Of All The Coffee Shops
Chapter 1
A coffee cup is slammed down on a table in a small café in Hartford.
"Daughter, no angering of the coffee gods!"
"Sorry, Mom, but guys are stupid, inconsiderate jerks who are… are… are stupid." Rory declared with zeal while taking a sip of her fourth cup of coffee.
"You said that already, Rory. Aren't you in Yale? You'd think with all I was paying for you to go there you'd have smart adjectives." Lorelai replied.
"Mom, you aren't paying. Dad is."
"She's got you there Lorelai. I am sorry about your breakup with Logan, Rory, sweetie." Sookie, Lorelai's best friend, said.
"Yeah well I'm not. Cause he's a jerk and… and…"
"Thank you, Paris."
Paris Geller was Rory's roommate and one of her best friends. They had known each other since high school.
"Miss, this coffee was ordered for you by a gentleman who also left this note." Rory looked extremely puzzled.
"For me?"
"Yes miss."
"So Rory, daughter o' mine, what does it say?"
"Hold on let me read it first."
Mary- Of all the coffee shops, in all the world, you walk into mine. Call me, Paris should have my number. –Romeo
Rory was silent for a few minutes while the others looked on none too patiently. Then she looked up at Paris.
"Do you have Tristan's phone number?"
"Tristan, as in Tristan Dugrey. That Tristan?"
"Yes, that Tristan. Do you have it?"
"Yes, um here let me get it."
"Can I just use your phone?'
"Uh yeah, here." Paris took out her phone, found Tristan's number, pressed send, and handed it to Rory.
"Hello." A decidedly male voice answered on the other end.
"Hello Romeo." Rory confidently replied.
"Mary, got my note and coffee, did ya?"
"Yes, thanks. You remembered."
"Far be it from me to deprive a Gilmore of her coffee."
"Haha. So where are you?"
"Look outside." Rory turned to the window, her companions completely forgotten, and saw the boy who called her Mary for the first time in six years. He looked just as handsome as he had been on that piano bench at Madeline's party. "I'm coming out. You still owe me a kiss if I'm not mistaken."
"Well, then, I'm not one to disappoint." They hung up.
"Mom, Paris, Sookie, I will see you later. Gotta go see a guy about kiss."
"What happened to guys are inconsiderate, stupid jerks?." This from Sookie. She was ignored.
"Tell Mommy all the dirty details later about the Greek god out there."
"Tell him he still owes me five bucks."
"Okay Paris, and Mom you got ya. Here's your phone Paris."