The Weird, The Strange, And The Down Right Unexplainable.

A/N Okay so this is just a chapter with a little bit of Karen and Dan in it. I'm not sure I'm going to keep Dan like this through the whole story, I just wanted to write something so you guys knew I was still here. I'll have more Brucas at the barbecue, and that should be up next weekend. I'm not around a computer everyday anymore so sorry that it took so long.

Karen didn't know what to think of the drama making its way to the surface in the small town of Tree Hill. One thing she knew for sure was that Brooke, Haley, and herself were all pregnant, and she blamed it on the tap water. She was disappointed in Brooke more then anything. She thought when her son and Brooke got back together this last time they might be able to make it work. Now she has to deal with the fact that her teenage son might have a son of his own on the way. It was history repeating itself and she wasn't sure she'd like the outcome. She knew she needed to stop thinking about it. There wasn't really a point, they wouldn't know the results for another three months anyways.

"Hey Karen. How's my niece treating you today?" Dan Scott asked as he approached the counter.

"I'm fat, swollen, and miserable, but besides all that I'm doing fine. Thanks for asking. What can I get for you Dan?" She replied with a smile.

"You can get me nothing and sit down and rest your feet while I make myself a cup of coffee." He told her motioning her towards the chair.

Karen listened and graciously took the break offered to her. She was also confused about what was going on with her and Dan. He left her when she was pregnant with Lucas, but now he was acting as if she were pregnant with his child again. At first she immediately thought it was one of his schemes, but now she wasn't so sure. She looked up when he came back to the counter and made eye contact with him. She could see the regret in his eyes, but she didn't know if she would ever be able to fully trust him again.

"What are you thinking so hard about Karen?" He asked her. He was pretty sure he knew the answer, but didn't want to feel like a jackass if he brought it up and was wrong.

"Oh this Lucas and Brooke thing. You know Dan you think your raising them right and then one day your son comes home and tells you something like this. I just don't know what to do. And did you know Rachel attacked poor Brooke the other day. Lucas had to come to her defense." Karen stopped to think for a minute before continuing. "Oh I just don't want him to get hurt in this situation, but at the same time I don't want him being a teenage dad."

"Karen you raised a good boy. Sure he made a mistake, but we're all aloud a few through out our lives right. Plus you can't protect them from pain forever. Lucas is a tough kid, and no matter what the outcome he's going to make it through. He got that from his mother." He tried to reassure her.

"Dan make her stop worrying. Anything happens to that niece of mine and I'm gonna have to hurt somebody." Haley said bringing back a trey full of dirty dishes.

Dan turned and smiled at his daughter-in-law he use to hold so much contempt for. Now he was trying to be a better person. Right some of the wrongs he had done and hopefully make Karen happy in the process.

"And if anything happens to my grandson I'm gonna have to hurt somebody. Am I gonna have to hire extra help so I can keep these babies safe until their born?" He asked jokingly, looking back and forth between the girls with a fake scowl on his face.

"I don't think that will be necessary Dan." Karen replied.

"Well since your both here I want to invite you both to the barbecue I'm having for all you women making my family bigger. Its Saturday at 3 so come out, eat, and please leave the hormones at home." He said turning to leave. "Oh and Haley when you talk to Brooke tell her she's invited to." He threw over his shoulder before walking out the door.

"You know Karen I think Dan fell and hit his head or something cause he's being way to nice."

"Your telling me."

A/N Okay so I know this wasn't one of my best chapters, but please still leave a review just so I know you guys haven't abandoned me from my lack of updating.