CWG: may be oneshot…we'll see if it works out or not.


Anyways, that's all I have to say for now…so I'll shut up and let you read...



No one could hear her screams of pain as Hilary's body was thrown down the stairs. Her mother sneered from the top of the stairs at the girl's petite form. "You worthless little slut. That'll teach you to break curfew." The woman muttered as she turned away from the brunette. Hilary let the tears stream down her face as she whimpered quietly.

The truth was she hadn't done anything wrong. She fell asleep at Tyson's dojo and was unfortunate to get home after her already high mother. Hilary waited desperately for the woman to leave her sight before getting up and limping to her room. She looked out her window and searched the darkness for signs of comfort for her aching body.

She thought about her friends and what they would be doing at that moment. Tyson, she thought, would be complaining to his grandfather about diets and training. She knew that Ray would be ignoring them from where he sat on the couch reading a book. Max would probably be having dinner with his father talking about anything they wanted. Kenny would be talking to Dizzy about his homework but she had no idea what Kai would be doing then. None of her friends knew what pain she went through every night. The abuse she was put through by her poor excuse of a mother.

Looking back in the direction of Tyson's dojo she noticed the silhouette of a familiar figure dancing across the walls. 'Kai…' Hilary thought to herself. She watched as the shadow jumped over the dojo wall and walk silently like a ghost down the street. She had seen him leave at night many times before but tonight seemed different. He seemed to be less cautious then usual like he knew she could see him.

Hilary stared into the darkness and let her mahogany eyes focus before listening to hear the faint sound of her mother's breathing in the distant. After concluding that the woman and her brothers were asleep, Hilary slipped out of her window. She jumped to the ground and ran as fast as her soar legs could carry her. Within minutes she found herself facing the one person she was hoping to see. His crimson eyes widened in shock as she called out to him.

"Kai! Wait up!" she hissed through the darkness. Without thinking she ran straight up to the boy and smiled. "What are you doing out here? Sneaking out again?" she asked playfully but her smile faded as she realized how stupid and reckless she had been. She was standing in her pajamas under the street light and even with the shadows that were cast on her pale face anyone could see the bruises painted on her body.

"Hilary…?" was all he could manage to say as he took in the damage. Hilary mentally kicked herself. All her crying had made the bruises even more visible since it had washed away the layers of makeup she used each day. Now the one person she loved the most in the entire world was able to see past her barriers. Her mahogany eyes seem to plead silently to the stunned captain. Kai stared at her intently as she slipped back quickly into darkness.

"Who did that to you?" he asked. Hilary could hear his voice crack and his eyes darken.

'Is he really worried about me? So much for heartless Kai.' She thought to herself before she shook her head and answered his question. "It's nothing, Kai. I…fell." Such a cliché line and anyone could see she was lying. Hilary stared at the ground trying to avoid the gaze of those piercing crimson eyes.

"Hilary," Kai's voice filled her ears and she glanced up, shocked at the tenderness the sound had, "Please tell me who did this to you." His voice pleaded in her ear and Hilary jumped as she felt his cold hands carefully brush against her cheek. She hadn't even seen him move towards her so she was suddenly very self conscious.

"Kai, I…" Hilary tried to focus on the sound that erupted from her dry throat. She was shocked at how weak her voice was. She hated that effect the older boy had on her and instantly blushed before backing away again.

A faint sound erupted from the distance and interrupted the teenagers' 'conversation'. Hilary looked towards the sound in terror not caring that Kai would see her reaction.

"I, got to go. See ya." She muttered quickly before running towards her house. Her heart raced wildly as she bolted down the road. She had heard the sound of a scream. No matter how quiet it had been, Hilary heard it as if she were in the same room with the victim.

'Oh god, don't let me be too late.' Her mind screamed as she charged through her window and down the hall to where she heard crying. She swung the wooden door open to see her younger twin brothers and mother in the room.

"Sora? Oh my god! GET OFF HIM!" Hilary screamed at the woman as she realized what was happening. The younger of the two twins, Loki was sitting on the floor crying, as his small body shook with fear. Hilary couldn't see her other brother, Sora anywhere but knew all too well where he was.

"You annoying brat. Stop looking like your father. It sickens me to see his face in this house. Just die already." Hilary heard her mother muttering as she tightened her grip on Sora's neck.

"I SAID GET OFF! STOP IT!" Hilary screamed as she shoved the woman away and took hold of her little brother. Loki stopped crying and ran over to Hilary as well. Loki looked into the dull fading green eyes of his twin and began to cry again. Sora was loosing consciousness but at least Hilary could keep him safe for now.

"Loki go!" Hilary yelled to him as she picked up Sora's small body. Hilary led the boy out of the house and didn't stop running until the house was out of sight. Loki had stopped crying but Hilary could still see him panicking. She shifted Sora's weight and motioned for her brother to follow her. She didn't know where to go and soon found herself in a nearby park. Loki sat on a swing as Hilary tried to wake up Sora.

"Sora? Sora, please wake up. Come on." Hilary whispered to the small boy. She couldn't help but notice her mother was right, he did look like her father. The boys both had his green eyes and hair. Sora had short brown hair with blood red streaks whereas Loki's hair was down to his shoulders. Tears began to stream down Hilary's face as she looked at his pale face.

"Why did this have to happen to us? What did we do to deserve this?" She muttered darkly to no one in particular. She looked up as she realized Loki's swing wasn't squeaking anymore. She looked back and saw her brother staring into the darkness.

"Loki?" Hilary began but couldn't help but gasp in shock as a familiar figure came out of the shadows.

"Kai." Was all she could whisper before tears began to fall again.


CWG: That's chapter 1. yeah I decided to make this a story. So what'd you think so far? R&R.