Love thy Neighbor

The Show goes on


He hardly noticed the stinging sensation in his eyes as he slammed his intruder's body harshly against the wall, his body trembling violently as he struggled to pacify his crumbling composure. He so wanted desperately to speak, but every time he was about to vocalize something, he felt that sickening thickness getting caught in his throat. Growing frustrated at his inability to speak, his face grew fierce as he took his anger out on Kouga, again slamming his somewhat limp body against the wall.

He knew, against his own control, the fear was consuming him as he felt his eyes grow hot with unshed tears. His eyes were anguished and against his own physical will, an angry sob broke free. When he finally forced himself to speak, it was low and deadly, "Where is she?" His tone left absolutely no room for any bullshit, articulating each word with force.

Ignoring the threatening position he was in, Kouga wiped his hand down his face and replied monotonously, "I told you already, I don't know where-"

Another shove against the wall, and a more irate tone, "I'm talking about this Kikyo girl you mentioned! Where the fuck is she? Because so help me God, if you do not tell me now, I can kill you in eight different ways that would leave you silent and dead before you even hit the floor." For some reason, Kouga did not doubt his words, although he was hardly fazed by the threat.

He knew Kikyo wouldn't appreciate this, and he knew he'd probably be wrung up by his privates AND THEN lose his job… but at the same time, despite the threatening mental image of his family jewels, logic told him that his life was probably a little more at risk. So not fancying the idea of getting killed by the man holding him captive against the wall, he relented with a defeated sigh, "I'll take you there, it'll be faster that way." And besides, Kagome was worth this.

"No. I'll drive. I don't trust you." Contrary to what he was saying, his grip on Kouga's collar was gradually loosening, but his skeptical gaze did not falter.

Kouga simply sighed, "Whatever, now if you don't mind, as much as my back is getting used to the stabbing pains the corner of your drawer is giving me-"

"Shut up!" He hissed harshly, shoving Kouga one last time against his wall as he released him and turned around, not appreciating his sarcasm. His eyes were immediately drawn to the bowl of ramen spilt over the counter, completely unable to register a single word Kouga was saying. He didn't want to hear it, he didn't want to hear anything anymore other than the familiar whining of a certain teenage girl's voice.

"This Kikyo," Inuyasha spoke monotonously, his face void of any emotions, his eyes stilled on the bowl of ramen, "How much does she know?"

Kouga simply shrugged. The indifference in his demeanor confused him to no end. His mind and soul were in a state of panic, frenzy even, but he seemed oddly defeated… could it be some kind of foreboding expectation of what would be the likely outcome of his dear friend? No, he couldn't think that way. Glancing up at the back of the hanyou, he realized he had yet to answer the question. "Like I told you, I don't know how much she knows. All I know, is that she knows more than what I know."

It took a while, but gradually, Inuyasha reverted from his reverie and turned to glare skeptically at the wolf, in which Kouga was sure he was getting the 'you are so fucken retarded' look.

"How does she know so much?" Inuyasha asked, making his way towards the door and not bothering to inform Kouga that he was leaving.

"Cousin." He stated simply, following the hanyou with his fists buried into his trouser pockets.

Inuyasha didn't make an effort to turn around as he continued his interrogation, "Yours?"

"No. Kagome's." And then, against his better judgment, he decided to add, "For someone who seems so concerned about Kagome's whereabouts, you certainly know jack shit." It wasn't a taunt, just an observational statement… that lacked poorly in timing.

Turning around so quick that he nearly got whiplash, Inuyasha almost forgot about the situation at hand as the familiar male possessiveness was quickly dominating his senses… reducing the two men into a series of childish bickering, although thankfully they never stopped walking – both subconsciously anxious of the problem at hand.

"Well then," Inuyasha hissed dangerously, taking the statement offensively, "who the fuck are you?"

"Someone who's known Kagome long enough to know everything an intimate friend would need to know." He implied suggestively, although in actuality, they had been no more than childhood friends, but what Kouga truly felt was beyond anyone's awareness.

Inuyasha silently chanted to himself that for the time being, he would spare the wolf some pain, but after he was done using him, Kouga could say goodbye to his most prized. Oh the possibilities of inflicting pain on the man walking behind him were endless, and so damn comforting.

"Keh!" Inuyasha smirked cockily, although his insides were still boiling over Kouga's answer, "She wasn't exactly screaming your name last night." He wasn't lying, last night Kagome had screamed his name… in the midst of their heated argument.. but Kouga didn't need to know the precise context.

Finally, Kouga felt himself getting riled up by that bastard of a hanyou, "What the hell did you just say?!" His glared dangerously at the back of Inuyasha's head.

"I said Kagome's mine so stay the fuck away!" He yelled possessively, a little whine in his voice.

"You're fucking dreaming!" By now, half the residents of the building complex had probably awoken from what they could only assume as two foul-mouthed teenagers bickering.

"No! You're fucking dreaming!"

For a lack of creative response, Kouga opted for the universal retort, "Yeah well, fuck you!"

"Not in a million fucking years you disgusting wolf, I aim straight!" And just for an added effect, Inuyasha decided it was necessary at that point for him to thrust his finger forward to reinforce his point that he 'aimed straight.'

Kouga's face grew warm in agitation, "I'm not gay!"

Inuyasha's arms were half-heartedly thrown into the air, "Well thank the fucking heavens," He praised sarcastically, "'coz I wasn't interested if that was what you were hoping to imply!"

"For someone who claims they're not gay yet refuses to let this topic drop, you're making me think that you have something to hide." For a second, Kouga held onto the hope that he had actually outwitted Inuyasha… but that only lasted a tenth of a second before his hope was crushed.

"See! Another sexual innuendo aimed at me!"

"Look, if you're so intent on continuing this conversation, then just go hump a tree!"

"Fuck you and fuck off! Why the hell are you following me?!"

For a moment, it felt good to have released some of their pent up anxiety that in the momentary lapse of maturity, Inuyasha's mind forgot about the issue brought before him, although his heart never faltered in urging him towards Kagome.

Kouga rolled his eyes, wondering just what he had done wrong to have faced this wrath – otherwise known as Inuyasha. "To take you to Kikyo you ingrate piece of dog shit! Or have you forgotten?" Just keep breathing Kouga, just keep breathing.

"Hardly!" Just breath Inuyasha, just breath.

It would require every ounce of willpower, every fiber of determination, every second of strength and every moment of patience to get through this. The light at the end of the tunnel may seem dim at times, and the rivers and mountains may seem too wide and high to cross. There will be times when all would seem in vain, all hopes lost, and the world is all but an empty darkness of nothing… but this is what it all came down to, for the two to simply stand within ten feet of each other, for half an hour in Kikyo's apartment… doom's day was approaching.


"Watch your step when you walk up these stairs, they're not as sturdy as they look." He chuckled quietly at his poor attempt at a joke.

The quiet scattering of what could only be assumed as rats and cockroaches littered the dimly lit hallway. The wooden flooring looked worn out and the stairs didn't seem like it could uphold itself if anything more than a child were to climb them. The place carried various odors, none which were pleasant to the nose and the lack of ventilation made the residence suffocating.

Kagome climbed the stairs warily, tired and scared. She barely spoke from the time she had opened the door for him, mistaking the knocking to be Inuyasha's, till now, being led to a destination he said was a 'surprise' for her. The moment the door was opened to reveal him standing there, his face plastered with that same smile, Kagome's heart almost froze in fear, though she never protested. Her first reaction had been her backing away from him, and like his usual oblivious self, he barely acknowledged Kagome spilling the bowl of ramen as he asked to take her on a little 'surprise.'

She did not speak as she merely nodded numbly, fearing provocation of any sort. She was powerless against him, and the moment he stood at the doorway, she knew she was cornered – no options, no alternatives, no decision-making, just acting on orders. A small part of her, a part hidden deep within her consciousness told her he would never intentionally harm her, 'intentionally' being the subjective word. What he intended to do and he intended to not do was more than what his troubled mind could comprehend, and for that, Kagome was sorry.

"Okay." He smiled in suppressed excitement, as he turned to face Kagome, his back facing the door of what Kagome already guessed was his new living arrangement, "We're here. It's not much, but I'm happy. Kay, you ready?"

Kagome could only muster a forced smile as she nodded numbly. 'What's happened to you?' Was her only coherent thought as a sad smile replaced her forced one.

Opening the door slowly, in a dramatized form, Jai spread his arms open to reveal what he considered his new home, as he smiled proudly at Kagome, anticipating her reaction.

But she had none, only regarding him with sad eyes, realization slowly dawning on her.

"So.. what do you think? It's not too big, but big enough for a family of four. Sit, sit." He ushered Kagome from the doorway, pointing to the worn out chairs by the empty space on her left. The raven-haired girl hesitantly moved further into the apartment, but made no move to sit down.

"There are two rooms," He spoke over his shoulder, making himself busy in the kitchen, "I figured once you, Ayumi and Souta moved in, you and your brother could share a room. It'd be a tight nit, but we'll manage, don't worry sweetheart." He smiled comfortingly.

She was at this point void of all the fear she once held for this misunderstood man. All she felt was an overwhelming sense of sadness. How could she have not seen it?

So she forced a smile, "I'm nineteen now." She wasn't exactly sure why she had said that, but she was hoping that the implication was enough to hint to him the changes that had taken place. That the world had already moved on… without him.

He paused, completely halting his actions as his eyes flickered left to right in silent comprehension. "Oh yeah.." He chuckled forcibly, scratching the back of his head in an embarrassed manner. "Sorry," He apologized sheepishly, "I tend to forget how much you've grown. The last time I saw you, you were still an awkward teenager, but now…" His face became solemn as he tried to hide his expression from Kagome's view.

"Would you like something to drink?" His solemn face was gone, and he was now smiling gently at the girl before him.

She remembered that smile. It was always the same smile he used when he was trying to tell Kagome he'd always forgive her, always let her wrongdoings slide.

Kagome stood rigidly in the middle of the apartment, not replying, not moving and hardly even breathing. Her face betrayed none of the raging emotions within her, but a tear managed to escape her left eye. Softly, regretfully, she whispered, "I'm sorry.."

The gentle smile he once had slipped immediately, now replaced with something indecipherable. He looked away, trying to back himself into the corner as he shook his head and his eyes flickered to either side in confusion, as though he was confined in a box. "Heh.." He forced a laugh, "there's nothing to be sorry for sweetheart, you've done nothing wrong. I understand.." Though his words were forgiving, it was blatantly obvious her apology had triggered something deep within him.

"Jai.." She whispered, carefully approaching him, "I'm really sorry.. for everything. I was young, I didn't know better. But you need help, and we'll get you help. This place isn't for you." She instantly paused the moment she caught his eyes flicker in a moment of unsuppressed betrayal.

She wanted to cry as a strong sense of guilt and regret consumed her. She wanted to scream to the world the injustice of the situation. She had been so blind, so unknowing of the truth. But that was a lie… it wasn't that she was blind or too naive to realize the truth… it was simply that she refused to accept what had been given to her. She was so caught up in holding onto the past, she had ruined her future family. She failed to move on, and seeing others capable of letting go scared her, so she refused to allow those around her to move on as well, because that way, she'd never be alone.

She looked at the man before her. Lost, confused and completely broken. Somehow, she saw a little bit of herself in him. The way she had refused to let go of the memories of her father, was now exactly the way he refused to let go of the memories six long years ago. She understood him. Everyone had moved on, everyone except him. He truly was alone now, and he deserved none of it.

He was still caught up in the memories of his happiest time, for it brought him a sense of solace and rest that his life no longer had. He was depressed… and a schizophrenic. Kagome had seen both sides. The first time since the past six years that Kagome had seen him was at the hospital after her drowning incident. He had showed up, still with that gentle smile on his face… but instead of really seeing him, Kagome was consumed by fear and the idea that Jai had returned with the intent of revenge. She remembered his saddened confused eyes as she lost control of the fear and anger that still raged inside of her upon seeing his face.

She had blamed him for ruining her family, for breaking her mom apart from the precious memories of her beloved papa. And having forced him to leave… she went into a state of uncontrollable frenzy, her anger and fear tearing her up inside as she took her frustrations out on the hospital room. Again, she felt that Jai was responsible for her inability to move on in life.

"Okay sweetheart," Jai muttered shakily, "I think I should take you home now."

Kagome winced in pain, for now, the final most crucial blow had been delivered. She had been wrong.

She forgot that Jai had always been forgiving of her. So he visited her at the hospital.

She refused to see that Jai had genuinely loved her mom and the family. So she pushed him away.

She failed to realize that Jai was never the one in the wrong. But he was now paying the price of her mistakes.

Oh how wrong she had been.


"I'd give you a 'G' for your driving." Inuyasha's patience was fast running low, and though he was consistently informed that they were 'getting there', the urgency to reach Kagome was outweighing everything. He stared fiercely into the night sky and wondered why of all people this kind of shit always had to happen to him and Kagome. He sulkily thought about the countless millions of people who wouldn't even dream of this stuff, let alone have it happen to them.

"What the hell is a 'G'?" Kouga asked in his deadpan voice, knowing nothing good could ever come out of the hanyou's mouth.

"It stands for, 'Get the fuck off the road you slow bastard!'"

Kouga breathed through his nose and tried to calm his senses.. but to no avail. "Who the fuck are you calling slow you ugly asshole?"

Crossing his arms in front of his chest, Inuyasha glared ahead of him, "Oh that 'ugly' statement would've hurt if I were gay, but I'm not!" He spat, "So stop trying to come onto me! I've got more important shit on my mind!"

"Oh for fuck's sake! Not this again!"

"God! Could you just shut the fuck up for two damn shitting minutes?!"

"What!!" Kouga nearly slammed on his breaks. If his memory served him well, it was Inuyasha who had not only started the conversation, but had also been the instigator for this quarrel. "You know," He hissed, glaring viciously at the road, "you are so lucky it's Kagome we're looking for, otherwise I would've kicked your ass by now."

"Oh yes, I am so lucky that it's Kagome who's been kidnapped," Inuyasha spat sarcastically, "because heaven forbid, I pray every night for my woman to go missing. Think about what you just said dumb fuck."

"Your woman?" Kouga hissed dangerously, "Would you like to re-phrase that?"

Inuyasha shook his head in disgust at Kouga as he glared cautiously at the wolf, "Your jealously doesn't sit well with me."

"Why?" He taunted, "Jealous that I'm jealous?" Whatever that meant.

The hanyou merely smirked coolly, "Hardly. Let me warn you now, Kouga, that every part of Kagome belongs to me. Her body, mind and spirit belong to me. Her heart belongs to me. Her soul belongs to me. Thoughts that contain her, belong to me… so now that you know, don't you dare think about her without my permission. And if you even think about asking for my permission, you can piss off!" And Inuyasha was serious….. as stupid as he had sounded… he was serious.

And then the impossible happened. They fell quiet. Silence. Peaceful nothingness… until Kouga had a suggestion.

"You," Kouga stated, stealing an incredulous glance at Inuyasha, "need to go get yourself some professional help."


The two figures walked separately towards their car, a feeling of loss finally hitting them. It was odd and unfamiliar this feeling of letting go and parting ways.

He opened his car door, in the most defeated manner she had ever seen and she couldn't help but feel the tears burning in her eyes.

"Thank you.." she spoke gently, ceasing Jai from entering the car.

He turned around with a pained look, and immediately Ayumi Higurashi corrected herself, "For signing the papers… I'm.. happy that we're able to reach a compromise."

He didn't say anything as he tried to comprehend the reality of it all. A forced smile made its way on his face, but it didn't stay there long.

For reasons beyond Ayumi, she spoke again, hoping that whatever she was to say would help ease some of their pain. "This is better… for the kids."

He nodded solemnly, "I understand." He didn't want this point reinforced. He didn't want to experience the harsh blow of those words.

"Okay.." She breathed, dusting some imaginary dust from her skirt, "Good luck Jai."

No goodbyes, no farewells… just a heartfelt acknowledgement of his pain, and they were divorced.


"For the last time, this is my car, so I'm driving!"

"Keh! Doesn't explain why this piece of junk is hardly moving. Where the hell does this Kikyo chick live anyways?"

Kouga looked up to the heavens above and prayed a silent prayer, begging for patience he once thought he possessed. Inuyasha managed to find a flaw in everything remotely related to Kouga, and though his words were only half-hearted, it didn't make it any less annoying. "Let me give you a little insight on Kikyo. You don't want to get on her bad side." He spoke in a flat tone as though he had recited the warning many times before. "And calling her a 'chick' won't exactly go by unpunished."

"Unpunished? Is she some kind of Dominatrix?" Inuyasha asked in a genuinely curious tone. Nothing surprised him much these days. If Kagome's cousin was into shit like that then hey, go crazy, he wasn't exactly any God sent angel to be criticizing anything… other than Kouga.

The driver continued driving, speeding past red lights as he briefly glanced weirdly at Inuyasha, "Right." He decided that not answering his question was the better option. The man was so sarcastic he wasn't sure when he was being serious and when he wasn't.

"So this Dominatrix, how much does she know?"

Kouga sighed, completely giving up on Inuyasha… well it was the hanyou's funeral, not his, "Everything." He replied flatly.

"What's everything?"

He suppressed the urge to growl, "If I knew, we wouldn't be going to Kikyo now would we?" The wolf spat in aggravation.

Inuyasha shook his head and snorted in disgust, "Pathetic." And looked the other way.

Kouga whipped his head at Inuyasha, his patience completely out the window and his demon desires just urging him to lunge at the hanyou, "Well you know shitting negative ten-"

"Eyes on the fucking road!" Inuyasha interjected, resulting in Kouga forcibly tearing his angry glare at him and grudgingly glower at the road. "Fucking incompetence that's what it is."

The wolf simply meditated in his mind, coming to the conclusion that he would never verbally win the hanyou, who seemed to have a retort for every single fucking thing in the universe. Still as he was silently repeating some kind of soothing mantra in his head, he could vaguely make out Inuyasha's voice still bitching on about anything and everything.

For a moment, Kouga was almost too excited when he realized that the silver-haired man's cell phone was shrilly ringing, hoping whoever was on the other line would distract him from his complaining for a long while.

"Think about what I just said to you." Inuyasha chastised sternly at the dumbfounded wolf before flipping his phone open with ease. "What?" He spat in a poorly concealed annoyed tone. "Out… None of your business…" then he went silent for a while, simply listening to the person on the other line speak, "No… no….really…. oh shit on you!... well tell both the bastards I've got gastro, no wait! Tell Naraku I've got gastro, tell Sesshomaru to just fuck off… well Miroku, shouldn't you be thinking of getting out of there if they look intent on stringing you up by the balls?"

Kouga rolled his eyes. What was it that Kagome saw in this bastard?

"Truuuuue….. I'm busy…. Oh no, my phone is running low on battery, it might just cut you off any second… No, I'm not lying!" He cried indignantly…. Before he manually hung up on this Miroku guy.

As he turned the left corner, he could gradually make out the block of apartment Kikyo lived in. It was nothing short of majestic, just like Kikyo. Even under circumstances such as the one he was currently in, Kouga couldn't help but mentally chuckle at the visual imagery that suddenly formed in his mind.

Two strong repelling forces were about to meet, and whatever awaited them in the next few moments would be nothing short of destructive.


An: Next chapter, The Inuyasha meets THE Kikyo. Lovely.

Doll secret