Wow, I'm really sorry about the time gap here folks, I had a lot going on and just didn't have the time and now I feel guilty so I'm writing. Haha. Anyway, here we go…


Practice had lasted quite a while that day. Shuichi was experiencing writer's block one again, meaning Hiro and Suguru had to be extremely patient with him and try to help him out the best that they possibly could. After all the headaches and enjoyments of their practice had ended, however, Hiro made sure to pull Shuichi out into the hallway, a place that was private and out of the way so that he could speak with the bubblegum colored hair singer.

"Shuichi…" he started, "How are things going with Yuki and you?" he asked in a casual manner, not trying to let on of any of his masked jealousy or worry. He watched carefully for any facial expressions that the pop singer would show on his angelic face.

"Yuki?" he asked a bit curiously, yet continued nonetheless, "Last night was wonderful…Why do you ask?" he stated, slowly seeping off into the land of daydreams, somewhere far away from reality. With that, the silken red haired guitarist let out a sigh and brought his hand up to his face, shaking his head slightly. "Shuichi, what am I going to do with you?" he laughed and brushed his red tresses out of the way of his face before letting his arms fall back to his side. "I guess I was just a bit curious, that's all…" he replied, looking off into the distance, lost in his own thoughts. He could never admit to the singer that he wished he had never met Yuki. He tried to be happy for him, honestly he did, but there were just times where he wished that he could have the hyperactive young man to himself. Shaking his head again, he placed an arm around Shuichi's shoulders, nonchalantly. "So…is there anything that you want to do today? It's been a while since we've hung out Shuichi…" he stated simply and looked up to the ceiling in thought, "Maybe I could take you out to get some ice cream…" he offered, just wanting an excuse to spend a bit of time with Shuichi as they had done in the past.

"I don't know…maybe…." he thought out loud, debating whether or not to go through with it. "I don't see the harm in it," he decided, smiling brightly, lifting Hiro's spirits for the day. "Let's go!!"

The two friends had arrived at the park about twenty minutes later, admiring the turquoise blue sky that held cotton candy clouds the shades of white and the lightest of grey shades. The trees were starting to blossom with flowers, leaving a pleasant scent lingering throughout the air. Indeed, spring was at its peak, and soon enough it would be in the summer season, where hot days could break way to cool walks in the pouring rain. Shuichi idly wondered how romantic it would be to someday kiss in the rain, and daydreamed about pressing his soft, pale, pink colored lips upon Yuki's full succulent ones, the rain soaking their bodies. Hair gently clinging to their foreheads and the backs of their necks, feeling the moistness between their clothed bodies. He felt his eyes flutter a bit and noticed a hand being waved in front of his face after a moment or two.

"Hey, Shu-chan! Earth to Shuichi!" Hiro laughed as Shuichi gave him a puzzled look before smiling broadly.

"Sorry," he apologized, "Haha, I was just thinking about something.."

Hiro shrugged it off, thinking nothing of it. That was one thing that he had always remembered about Shuichi, he was a spacious type of person, the kind that usually had his head in the clouds, high above where nobody but a select few could reach him. He placed a hand near his back and guided him over to the stand that they had originally intended to visit. "Alright, pick out something you like…my treat," Hiro offered with a charming grin. Shuichi's face light up as the rising sun leaves a pleasant glow upon the horizon. He nodded and ordered something simple, a rainbow popsicle. Hiro had gotten an ice cream cone himself and walked with the singer until they reached a park bench; where they sat down to enjoy the frozen treats. The guitarist had taken a small bite until he looked over to his comrade, who had taken the suggestively shaped treat and placed it between his lips, drawing in as much as he could before slowly pulling it out so he could lick his lips before repeating the process. Now, the taller of the two new that he meant nothing by the simple action, but he found that he couldn't stop staring at the display of sheer beauty as he portrayed it. He swallowed audible and licked at his own treat idly, he didn't want to seem awkward by simply staring at Shuichi the entire time.

Shuichi noticed the dark eyes that drifted over every action that he made and lifted his bright purple eyes, meeting Hiro's blue gaze and raised an eyebrow softly. "Is there something on my face?" he asked, thinking that perhaps he was just being polite and not telling him about some freakish blemish or smudge that was on his bulldozing over his appearance and flailed the arm that wasn't holding the popsicle, "What is it!? Tell meee!" he whined in his adorable manner, earning a chuckle from Hiro.
"It's nothing…" he responded and let himself tilt a bit closer, wrapping his own lips around the treat that Shuichi had been plainly enjoying and pulled back, licking his own lips, staring into those captivating eyes once again before feeling their pull on his, as a force of nature would, or maybe something more. Before he realized it, his lips had collided with the pink haired idol and left a ghostly kiss upon them. He pulled back and saw the blush grow across Shuichi's face like a fever. "I…I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that.." he whispered breathlessly, worried that his best friend may have been angry with him. But when he dared to look back at his face, he saw no anger, but instead a tender smile.

"It's alright Hiro…it's just a kiss, right?" he said, defending him. He had been shocked, that was a fact, but he also had mixed feelings about the situation. His mind had immediately wondered to the topic of Yuki, and what he would think if he ever found out. He didn't answer the kiss with his own, so there was no way the blonde could get mad at him, was there? And what about Hiro, he didn't want to hurt his feelings, but he didn't want him to get hurt because of Eiri either. He wasn't entirely sure what the novelist was capable of. The turmoil inside his mind was masked by a smile and a soft sigh; "Nice day isn't it?" he asked, as a rather pathetic attempt to change the subject and try to forget the recent past for the moment.

"Yeah…it's gorgeous.." he was glad that he had altered the mood a little, maybe his small mistake would slide by this time. But what neither of them was aware of, was the fact that two golden eyes had been watching in the distance. The figure blew out his last puff of smoke and dropped the cigarette to the ground, crushing it with his black boots before walking away. He would deal with this later, but first he had to think of a way to get his beloved Shuichi to tell him firsthand, mostly to see if he would lie to him about it, which would make him all the more suspicious.

Alrighty then, there's the third chapter to this little series, I'm still planning as I type, but I hope that you like it. And once again, sorry for the wait!! Please R&R 3