When Two Hearts Collide

Summary: Serena and Darien keep running into each other. They both try to take different paths, but what happens when their hearts collide?

This is a new story that I have written because I am back, but I now have writer's block to continue on with my last story, My One and Only Meatball Head. I hope you enjoy this story as much as you enjoyed my last one. Hopefully I will get rid of the block and finish the last one. Well, here it is!


It was just a normal day. Well, for her anyway.

Serena looked at the clock. 7:55.

"Oh my gosh! I'm going to be so late! Luna, why didn't you wake me up?"

"I did try, but you flung me off the bed to the wall," Luna growled as she glared daggers at Serena while she rubbed her side.

She giggled. "Oh, sorry about that… Wait, I'm wasting time!"

She quickly got up and put on her uniform. Serena made an attempt to make herself presentable, but she was running out of time. School starts 8:10 and it is about a mile away. She looked at the time. 8:05.

"Ahhh! Ms. Haruna is so going to give me detention!" She grabbed her lunch and a piece of toast and dashed out the door. "ByeIloveyouMom. Igottogobye!"

Irene shook her head. "I'm surprised the track team hasn't hunger her down," she declared after she felt a breeze as her daughter rushed out the door.

"See yah later Andrew! I'm off to school," Darien yelled across the arcade.

It was a start of a good day, though the highlight of it would be when Meatball Head aka Serena herself would show up at the arcade at around 3:30 if she didn't have detention.

He smiled as he thought of himself teasing her senseless. Loved the way her face went when she was angry. It went all red and her face would scrunch up all cute… Wait, Meatball Head cute? Okay, yeah she is just about the most beautiful girl he's ever seen, but no one has to know that.

Suddenly, he bumped into someone. He tried to catch them, but he fell with them. It turns out it is was his Meatball Head.

Ah, an early dose of my Meatball Head; this has just made my day.

She landed right on op of him! He stared right into beautiful shocking sky blue eyes and watched them turn to apologetic to fury.

"Ah, Meatball Head. I know I'm good looking, but could you keep your hands off of me?" he asked as a smug smile played on his lips.

"You're too full of yourself. You bumped into me. What makes you think I of all people like you?" she refused as her face turned red as a tomato.

"Oh, yeah? Then why are you still on me?" he smirked.

"You're such an arrogant… - Oh my gosh you jerk! You're making me late for school!" Serena shrieked not bothering to help him up, but instead ran for her life to school.

Darien got up and watched her beautiful golden blonde hair flow in the wind. He let his mind drift on his angel as he continued onto school.

Serena and Darien were both in high school, but different schools. Darien went to the more advanced private school when she went to the normal one. His friend, Andrew used to go there, but he had already finished his credits and is now working full time in his father's arcade until he receives any college acceptance letters. He was in his senior year and finished with his credits, but for Darien, he can never be too sure when to stop. Even since Andrew's parents finally let go of hi, he's been trying so hard to make the most of himself because he was an orphan. Plus, it kind of helped to fill the emptiness of his parents to bury himself in his studies. He would live up to his dream to become one of the best doctors alive.

Serena came in just a few seconds before the final bell rung.

"That was a close one," she muttered as she was panting her way to her seat.

She could have been here earlier if it wasn't for that idiot Darien. Sure he was gorgeous with his silky ebony hair, charming smile, melting voice, amazing body, and those midnight blue eyes girls can't get enough of (you'd have to look like that to be a model anyway), but when he opens his mouth, it just ruins it all. Secretly, she enjoys the usual heated arguments they shared. At least she wasn't late.

"Ms. Tsukino, you were lucky this time. May this be the first of many? I have other things to do other than spend my afternoons watching you in detention," Ms. Haruna greeted her.

"I heard she got a new boyfriend," whispered Molly.

"Really?" Lita gasped.

"Girls, now is the time for learning. I suggest you listen up and make the effort or I won't try to help you out," Amy scolded.

Amy would have been in the better school with Darien if it weren't for her investigation for other scouts and she doesn't cope well with people who are high class. She could be one of them as her mother is the head doctor of a big time hospital, but she chooses otherwise.

Her friends, Mina and Raye go to other schools, but they are all friends none the less. United by their destinies to find and protect the princess.

Back to Serena. This day was better than she thought. Little did she know things were going to stir up around here.

So, what'd you think? Let me know by reviewing!