Disclaimer: I don't own Gakuen Alice, but I do dream about it! Okies, please, enjoy my story I created for kane! (you) MWAH!

Blue -Niagra: Well, hope you enjoyed the other chapter! This is the last chapter for Team Player! I know you want it to go off with a bang! It will be good, I promise you that! See ya! Enjoy, read, review and just stay and wait for me!!!

So, last chapter, can't wait, right? Please... READ ON!!!

Chapter Ten: The last Day of Hate... (Mikan's P.O.V.)

My name is Mikan Sakura, 10 years old and I live with my brothers and grandpa. When my mama and papa died, I was left with my Grandpa, and so were my brothers. We only have one girl in the family, me, but I don't mind! I'm like one of the boys, me and Hamulin share the same characteristics. We like Soccar and Ice Hockey, one day, I'll be a proffessional Ice Hockey Player, because it's my favourite sport...

I stare at the old diary in my hands, it was that long ago, heh?... Well, I won't be a Hockey Player now, all those dreams are gone thanks to Hyuuga. I put the diary in the trash as I pack away my things. Today... I'm leaving, for good. I am leaving this terrible place and starting afresh. I pack my clothes and stare at the letter again. This letter is a saviour from heaven.

I sigh as I close my suitcase, everything I need in it as Hamulin walks in, staring at me and smiling. e leave in 5 hours for the plane, so I have time to hang out with Anna, Nonoko, Ruka and Hotaru for some time, I want to say goodbye properly.

I can't believe I'm moving to France to go to a school! I am so lucky!!!

"Packed everything little sister?" Hamulin asks as I smile and nod, walking towards him. I'm in a skirt and top today because I have to wear a uniform at my new academy, and it's a thigh length skirt, which will give the guys the hots for me! Well... Hamulin thinks so. My hair is in pigtails because I wanna look cute!

"Hai! Come on, I wanna meet the guys in town. I have to say goodbye and so do you! Okay?" I ask as he laughs and nods while I run down stairs and slip on my only pair of dolly shoes and walk out of the house. I see a car pass, and it's Ssumires. But I don't cry...

I ignore it. I haven't been so happy since Natsume and Sumire hurt me... Oh well, I'm safe now. I run out of the gate and turn down the street so that I make my way towards Hotaru's house, where Ruka will be aswell, then we'll all go find Anna and Nonoko. I have to thank all of them for being there for me.

I smile as I break into a run and run down the path towards the house Hotaru lives in, and I feel the wind blow through my hair as I smile, I'm full of life! I step into her garden, then hear footsteps behind me and look over my shoulder, and I see Natsume watching me, his raven hair falling into his eyes.

We stare at each other for a few moments in silence. Nothing happens until I slowly turn around and I hear him walk off as I knock on Hotaru's door. My heart, it hurts again... Why does it always hurt when I think or look at him?... Whyb do I have such an effect?

I remember what I had said to him in the changing rooms...

...then maybe we still have a connection...

Those words echoe in my head, I wait for Hoatru as I think it over, do I still have feelings for him? No, I shouldn't have anything to do with him... I hate him, then someone answers the door and I look up, forcing a smile on my face as Hotaru's mother looks at me adn gives me a warm smile.

"Oh, Mikan. I'm sorry, you just missed her. Hotaru isn't here right now, she's in towan with Ruka." her mom says as I stare at her, then nod my head and smile brightly. She smiles then nods and closes the door as I say thank you, then I sigh and walk down the drive, I should have known that Hotaru would do this, it's so like her.

I sigh as I walk down the path towards the twins' house, and I go to knock on their door, but to my dismay, they are out, too. So now I have no one to be with, except my brothers. I sigh and walk back to my cottage and sit on the couch with Dregan, who's drinking a beer. I remember the last time I got drunk... I kissed Natsume.

I suddenly stand up, shocked. I can not remember a stupid memory like that! Natsume is not important anymore. Despite Dregan's calling at me, because he simply wants to know what's wrong, I walk out into the back yard, and I sit under a Sakura Tree.

Hamulin is out with friends, lucky bastard. Then I take out my MP3 player and I switch it on. An old song comes on, one I used to like. Dregan and Gail put it on as a joke and it was for my birthday. I am actally looking for my Chemical Romance, but I stop when I hear the old tune, and I sit back, listening to it.

I hate the world today
You're so good to me I know that I can't change
I tried to tell you but you look at me like maybe

I'm an angel underneath; innocent and sweet
Yesterday I cried; Must've been relief to see the softer side
I can undertsand how you'd be so confused
I don't envy you; I'm a little bit of everything
all roled into one

I'm a Bitch I'm a Lover
I'm a child I'm a Mother
I'm a sinner I'm a saint
I do not feel ashamed
I'm your hell I'm your dream
I'm nothing in between
you know you wouldn't want it any other way

I find myself singing to the song and I tap my foot to the beat as I sing the lyrics. I'm glad I found this song, except... I am not the bitch, Sumire is... But everyone is a bitch in this fucking ass of a world. (pardon my language...) I sigh as I turn my MP3 player off, and walk back into the house. Only Dregan and I are in, so I stand in the living room doorway and stare at him, sighing.

"Dregan, I need some alone time. I'm going out on my own, okay? See you..." I say as I walk out of the house, all I heard from my brother was a grunt. Pig. I sigh as I walk down the streets and cars pass, tooting at me if it's some stupid guy staring at my legs. I hate guys now, except for my brothers and Grandpa, ofcourse.

I sigh as I put my hands behind my head and stare in shope windows, then at the mall. Should I go? I suddenly see Sherilin walking into the double doors so I back out, no way am I going in there! I just wanted to look at sneakers! I walk away from sight of the mall, and I look up at to where I'm going.

I stop and stare, the school. In about a few hours, there will be an Ice Hockey Match... One which I was supposed to play. But Natsume kicked me off the team, so now I won't even go to it. I hate Ice Hockey, Soccar is the only sport I like. As far as I know...

Ice Hockey never existed.

I turn around and I'm ready to walk away, when I see my friends standing in front of me, eyes pinned on my as I stare at them, my mouth clamped shut as they walk towards me, and Anna suddenly hugs me as I stare at her, then hug her back as Nonoko smiles and waves to me. Anna pulls away and smiles.

"Sorry we weren't earlier... But we had to find each other before we said a goodbye! And I made you a card!" Anna trilled as I stare at her, then tears rim in my eyes. They are so sweet! They didn't forget me. I suddenly hug Nonoko and Ruka, and then Hotaru. Ruka's blushing, because I kisse dhis cheek.

Hotaru doesn't care, though. Too normal, haha.

I smile as I hug them all, then we all walk together towards the nearest park in our town, and we joke around as Ruka and Hotaru push me on the swings and I laugh. I haven't been happier. Then we all go buy ice cream, and we all just joke around.

Then we go to the video games arcade, Ruka made us, and Anna and Nonoko just decide to go on Dance Dance Revolution, to compete as people watch them, gormless. I laugh as they battle each other, and Nonoko wins, to her happiness as I laugh. People clap and cheer.

"Hey, Nonoko! Do you think I have what it takes to do something like that? Should I try?" I ask as Nonoko and Anna grin, staring at each other, then we laugh as they all pull me up roughly and I stand on the dance pad, and I put in my money, then I select standard, and I look through the songs.

I then pick a song and smile, I hope I do good. Tthe music starts. I chose Love Shine,. a popular girly song. Anna and Nonoko smile as I look at the arrows heading on the screen, and I start on it, moving my feet and body to the beat. I just hope I clear Stage 1.

I soon finish the song and I... I cleared! Anna and Nonoko are so happy they are jumping around,t hewn I choose Butterfly, I finish that off and I go onto DDR version of Cartoon Heroes and do all that, moving my body and once I finish, everyone claps as I get off and sigh, staring at my friends and putting a hand on my chest.

"Than was fun... I'm out of breath... Come on, let's get a soda!" I say as they all nod and we run towards the bar and order our soda's, then sit down to take a long drink. Then Ruka brings up Hockey. How could he!? Mostly, it's about the match... I forgot... He's in it...

"So, we're all going, are you, Mikan? I'd be glad if you did, even if you do root for the opposing team, I'll understand! Please come, Mikan." Ruka says as I stare at him, then look down at my soda, and I smile weakly as I shake my head and sigh, closing my eyes.

"No... I don't want to or I may cry... And I have to go at the same time, remember. So I'll finally be rid of this place for good. Natsume will be just a figment of my imagination.. And Sumire will be nothing. I'll be happy... Buit I'll write to you everyday, I promise." I say as they stare at me, then Ruka looks down at his soda, and sighs, smiling faintly.

"Is that so... Well... Okay... HUH!? Is that the time! We have to go! My Hockey Match starts in like, 10 minutes! Mikan, you have to get home!" Ruka yells as I gasp and nod, standing as we all run out and towards the school. I quickly hug them goodbye, and I see they have tears in their eyes. I sigh as I run away, waving as tears fall from my eyes. And I run round corners and down the roads, back to my cottage.

I then run upstairs to my room and look around, then grab a suitcase full of my stuff, and I run out towards Hamulin's bedroom, and I stare at him as he looks up at me and smiles, grinning as I sigh and smile, staring at him too as he comes towards me, a suitcase in his hands.

"Reasy, for our newest adventure?" he asks as I smile and nod, but my heart hurts. I sigh and ignore it, and nod again as I grin and we walk down the stairs together and haul our suitcases into the living room. We are waiting for a taxi. Meanwhile, as we wait, grandpa and our brothers hug us like there's no hope.

"Okay... Can't... Breathe... Choking... Death... nearing... Light... Ttunnel... GET OFF ME!!!" I yell as my brothers all jump back, scared as they stare at me while I breathe in, man, they could have killed me! Stupid idiots!

"Sorry Mikan... We're just gonna miss our baby sister sooooo much! She's gonna go to France and grow up! Write every day!" Gail coos as I kick him, and then Krad because he's grinning like billyo and making stupid slurpy noises, heck knows why! I then glare at Dregan, who grins.

"Bring back some french wine!!!" he cries as I grin, then Grandpa hits him over the head with a frying pan. I gasp then grin. GRANDPA!!!

"Write every day, young lady, you too, Hamulin! Or your grounded!" Grandpa snaps as Hamulin and I exchange glances, and laugh behind his back. How can we be grounded when we're milliongs of miles away in France in another academy. Stupid old man!!!

Then we hear something pull up outside our house, and a toot of the horn. I gasp and turn to the window, and I see that it's the cab driver. He's here! I stare at my family, then smile as I give them all one last hug, and I see it, tears in their eyes as my heart starts to hurt again and tears form in my eyes.

"Mikan... be good. Hamulin... Protect her or your dead! Our only sister... Is leaving!" Krad sobs as I hug him, then Gail and Dregan, then I pick up my suitcase and smile, holding a hand up as I tilt my head, and Hamulin stands next to me, and we link arms, then we say something at the same time...

"Sayonara, I'll miss you. Stay close... My happy Family." we say together, and we walk away with our suitcases, and into the cab as they wave from the doorway, and we wave from the backseat of the cab, tears in our eyes as we smile, then sit back as the cab starts, and drives...

Then, we suddenly pass the school, and I gasp. My heart... It hurts! It hurts so much!!! I gasp and double over as Hamulin stares at me, and asks if I'm okay, then I suddenly look up and stare at the cab driver.

"Stop the cab!" I yell, and he suddenly breaks as I open the door and jump out, running forwards as Hamulin cries my name and steps out himself.

"Mikan!! Where are you going!? Get back in the cab!" he yells as I stop and turn to stare at him, tears falling from my face as I sigh, and hold my hands together as I smile a little.

"I have one more thing to do now... Wait, okay! I'll be back soon!" I yell as start to run again as I head towards the school. Why am I doing this ? I don't know... But maybe, just maybe... My heart will stop hurting if I do this one thing, for the last time, for the end...

(Natsume's P.O.V.)

I'mplaying the ice hockey game, but I can not concentrate! My mind keeps going to Mikan! Then I hear shouts at someone who's on the ice, and we stop playing as I turn to look at who's ebtered on my ice, and I stare. It's Mikan. What is she doing here? I hear Sumire yelling that she's a slut.

Mikan ignores it all, and walks towards me, her shoes echoeing on the ice as she walks towards me, a hand over her chest where her heart is. Is she crazy!? I stare at her as she stops in front of me, and looks into my eyes through my helmet as I stare at her.

"Natsume..." she says as I glare at her, I don't want to talk to her.

"Get off the ice! We have a game here! Get off the ice, NOW!!!" I yell as she stares at me, then shakes her head. God, she's so damn stubborn! She looks at me and sighs, then shakes her head yet again.

"No. I'm staying, until I make something clear. I know you hate me now, but... I never did those things to you, Natsume! I would never really do that! Sumire was lying... and you believed her... The girl who tried to make you fall for her..." Mikan whispers as I stare at her, then I see tears form in her eyes, and she continues.

"You don't need to say anything, I know you hate me... Becoming like a normal girl was the worst thing in my life... and the happiest. I try to forget Ice Hockey, but I love it too much to forget, I turned into a normal girl because I wanted to play... it's the worst, because I met you and fell in love with you... and it's the happiest because... I fell in love with you, Natsume. I wanted to hold onto you forever when we hugged, when we kissed... Ever since... Ever since that day you dumped me, my heart hurts when I think of you! I told myself, I hate him! I really hate him! But I can't face it... Now I know why my hear hurts when I see you, when I think of you..." she stops as tears stream down her face, then she smiles as I stare at her, everyone is silent.

She continues, breathing in and her tears fall onto the ice as she takes one step closer to me.

"... I still love you! I can not accept that, any longer. I am meant to be at an airport now, getting on a plane to france, but I came to tell you that... If I never loved you, like Sumire said, then I would never return and see you again. But I love you too much to ignore the pain any longer... But you believed her lies... You didn't ask if it was a lie, you just believed it, your a fool, Natsume... Now you pay the price, by losing me. Your too late Natsume. I loved you and you loved back, but now... I'm gone. Nothing can stop me. I know... You hate me... But, Natsume... Win this game for me, and I love you, just remember that. I'll be happy, and love again, but your always in my heart." she says as I stare at her.

Is this actually what she's saying? Is my heart aching because I still... Love her...?




"Sayonara, Natsume." she whispers, then turns around and walks away as I stare at her, she's leaving? Mikan Sakura... Is finally leaving. I should be happy, but I'm not... I take my helmet off as she leaves, and I hear a door close behind her, and I look at everyone in the stands. Sumire looks guilty, and angry, and... Happy? THAT BITCH!!!

I stare at my team, and they stare at me, then I throw my helmet down and throw my skates off as I stare at them.

"Win the game... You'll do good without me." I say as I start to run off the ice while people start to scream and cheer, but Sumire is pissing herself screaming at me to come back, that bitch has some guts. After what she put Mikan and I through...

I run out of the stadium, and into the sunlight as I run towards the gates, and then I see the cab, and Mikan's getting in. It's moving, it's leaving... No it's not! I growl and put all my wait into running, and I run in front of the road, in front of the car as it screeches to a halt and I hear gasps, and Mikan comes out of the cab, shocked as she stares at me.

"Natsume, you jerk!!! You could have been killed!" she yells as I stare at her and run towards her, shaking my head.

"I don't care, you can't leave! I love you too! Don't leave!" I say as she stares at me, then I pull her closer, and her lips crash with mine as she gasps, then falls in my arms and surrenders to the kiss as I hold onto her. I can't let her go... ever.

Then she pulls away and stares at me sadly, shaking her head.

"No... I told you... You're too late, now. I am leaving, for good. But I'm glad your feelings are right for me... I love you... Don't forget me." she whispers as she kisses me one last time then gets back into the car, but I knock on the window, and she unwinds it, tears streaming down her face as she stares at me.

"I won't stop you, just play Ice Hockey for me... And write all the time. Never forget me." I whisper as she breaks into a smile, and nods as I put a hand over her cheek and she puts one over mine, then nods sadly before taking her hand away as the ab starts and drives off as I run alongside it.

"I won't ever forget the famous Hyuuga. I love him too much!" Mikan says as I smile and I say something.

"And I won't ever forget you, because who can forget the different, weird, boyish Mikan Sakura? GOODBYE!!!" I yell as I stop running and the car drives off, and she brings her head out of the window ad waves, tears streaming down her face as she waves, then she blows me a kiss before saying something, her lips moving as I smile, and the car goes out of sight.

I stand there, tears in my own eyes. She said every word back there because she loves me. I love her, and now I know why I love her so much... I fell in love with her because she was like no one else and she was out of this world. She loved me and I loved her... Two complete opposites, Mikan Sakura and Natsume Hyuuga, lovers... Ii'll miss her.

And she said those words in the Ice Rink because she knew, and I knew... That it was the last saying, that it was... The end...

"Natsume... I love you... Cry for me..." Mikan said after she blew the kiss...



Well, how was it? This is the end, so please review! I hope it wasn't too sad! Well, once I have finished SPCM, I will take a break. There we go... So please, if you cry, I take the blame!!! Okies, Sayonara! I LOVE YOU!!!

Love Blue -Niagra