Aahh! Naigi-sama!

Disclaimer: Masashi Kishimoto, yep. But since Sasori was dead and I revived him again, that means, he's mine, right?

Genre: Humor/Romance

Type: Continuation hmmm…?

Rate: T

Pairings: Hinata-Akatsuki Members

Summary: Hinata, ANBU, was entrusted an S-class mission: keep an eye over the suspects of Akatsuki members in… her house. How would she deal with these guys when each of them has weird habit?

Aahh! Naigi-sama!

Chapter 1: A Mission

Are you sure this is a mission...?

Hinata, 18 year old, the shadow ANBU captain with the mask of Crow. Who were the one behind the Crow mask was still unknown to other people, except Godaime Hokage and Hyuuga Hiashi. Her identity as the strong, determined captain was a legend to all of the ANBU members.

When she was not in her job as the ANBU captain, she was and ordinary, shy and stuttering chuunin. Met Hyuuga Hiashi, her father who taught her to do so. He did that so his daughter wouldn't get much attention, and of course, he didn't want his daughter to be promoted onto higher rank, which that meant a lot of missions. A lot of missions meant a lot of time without Hinata beside him. A lot of time without Hinata beside him meant hell for Hiashi. Hell for Hiashi meant… okay, okay… I'd stop now.

Needless to say, Hiashi was overprotective for his daughter. True Hinata was the shadow captain of ANBU, who only appeared in crisis time, and usually left her mission without being touched by her enemies. That meant, her safety was way better if she kept as the shadow captain.

Thus, until one day she was back from her mission, wounded.


It was a nice evening at the Godaime's office, and the big boobs owner was sipping on her sake. Exclaimed a moan of satisfaction, she licked her lips. Ahh, the taste of sake in the evening… what else could she need?

She glanced towards the street of Konoha from her window. She almost choked when she saw a flash of light running towards her office. At first, she thought that she saw the legendary Yondaime Hokage, the Yellow Flash. Boy, she was wrong, because this flash wasn't yellow, it was brown. And this newly called Brown Flash was dragging a blushing Hyuuga behind him. That's when Tsunade realized the Brown Flash was indeed… Hyuuga Hiashi…

"YOU CAN'T ENTER THE OFFICE WITHOUT PERMISSION, SIR!" Tsunade heard one of her officer shouted at someone outside. She smirked, because she knew, no one could stop the furious Brown Flash.

The doors flung open when Tsunade decided she would give a proper greeting.

"GO-DA-I-ME-SA-MAAAAAAAA!" Yep, Hyuuga Hiashi was here, in front of her. His chakra flamed in anger, and his hair turned yellow and new pairs of blue eyes replaced his old ones. Whoops, wrong anime… this was supposed to be Naruto, ne?

"Good evening, Hyuuga-sama," Tsunade greeted as if it was nothing, and raised one of her hand towards the furious clan leader, "What can I do for you?"

"You evil, mean, devil! How could you, I repeat, how could you, of all people, sent Hinata into her last mission?" Hiashi pointed his index-finger rudely towards her.

"Well, that's because she's the only one capable for the mission, Hiashi-sama," said Tsunade, trying hard to suppress her anger at Hiashi's rude action.

"And how, HOW did she end up wounded like this?" said Hiashi, raised his daughter hand in front of Tsunade. The young Hyuuga let out an 'eep!' and blushed deeper than before. Hinata didn't even have the chance to talk, for she was dragged helplessly by her father.

Tsunade was expected that Hiashi would show her a broken hand of Hinata, or anything worse than that, but she wasn't expected… a small cut scratched innocently on Hinata's wrist.

Tsunade vein pop mode: ON.


"BECAUSE THIS SCRATCH IS ON MY LOVELY DAUGHTER'S WRIST!" somehow, the shouting turned out into a competition. Hinata could swear that she saw some judges appeared from out of nowhere. Wait, her mind was playing trick with her, or… was it?

"Go- Godaime-sama, chichiue… P- Please stop shouting, I'm okay…" Hinata stuttered, making the two adults threw their attention at her.

"See, even your daughter said so," Tsunade scowled, but Hiashi ignored her, giving all of his attention to his daughter.

"Hinata? Are you sure you are alright? Chichiue didn't hear you making any sound after you arrived, dear! Chichiue was worried to death!" Hiashi hugged his daughter, almost making Hinata, who was still in her ANBU uniform, death of suffocation.

"Err… actually chi- chichiue, I did say something before y- you dragged me to Hokage-sama's office…" Hinata said breathlessly. Her own father would commit killing his own daughter if he kept hugging her for a little longer.

"Oh, really?" Hiashi's brows twitched, "when?"

"W- Well, I told you I could heal my own scar, be- before you dragged me here…"

There's an awkward silent and sound of a bird chipping before Hiashi realized what she meant.

"See?" Tsunade said a word to break the silence.

"Ah, well…" Hiashi sweat-dropped. Watching her daughter applied a healing jutsu over her scratch, and it vanished without trace.

"Anyway, that's not only about it!" Hiashi, attempted to throw away his embarrassment, back to his old habit; scowling, "just don't put Hinata in such a dangerous mission, I don't want to see her hurt by the enemies, anymore" said Hiashi, tensing on the last word.

"B- But chichiue, th- this scratch was not because of the enemies… I- I got it just now when I arrived at home and carelessly scratched my hand against the nail on the front door," Hinata explained.

"Eh?" Hiashi jaw-dropped, "Eh? I guess… er… hehehe, Godaime-sama!" Hiashi scratched his head in a non Hiashi-ish way. In his head, he has planned to put a 'chichiue-line' (the one looked alike the police line, but this one was slightly different) around the damned nail to make sure of his daughter's safety.

"Anyway, I couldn't let Hinata without mission. That would be a waste of talent, though… You didn't know how much of an asset Hinata is," Tsunade sighed, "I've prepared a mission for her after this one."

"Noooooo!" Hiashi wailed, but Hinata has already approached Tsunade's desk, tried her best to avoid her father's death grips for preventing her to approach Tsunade.

"I'll take the mission, Godaime-sama," Hinata accepted, her voice full of determination.

"Good, I'll explain the mission to you," Tsunade smiled, she really liked the determination and guts that Hinata had, she was, after all, an-ex apprentice of her. Tsunade herself has decided that Hinata no longer need to be taught by her.

"And quit sulking, Hyuuga-sama," told Tsunade when she noticed a dark chakra in the corner of her room, "I need you to tell one of your underling to bring clothes for Hinata and leave it to Shizune, Hinata couldn't walk around with her ANBU outfit without being unnoticed, and for your self, I need you to prepare this," she raised a scroll on her hand and gave it to Hiashi, who has already quit sulking, but still having the dark, gloomy chakra around him, "it is needed in her mission."

Hiashi accepted the scroll from Godaime and exited the room. Tsunade glanced back to Hinata, ready to explain her new mission.

"This is an international S-rank mission, Hinata-chan. Every five Kage has decided that you are fit for this mission. Well, I'm sure you have heard about the Akatsuki organization, Hinata-chan?" Tsunade paused, giving a chance for Hinata to nod.

"If I'm not mistaken, Tsunade-sama, they are the secret bodyguards which members are still unknown, right?"

This time, Tsunade nodded, "Right, Hinata. It took us years after we found some people who might be the members of Akatsuki…" Tsunade's voice tailed, waiting for Hinata to catch her clue.

"Ano… d- do you want me to annihilate the Akatsuki members, Tsunade-sama?" Hinata stuttered and played with her fingers. Even though she was already an ANBU captain, she couldn't get rid of an old habit, but well… it helped her to conceal her ability, though.

"Well, that's not what I mean, Hinata-chan. Akatsuki are a bunch of skilled bodyguard with outstanding skills. It'll be a waste if you annihilate them. Well, even though they are a bodyguard group, they only pick the ones they want to protect, depends on the challenge they'll get, and also, they love to kill their enemies, though. What I want you to do is to keep an eye on them," Tsunade said, pointing one of her eye.

"Eye?" Hinata mimicked Tsunade's movement, "y- you meant I have to spy on them? B- But… which member you want me to spy on? Th- there are eight of them…"

"To be true, Hinata-chan, its not like 'spying' on them, but 'taking care' of them," Tsunade suppressed a laugh.

"T- Taking care? Wh- what do you mean, Tsunade-sama?" Hinata got a bad hunch about this, a very bad one.

"Well, they'll stay with you, Hinata-chan!"

And Hinata did the only sane thing in her mind.

She fainted


An: Like that, no? Well, I'll continue if I get about 12 to 15 reviews, coz actually… this is just a side-fanfic that I made out of boredom… Btw, thanks for my roommate, for beta-reading this fic! Btw, Naigi-sama means as Miss Landlady or one's wife. Umm, I haven't think about pairings yet, you decide then! Btw, suggestions accepted!

Next spoiler (maybe, harharhar!):

Hinata had to deal with the suspects! A religion-dogma fanatic, a Pocky addict, a green tree activist, a figurine collector, an art lover, a childish young man, a stingy guy, and… a mysterious person the other called as Shuhan-sama… well, how did Hinata manage them in her new house, anyway?