowed as low as possible to the most important people at Shadowland. Hermione wished for a glimpse of the face of the man beside her, but she didn't dare take a peek. It would be considered rude, and she wanted to leave this man with a good first impression of her.
For the life of her, the pretty witch couldn't figure out why.
"Miss Granger, it is lovely to see you, as always." The king said, his voice warm. Murmuring thanks, Hermione kept her eyes on the King's feet. After a brief silence, the King spoke again "My dear, there is no need to be shy,"
"I apologize, sir. I…so many people!" Hermione blurted out, and felt her face heat with a blush. A small titter swept through the room, but it didn't have a malicious feel to it, like they were enjoying her embarrassment. The king chuckled.
"Yes, well, it's not every day the king's advisor and most trusted friend returns." He explained. Hermione nodded in agreement. "Augustus is remarkable in his own right, of course. An original vampire and father to a Dhampir, he commands respect."
Turning his attention away from Hermione, finally, the king spoke to the tall man at the foot of the dais. "Augustus, this is Miss Hermione Granger, Hogwarts graduate, and a former student of your son's. She is here on behalf of Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix, and is a charming young lady."
Feeling it was an appropriate time to look upon the face of Severus Snape's father, Hermione turned with a polite smile. A glance at her face had her smile dimming somewhat. The man was intimidating, with piercing black eyes, frowning lips, and a small goatee. Though not big in the way of muscles, he exuded an aura of strength. He seemed angry, and not at all inclined to being friendly. Still, he gracefully inclined his head and muttered a polite greeting.
Barely managing to return the greeting, Hermione was glad when those dark eyes – so like his son's, but somehow different: colder, maybe. No, not colder. Snape's eyes were cold, and showed a distinct dislike of everything it looked at. This man's eyes…they're dead. Expressionless…Hermione didn't like looking at him. He made her uncomfortable and scared, in a way she hadn't been for a long time.
"Perhaps the two of you will find some time to spend together, at some point. I'm sure you'd have much to talk about. Augustus is going to lend assistance in the research, so you'll spend some time together. He's extremely intelligent, and has access to books that contain arcane knowledge. He'll be a valuable partner." The king said to Hermione. He did not seem to notice the lack of warmth between the two, or the lack of enthusiasm the two had for the idea of working together. Still, best not to protest, Hermione thought.
"Of course," Hermione agreed brightly. Augustus Snape bowed low, an obliging smile on his lips. Taking her seat in the designated area – to the right of the dais, amongst the high-ranking vampires – Hermione barely listened to the reports the vampires were giving. Time passed too slowly for the young woman, and when the session finally ended, she hurried for the door.
Someone caught her elbow, and spinning around, Hermione was relieved to find Apraxin. "Oh, it's only you," She sighed. Raising an eyebrow, but looking unsurprised, he led her away from the stream of vampires leaving the room. Leaning against the wall in a small alcove, he observed her silently.
"Augustus Snape," Apraxin began suddenly, "does not like humans. For good reason," He added when he caught sight of Hermione's scared expression. "Snape was once married to a human – a women name Arianna. He loved her dearly, and worshipped the ground she walked on. During the time that human's hunted vampires vigorously, she was accused of consorting with us 'evil animals'. Her own kind killed her, even though she was a gentle, kind woman that many loved. Snape could never forgive those that took away the most important thing in the world from him. Do not take any of his comments to heart, and do not be afraid. You are a liaison, he wouldn't dare harm you, Original or no."
Unused to hearing such a long speech from the normally silent man, Hermione could make no reply. Hesitating slightly, Apraxin awkwardly patted Hermione on the back before quickly making his way down the corridor, back ramrod straight. Was that…an attempt at comfort? She thought.
Touched that he'd taken the time to explain in an effort to make her feel better, Hermione smiled fondly as she moved through the dark corridors and up the stairs to the main part of the house. Knowing she'd better hurry to the library for more research, she made no move to stop and converse with the few vampires that littered the hall.
Her shoes made muffled tapping noises and Hermione walked through the house. Absent-mindedly pulling her hair up in a messy bun, Hermione thought of what she'd just learned. That poor man! To have something he loved so much taken from him…it must have been heart-wrenching. And to have a constant reminder of his love…perhaps that is why he is so harsh on Professor Snape? I wonder if there's any way for the two to get along.
Reaching the library, Hermione raised a hand and pressed it to the door, ready to push it open and enter. However, Cosimo and Severus' voice could be heard through the door, though it was difficult to make out the exact words. Never giving it a second thought, Hermione pressed her ear against the door to listen in on their conversation.
"He whispered, 'you're next'. Now he's nowhere to be found, and there's evidence he works for the other side!" Cosimo said heatedly.
"Touth will be caught. He can't of gotten far," Was the calm reply.
"Severus, he's dangerous. He knows the layout of Shadowland, and he knows who King Alexion's personal guards are. This is not something that can be ignored, we must do something!"
"The king is having the situation investigated. He does not want to tarnish a possible innocent man's name simply because there's a possibility he works for the other side." Professor Snape said calmly.
Cosimo sighed loudly. "I suppose that's all I'll get out of you," he said mournfully. "I thought since Hermione is in danger you'd act, but –"
"Miss Granger has nothing to do with it!" Snape hissed. Hermione knew that tone; it meant that whoever was with him had better back off.
"She had something to do with it, and you know it. He's got something planned for her, and you're sitting on your ass –" Cosimo said firmly. There was a loud noise, like glass hitting something hard. Hermione assumed Professor Snape had set his glass of alcohol down with a little more force than necessary.
"I will take care of Miss Granger, don't you worry. I don't care if he said it outright that he was targeting her, the situation is being investigated." Snape snarled. Hermione could almost feel the aura of anger and disagreement. Swallowing heavily, Hermione made a decision.
I don't want them to fight each other, she thought firmly. Taking a step back and putting on a smile, Hermione pushed open the door. As she had predicted, Snape and Cosimo were face-to-face, expressions dark with anger. On the stand next to the chair Snape had been sitting it was a small glass of brandy. In the split second Hermione had to take all this in, Snape and Cosimo's expressions had changed. Cosimo looked as cheerful as ever, while Snape scowled.
"Where have you been?" Professor Snape asked.
"I got caught up in my thinking and took a wrong turn," Hermione said sheepishly. She could feel her cheeks heat up at the lie, and hoped they took it for embarrassment. They seemed to, since Cosimo flashed a smile and opened a book. Snape muttered under his breath, no doubt unpleasant, snarky thoughts.
Shrugging her shoulders, Hermione browsed the bookshelf for a likely looking book.
Inside her head, she counted the days until she could leave: nine.
Yes, this chapter is so very long over-due. Please forgive any mistakes you've found. And I don't think it's even worth updating with, but it's all I have. I wonder how many of my readers are writers as well? If so, then perhaps you can understand: have any of you ever had the type of writer's block where you write something, and hate it so much you delete it and start over? I've been suffering from that for the past few months. I still am suffering from it (gods, I hate this chapter), but thought it about time I suck it up and update.
Writer's block is completely horrible.
I hope you all can forgive me, and I'd like to promise another update soon, but I'm not sure I'll be able to deliver. Thank you, everybody, for you kind updates. If it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't have continued this.