Yay, the end of V2! But not the end of the series. After all I need something to take up my time now that Tennis season's over. So, we're also introducing a semi-new character: Shui! You know him from the first series. If anyone else here takes Japanese, they'll know what 'Ane', what Shui calls Tysa, means 'big sister'. So that means Shui got incarnated into this dimension as the youngest Granger. He was born a few months before Asa died, which means he's about seven years younger than Tyson and Tysa, and fifteen years younger than Hitoshi.

Shui's personality is pretty much docile, but he has his evil moments of course. Also, in Japanese his name would be pronounced 'shu-e'. Instead, we're using the Chinese pronounciation of "shu-ay"

Chapter 27: Restart

"Ane...Ane, wake up."

"Mmmn?" Tysa woke up and turned to a light blue-haired kid at eight years old. "Hi, Shui." She greeted her little brother. Shui smiled.

"You have school today, remember, Ane ?" Shui reminded.

"Right, right. Where's Tyson—"

"Wake up, little dude!"

"AAAAH!" Tyson screamed and then a 'thud' was heard.

"Grandpa's waking him up." Shui stated.

"I noticed." Tysa sighed. "Where's Hitoshi?"

"You know that cake where you put in the special ingridient that Ray got you and you told me not to eat it?"


"He ate it. You need to buy more water bottles." Tysa sighed.

"Ok, let me get dressed, because now there's noway Hitoshi's taking you to school." Shui nodded and walked out her room. Tysa started to get changed. Just another regular day.

For now (insert evil laughter).

--after school--

Tysa walked out of the school by herself, seeing that her brother had detention again. There was really nothing out of the ordinary, besides the fact that Ray was outside her school.

"Ray?" she asked, surprising him.

"Oh, Tysa. I was waiting for you." He said, seeming a little nervous, but glad to see her all the same.

"Is something wrong?" Tysa asked.

"Oh, no. Nothing's wrong." Ray's face turned slightly redder. "Uh...can I...can I talk to you?"

"Aren't you now?" Tysa laughed a bit. Ray's became more embarrased.

"I-I mean...privately." Tysa blinked. She had never seen Ray this nervous.

"Ok. Let's go. Gramps said he pick up Shui today anyways.

--meanwhile, at the elementry school—

"Ha! Ha! Hyah!" Gramps, as usual, showed off his admittly impressive martial arts skills, impressing all the third grades except for his youngest grandson.

"Um, ok, Grandpa, you can stop and take me home now..." Shui whined.

--in the forest--

"So, Hitoshi actually had that?" Ray asked.

"Yeah. Thanks for helping me bake it, Ray. I saw his face before I left—priceless. I took a picture." Tysa showed Ray a picture of poor tongue-burned Hitoshi. Ray couldn't help but laugh. It was funny. "Ah, I just love doing things like this." Ray then remembered what he wanted in the first place.

"Ah, that's...that's...um, Tysa...I wanted to say that...I..." Tysa blinked, having no clue what Ray was saying, only making Ray feel more pathetic.

"What is it, Ray?" Tysa gave a smile. "You can tell me. We're friends."

"Well—I...I want to be more than your friend, Tysa...I—"bzzzt---bzzzt...

--after school—

Tysa walked out of the school by herself, seeing that her brother had detention again. There was really nothing out of the ordinary, which made her bored. As she walked out, she thought about the options to occupy her time as a seafood truck zoomed down the streets.

"...I know! I should go bother Kai!" she stated proudly, then walked off.

Kai stopped at the door to the graveyard, not knowing why he kept coming back. Wyatt was dead, and he hadn't really thought of him at all. But something kept nagging him—

"Kai!" Tysa yelled cheerfully behind him. He let out a soundless scream. "Bwa ha! Did I scare you?" Kai glared at her.

"NO." Tysa smiled, expecting that reaction.

"Oh, yeah. Here." Tysa handed a bag to Kai. Kai took it and blinked. It was thin, so it had to be some sort of book. He took it out and saw a sketchbook with the Dranzer icon on the bottom right of the cover. "I noticed your first one was almost filled up, so I got you a new one."

"..." Kai looked like he was going to say something.

"What?" Tysa asked.

"Tysa, I—" bzzzt—bzzzt...

--up in the Creator's world--

A girl looked at disbelief at the monitor in her boss's room. This was the second time this happened.

"Ying Hua!" she cried, failing to wake up Ying Hua. She sighed. In the looks department, they were similar, expect she had blue tints to her hair, but their habits were completely different. One was that Ying Hua could sleep through anything. She'd probably sleep for a year if you let her.

"Ying Huaa!!" she yelled louder, right in her ear. Coincidentally, Ying Hua was having an awkward nightmare involving penguins.

"No, not the sushi bar!" Ying Hua cried, ramming her head right into her assistant's head.

"Holy—" the assistant bit her lip to hold back the second word.

"Oh, Ming Yu!" Ying Hua cried. "It was horrible! Penguins with this horrible strange accent came in, and started taking over! They took my sushi!!"

"...Really?" Ming Yu said sarcastically. Ying Hua didn't notice.

"And, then—and then...they took away my video games!" Ying Hua sniffed. "Tell me it was just a dream?"

"Yes. Yes it was." Ming Yu stated, trying to figure out how the olderShugorei managed to get so far in life. "I would've thought you'd be dreaming about what the Council's going to do if they find out that the dimensions 'didn't repair itself on it's own', but rather 'the prodigy interferred, when it's clearly against the laws'." Ying Hua turned serious for a split second, then turned back to normal.

"Whatever. What do you really want?" Ming Yu pointed towards the monitor that showed all the dimension's Ying Hua had created/had access to. The point of the monitor was to make sure everything was going smoothly, or see where you could take a possible vacation.

"Look! Soul beings have the ability to fall in love, right?"


"So, why does this human—" Ming Yu pointed at the paused screen with Tysa in it. "keep blowing it off like it's a game?!"

"Because of this." A ruby-like material appeared in Ying Hua's hand. Ming Yu looked at it.

"What is it?"

"Nothing that matters." Ying Hua said casually, the gem disappearing. "Question!"

"What?" Ming Yu asked, surprised at the sudden change in mood.

"Ming Yu, as just Shugorei, we're not allowed to see past a certain point in time. We have to wait for the characters to get there. In other words, we can't see a far future, right?"

"Er, yeah...only Hogosha can." Ying Hua started to walk outside passing a mirror. "Why?"

"Let's just say..." Ying Hua smirked as Ming Yu suddenly held her breath. "I can avoid that little rule." Ming Yu was shaken. Not by Ying Hua's statement, but her reflection was that of a woman.

"W-wait! Where are you going?!" Ming Yu asked, realizing Ying Hua was leaving.

"I'm just going to keep the fun going." A portal appeared and Ying Hua waved her hand. "Be sure to feed Lang-fu when he gets back!"

I am not feeding the wolf...Ming Yu thought bitterly as Ying Hua disappeared.


Tysa felt a strange feeling as she walked out of school. It felt like the third time she had done it today.

This feels weird...Tysa looked at the sidewalk and saw a strange black-hooded person. It held out an envelope.

"For you." It said. Tysa was confused, but took the letter.

"What is this—" the figure had vanished before Tysa could finish. Confused, she opened the letter.

Break the illusion.

All of a sudden, Tysa's wings came out and became wide and big, and Tysa was instantly transported to a dark room where an old man was. He was short, and his whole face was covered with thick silver hair, except for his closed eyes and nose.

"Welcome back, Lady Kairi. Or, should I say, 'about time you woke up, Tysa'."

"...What?" Tysa asked.

"Did you have fun in that simulated dimension?"

"...What?" Tysa asked, still confused.

"It's a simulated life, programmed to end when someone confesses their love. Kind of like 'game over'."


"Oh, right. You can't remember. Well, it's for the best, for the best." On his cane, he walked over to a keypad attached to a giant screen. "I am Tizouka. I'm an 'animator' to put it simply."


"I put souls in bodies I create. Yep." His voice became filled with pride. "I created everything about that body, down to the smallest lines on your palms." His voice then turned to mutters. "And apparently, it makes a big deal on your lives...but anyways!" He turned back to Tysa with such a start it surprised her. "You were brought here because of a small flaw in your body...or rather a big one. If it was small, Ying Hua probably wouldn't've asked for you to be here."

"Ying...Hua..." Tysa's head started to hurt. The name sounded familiar.

"Oh, don't try remembering, it's not a big deal. So, anyways, you've been in a simulated dimension so I could figure out how to fix this flaw. You won't remember this anyways, but would you like me to fix it?"

"But...you just said it was a big deal..."

"No, I said it was a big flaw. Flaws don't always make a difference. After all, if they did, there'd be nothing. Nothing's perfect, you know. Frankly, I just don't have the time, and it's not interesting if it was. Believe me, I tried. Do you know how hard it is to make something perfect? Not a thing can be out of place. And then there's the soul—ugh, they always have their complaints: "I want blue hair; Oh, I want green eyes; Oh, I want a tail." No, you can't have a frickin' tail! You're human! You get a tail bone and that's it! I don't have the time or materials to make a human tail! Just be a frickin' dog! Anyways..." The way Tizouka talked was like all the ideas were being strung into one. Tysa had trouble keeping up. "back to my point, would you like me to fix it?"

"Uh..." Tysa needed more time to think than usual. "I would...I'd like...to be as I am...flaws and all." Tysa was surprised at what she said. I was like someone else was talking. Tizouka smiled.

"I wonder what would've happened...if you said that back then."


"Nonetheless..." Tizouka poked Tysa with his cane a bit. "I worked hard on your body. As you'll notice, all of your body is uniquely yours. The least I could do, so you better not do anything to ruin it." Before Tysa could say anything, Tizouka walked over to a glowing blue platform. "This will take you back to your dimension. Go when you're ready. Just don't step on the red one. Nothing will happen. Unless someone's coming in. Then that'll be bad. After all, you're not even supposed to be here, and who knows what will happen if a Hogosha saw you here. Oooh, that'd be bad. Anyways..." Tizouka turned to Tysa. "I have work to do. After all, people die everyday, so their bodies come back to me one way or another. Then I have to take the souls out and delete their memory. Even though it doesn't always work completely...nonetheless, don't get your remains burned. Makes my job harder..." With that, Tizouka walked out of the room, leaving a very confused Tysa.

"Hmmm..." Tysa looked at the blue platform. "Back home, eh?" Tysa took a deep breath, then jumped into the platform.

--uh...time frame.—

"Huh..." Tysa looked around. She was back in the school yard and everyone was acting like nothing ever happened. "Hmph." Tysa smiled confidently and ran home. At home, Shui greeted her.

"Hi, Ane!" he greeted happily.

"Hey, Shui. Did Gramps pick you up ok?"

"Um...sort of. He's embarrasing..." Tysa ruffled Shui's hair.

"Welcome to the family." She grinned. "Where are Ray and Kai?" Shui cocked his head.


"No reason. Do you know?" Shui nodded.

"When I told them you and Tyson weren't here, they went to the forest to train." He stated.

"Thanks, Shui!" Tysa left her bag and ran to the forest.

"...She has a lot of energy today..."

--at the forest—

Like Shui had said, Ray and Kai were practicing beyblading in a friendly match. Until Tysa got there that is.

"Kai! Ray!" she called.

"Eh?" A small blush crossed their faces at seeing Tysa, and they soon became angry with each other, resulting in them battling more fiercely than intended. After a while of violent beyblading and a squirrel's near-death, Tysa approached them grinning.

"...Tysa?" Ray asked.

"Are you ok?" Kai asked.

"Of course! After all...you're gonna treat me to ramen!" Tysa cheered.

"What?!" Kai and Ray asked louder.

"I think I might have chicken ramen...oh! Or with fish..." she stated, obviously not listening.

"Are you listening?!" Kai and Ray said simultaneously.

"Oh..." Tysa turned back to the boys looking disappointed. "I just thought that...oh, never mind." She started to walk away sadly. Three, two, one...

"Uh, I'll take you, Tysa." Ray offered. This obviously frustrated Kai, causing him to offer too, until they were both fighting again. Tysa smiled, then grabbed both their hands.

"Come on! Let's go before the shop closes!"

--in a different dimension--

Shan Hu was not happy in the least. Somehow, both of Ying Hua's dimensions were fixed, and no one knew what the cause was. That vexed him greatly. He hated Ying Hua to begin with. She was able to do things with ease that would take the average Shugorei many years. If that kept up, Ying Hua would be a Hogosha soon—and take his position. He couldn't have that. He worked too hard to just give it up.

He knew that the success was due in part to the late Lady Kairi's Guardian incarnation. He also knew that the Guardian incarnation wasn't easily beated, and he couldn't risk his association with her downfall. He looked at the beyblade parts he held that brimmed with a negative aura.

"To beat the light, you need to pull out the dark." He grinned evilly as he walked into a dark-colored portal.

You would recongize Shan Hu from earlier in the series when Ying Hua talks to the other Hogosha shortly after Tysa's...non-existant state. He's also a bad guy. So, what is he doing? Well...I could give you a hint...

Think about the concept of yin and yang. Where there is good, there's evil, right? So, if Tysa and them are good...where's the bad side? The Guardians have the put the evil somewhere, right?