This story is set after Firestar and gang settle in the valley, and none of the cats who were in his Clan are there now, it's just after Birchleg (formerly Birchpaw), the elder, has passed away. He was the last of he cats that made the journey.
Leader: Fernstar: pretty silver she-cat with a yellow spot on her back
Apprentice: Stormpaw
Deputy: Grayear: gray and black spotted tom
Medicine cat: Dustyfoot: pale ginger tom
Apprentice: Leafpaw
Hawkstorm: dark brown tabby tom with green eyes
Yellowpelt: golden tom with unusual silver eyes
Apprentice: Briarpaw
Mistfur: longhaired silver she-cat with blue eyes
Apprentice: Ferretpaw
Lakeheart: longhaired blue tom with blue eyes and one white paw
Apprentice: Chasingpaw
Swiftstorm: dark gray tabby tom with dark blue eyes
Gracestep: pale ginger she-cat with pretty amber eyes
Lilytail: longhaired white she-cat with amber eyes (Hawkstorm's mate)
Winterkit: longhaired white tom with green eyes
Volekit: dark tabby tom with amber eyes
Briarpaw: brown and black dappled tom with green eyes
Ferretpaw: mischievous black and white spotted tom with blue eyes
Chasingpaw: black she-cat with green eyes
Stormpaw: long-haired white she-cat with blue eyes
Leafpaw: dark brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Whitestripe: odd, white and silver striped tom (Mistfur, Lilytail and Lakeheart's father), retired early because of failing eyesight
Halfclaw: brown tabby tom with amber eyes (Hawkstorm and Dustyfoot's father)
Leader: Ashstar: pale gray tom with amber eyes
Apprentice: Tornpaw
Deputy: Grassfoot: brown tabby tom with green eyes
Medicine cat: Moonwind: longhaired silver tom with blue eyes
Bramblefur: pale brown she-cat with blue eyes and one white ear
Snoweyes: handsome white tom with amber eyes
Apprentice: Leopardpaw
Mountainstripe: heavyset dark gray tabby tom with green eyes
Windwhisper: handsome black tom with one silver stripe on his tail
Willowstep: gray she-cat with blue eyes
Chaffinchfur: tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
Mousewhisker: ginger tom with white paws
Queens: Daintyspot: brown and white dappled she-cat (Mountainstripe's mate)
Falconkit: gray tabby tom with green eyes
Swallowkit: tortoiseshell she-cat with pretty blue eyes
Eaglekit: brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Leopardpaw: brown and gold spotted she-cat, her siblings died of greencough
Tornpaw: black tom with one white paw, Leopardpaw's only brother
Patchnose: black and gray spotted she-cat (Willowstep and Grassfoot's mother)
Cardinalstar: unusual dark red tom with amber eyes
Deputy: Gingertoe: pale ginger tom with blue eyes
Medicine cat: Cloudstripe: gray tabby tom with a white, crooked tail
Apprentice: Dustpaw
Noonlight: gold she-cat with amber eyes
Sweetflower: longhaired orange she-cat
Apprentice: Rockpaw
Shadepelt: black tom with white underbelly and blue eyes
Graymist: pretty gray tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Apprentice: Rushpaw
Owlheart: brown tom with blue eyes
Tabbypool: dark tabby tom with green eyes
Apprentice: Tigerpaw
Riverspear: handsome black tom
Apprentice: Shadowpaw
Dappledsun: longhaired brown and gold dappled she-cat (Owlheart's mate)
Rainpelt: silver she-cat with amber eyes (Shadepelt's mate)
Meadowkit: tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
Mistykit: silver and black tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Treekit: brown tom with blue eyes
Ivykit: black tom with blue eyes
Waterkit: silver and white spotted she-cat
Rockpaw: black tom with amber eyes
Dustpaw: pretty gold she-cat with blue eyes
Rushpaw: ginger tom with amber eyes
Tigerpaw: orange and brown striped tom with green eyes
Shadowpaw: black tom with green eyes and one white ear
Ratleg: gray tom (Owlheart, Sweetflower and Tabbypool's father)
Firepelt: longhaired orange she-cat (Ratleg's mate)
Leader: Froststar: longhaired silver she-cat with amber eyes
Apprentice: Twigpaw
Deputy: Blackthroat: black tom with white spot on his paw
Apprentice: Westpaw
Medicine cat: Yarrowleaf: yellow she-cat with green eyes
Redberry: orange she-cat with blue eyes and ginger paws
Apprentice: Ravenpaw
Halftail: black and white tom with a short tail
Spottedpelt: speckled brown and white she-cat with blue eyes
Greenstripe: gray and brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Apprentice: Bluepaw
Windheart: silver tom with green eyes
Apprentice: Weaselpaw
Lightpool: pretty silver she-cat with amber eyes
Apprentice: Aspenpaw
Moonstep: heavyset white tom with green eyes
Twigpaw: pale ginger tom with green eyes
Westpaw: longhaired black she-cat with silver eyes
Ravenpaw: black she-cat with blue eyes
Bluepaw: blue tom with green eyes
Weaselpaw: ginger tom with amber eyes
Aspenpaw: pale gray tom with dark blue eyes