Hello! This is AJ speaking with an announcement, I got another story! lol it's for Halloween if the title didn't give it away… um… right, well, this is shounen-ai, so if you don't care for it, you can flame. It's cold here at my house; I need some heat, dang it!

Oh! This is a One-shot too!


Happy Halloween Hiei

Dedicated to Hiei- don't get cavities!

Hiei sighed in exasperation as he watched Kurama scuffle about the house, hanging all kinds of 'decorations' as he called them up on walls and such. Hiei didn't understand the meaning, and was getting very close to asking what the Hell's this was about.

"Hiei, can you hand me that pumpkin you're sitting next to?" Kurama was standing on a small chair, pinning up a bat and hanging a ghost in the archway near the stairs. Hiei 'Hn'ed' and grabbed it up, handing it to the balancing kitsune. "Thanks, Hiei," he said, smiling down to him and pinning that up as well.

Finally, after trying to figure it out on his own (unsuccessfully), Hiei asked the inevitable question. Dun-dun-dun. "What the Hell's this for, anyway? What's the point of 'decorating' when you have to take it all down soon after?" The former youko stepped down from the chair and turned to Hiei, having an unnerving smile on his face.

"You know… I think you'd be a good vampire…" he muttered.

Hiei raised an eyebrow and scoffed, "Excuse me?" The kitsune laughed and ruffled his hair, kissing the tip of his nose.

"It's a human holiday, Hiei. It's called Halloween. This is a day when people, mostly younger children, dress up in costumes and such, go to other's houses, and they get candy and other little things. It's quite fun, I think you'd like the idea."

Hiei looked skeptical, and again raised an eyebrow. "Hn. Sounds foolish to me," he uttered.

Kurama sighed and rolled his eyes. "I say you'd like it. Give it a chance, for me?" He turned pouting lips and puppy eyes to Hiei, who couldn't help but unravel under the adorable look.

"… Alright… I'll try."

"Thank you Hiei!" Kurama beamed and kissed him passionately on the lips, then giving him a hug. Hiei returned both of these.



"One question."


"… What did you mean by 'costumes'?"


The next thing Hiei knew, he, Kurama, and the rest of the group were at the… mall. Involuntarily, Hiei shuddered. He never did like the mall, it was to crowded, noisy, and above all, filled with bumbling idiots (except Kurama, Yukina, and Shiori (when there), of course). Hiei thought the smaller stores were much better, but the others insisted on the mall for there were 'better choices' in costumes.

They walked through the doors, and Kuwabara glanced at Hiei. "You know, I don't think pipsqueak needs a costume."

Hiei glared at him, "Well, frankly, neither do you. Your ugly mug is enough to scare a-"

"Hiei, please don't start," Kurama warned. "This is supposed to be fun, let's not fight."

Yusuke piped up, "Yeah, Kuwabara lay off him and show Yukina some stuff, why don't you?"

To this, the carrot-top perked up immensely, but having the opposite effect on Hiei. "Yukina-chan and I will go this way! See you all later!" He grabbed Yukina's hand and led her in one direction, her giggling all the way.

Hiei growled, glaring at Yusuke. Kurama was thankful that he had convinced the small demon to leave his katana at his house. "Oh chill out, Hiei. At least he's out of your hair, right?"

Hiei sighed and turned away. "Kurama… let's just get this over with." Kurama nodded and smiled, winking at Yusuke, who gave a thumbs up, and followed the sulking Koorime another direction than Yukina and 'the imbecile' as Hiei would call him.

"Well… Keiko, Koenma, Botan, Genkai. Shall we be off?" They nodded and went their separate ways.


Yukina grimaced at some of the things she saw, they were quite gruesome. "Kazuma-kun, are they supposed to look like that?" she asked timidly.

Kuwabara placed a hand on her shoulder and tried to console her. "That's what Halloween's about, Yukina-chan. Things are supposed to be scary, weird looking, and the like."

She nodded. "Okay. So, where should we go first?"

Kuwabara scratched his chin, deep in thought… oh so deep. "Hmmmm… well, how about… we start over there?" He pointed to a small store near the corner of the building. It was dubbed 'Scary Palace'.

"Sure, they look like they have some interesting things."

Walking into the store, they glanced about. "How about we get things and make our own costumes? We'll meet near the cash register," Kuwabara suggested. Yukina agreed and they were off.

Twenty minutes later they met there. "What did you all find Kazuma-kun?" Yukina asked.

He grinned goofily, "I'm gonna be The Great Pumpkin!" Yukina laughed along with him. "How about you?"

Yukina held out what was in her hands. "I thought these looked pretty," she said, blushing.

Kuwabara glanced over the assortment. "WAH! Yukina-chan! You can be an ice queen! You'll look lovely!"

She smiled. "Really? Thank you Kazuma!" She hugged him, making him go redder than a beet, and they paid for their items.


Meanwhile, with Yusuke and Keiko, they had just bought their costumes and showed them to each other.

"… You know, I think we should switch," Keiko giggled.

"Huh? Why's that?"

"Well… you're no where near being an angel Yusuke."

He glared, "Yeah, well that devil outfit suits you." She smacked him upside the head and stormed off. "Hey, wait up! I was just messin' with you!"

"And you thought I was serious?! Gods Yusuke, you're so immature!"

He caught up with her and latched onto her waist, "Don't leeeeeeeave meeeeeeeeee!" he whined pathetically. She sighed and kissed him and the forehead. "Dummy! Just watch what you say from now on."

"Aye, aye!"


Koenma, Botan, and Genkai had also finished getting costumes, but weren't sharing them with one another. "It's a secret," said Botan giddily.

Koenma nodded in agreement, "Mine too, I'm going to wait until the party."

Genkai laughed, "We'll probably laugh our head off at whatever you picked!" Botan laughed with her.

He 'hmphed' and crossed his arms over his chest, sneaking his pacifier into his mouth and biting on it. He muttered something like 'evil-conniving-complaining- sniveling-witches' and the two in question laughed harder.

Now, onto the demon duo, who was having a bit of trouble. Namely, Hiei was being a stubborn arse.

"Puh-lease try it on, Hiei? I promise I'll be the only one to see if you don't like it," Kurama pleaded.

Hiei narrowed his eyes and snorted. "Like Hell I'm trying that on! No way in the three worlds will I do it!"

Kurama pouted, and then got inspiration. "… I'll try it on if you do," he purred in his ear seductively. Hiei shivered as his breath tickled his ear.

"Why are you so desperate to get me to wear the thing?" he asked.

"Because… I wanna see you in something as sexy as that," he whispered back.

Hiei rolled his eyes and glared at the garment in Kurama's hands. "So… if I do you will?" he asked suspiciously.

The fox giggled girlishly and smirked, pulling away from the side of his face. "Yup. But only if you try it on first."

Hiei grabbed the outfit and they walked over to the fitting rooms. After ten minutes, there was a flash and a yell of "Damn fox!" behind the curtains. Laughter ensued and Kurama ran out, desperately clutching a camera to his chest. Seconds later, Hiei followed, chasing him about the store.

"Give me the bloody camera, fox!"

"No! It's too precious, and you'll break it!"

"I'll break more than that if you don't hand it over NOW!"

"Ha-ha! Never!"


Hiei finally tackled Kurama, but he still had the camera protected by his arms. Hiei decided to cheat, and so commenced with tickling his partner to make him let go. "Wa-ha-ha-ha-ha! Hiei, stop! Ha-ha-ha! I c-can't breath! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! P-PLEASE!"

"Will you give me the camera?" he asked, not letting up on the tickle torture.

Kurama, the poor fox, had painful and joyful tears running down his face, it was too much! "N-no! But I won't- ha-ha-ha- let anyone see it! I swear!" he gasped out in between bouts of laughter.

"You swear it?" Kurama nodded as best he could, no longer able to coherently speak. Hiei finally ceased his enjoyment, and smirked triumphantly. Kurama started sucking in air like a fish would after being out of water for a bit.

Once he could breathe properly again, he said, "It's… it's a good thing we got our costumes before that. Otherwise the others will probably think we got lost."

Hiei snorted and got off his lover's waist, where he had somehow gotten during the scuffle. "Let them worry. Hn, we can take care of ourselves."

Kurama smiled and stood up, after Hiei had so graciously offered a hand to him. He nodded his thanks and said, "Of course we can, koi."

Well… I lied; this isn't going to be a one-shot… I had been hoping to make it one, but… it didn't turn out as that, so it's a TWO-shot instead! lol The next one is the Trick-or-Treating and the party!

Please Review!