Disclaimer: I do not own or lay claim to anything related to Supernatural.

A/N: I just discovered how much fun drabbling could be; it releases things that you really want to say, and it only takes about five or ten minutes to write! So this'll be a compilation of SN drabbles. Inspiration will probably hit with each new episode, so be warned for spoilers. I'll probably end up doing about a drabbler per episode for S2, if the mood strikes, but it's nothing ongoing; each drabble is a separate entity unto itself, so read as you see fit. And kindly drop a note if you so please; criticisms are always welcome!

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

By Spectral Scribe


Dig through mounds of thick, grainy dirt. Six feet of suffocating, rank, everywhere dirt that smudges and cries with rain and makes mud. And—at last!—a large, wooden box.

Salt the decomposing, brittle bones and tattered scraps of clinging flesh. A boxful of suffocating, rank, everywhere bones that reek of death, but now covered with a fine layer of crystalline glitter.

Burn the fetid concoction—spread the joyful, clementine-orange flames that disintegrate the bones and create ash. A crumbling hole of leaping, crackling, singing fire that curls up, smoke-like, into the festering air.

Dig. Salt. Burn.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.