E.M.Q-for those of you who don't know..i changed my name from 'halfdemonhalfangel' to 'evil muffin queen'

first will be the sand siblings on the category,"children social skills"

and now gaara,on 'sharing'...

Hello,i am gaara and i'm here to help you share with your little primates...er..i mean friends.i will now go to the playground for a demonstration.

at the playground...

gaara-(plays with sand doll)

little kid-hello may i play with you?

gaara-(smirks) sure. (hands doll over to kid)

little kid-aaagggghhh!!!(sand doll sqeezes the heck out of the kid)

and now tamari on,"telling someone no"

hey,i'm tamari.i will be telling you how to say no to some thug who won't freakin leave you alone.i will now go to the lunchroom for a demonstration...

little kid-hello,can i have some of that cake?

tamari-back off kid!

little kid-(crys)

tamari-ah,suck it up twerp!

little kid-(crys)

tamari-ggrrr...(grabs fan then blows the crying little girl away)

and now kankuro on,"making friends"

hi,i'm kankuro.today i'll teach you how to make friends...other than your puppet.i will now demonstrate at a local school.

little boys-(plays with basketball)

kankuro- hey can i join?


kankuro-(sends puppet out to sqeeze the boys to death) now can i play?

little boys-YES! ANYTHING!!

E.M.Q-well hope these tips come in handy! we'll be back after the break..as long as you review.