Akatsuki and the New York City Wedding

I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters.

Some Background…

Recently, 'The Leader's nephew has announced the engagement to Deidara's sister's friend Audrey. They are getting married in New York City, 'The Leader' has requested the presence of Akatsuki to be in the wedding procession. Why not? What could possibly go wrong? Besides, none of Akatsuki has seen New York City and this would be a most perfect opportunity.

"Oh my god! I like so can't believe this, we're so like flying first class to New York City….for three days, yeah!" Dana exclaimed to Deidara.

"I know Dana! It's going to be three days of New York City pizzazz, yeah!" Deidara told her. Everyone was waiting in the airport for their plane to depart. Itachi hadn't let go of Dana's hand from the moment they had arrived at the airport, honestly, Itachi was in the best mood ever….absolutely no rage. But then again, anyone who was spending 3 days in a hotel with their girlfriend wouldn't be enraged.

"I can't help but be a little excited for this. I can't believe we're staying at The Hilton on 5th Avenue." Sasori said to Kisame.

"Yeah, and we get to eat free because we're with the wedding party, I hear Dana's friend is loaded and so is 'The Leader's' nephew, so I bet we'll have one kick ass wedding dinner." Kisame said.

"Okay, Kakuzu would you just shut up, seriously! You know how freaked out I am by planes! Really, I don't care what you say I'm praying the entire way there and if you have a problem with it then I will stuff you into the plane's bathroom." Once again Kakuzu and Hidan were arguing. Tobi had his throw-up bag ready, he had terrible motion sickness. Zetsu was getting annoyed by a little kid who kept poking his head.

"Oh my god, Itachi, listen to this, yeah. My friend got us dinner reservations at the infamous Tavern on the Green, yeah." Dana said, her blue eyes shinning.

"What you mean like all of us?" Itachi asked.

"No, I mean like just you and me, yeah." Dana answered.

"No….fucking…way….Dana that kicks ass!" Itachi squeezed her nearly in half.

"Oh my god, I know, yeah." Dana said.

"Attention all passengers: Continental Airlines Flight 31 to New York City will be departing from gate B3 in approximately 30 minutes, please have your boarding passes ready at the gate. Thank you for flying Continental, have a great flight." An announcer came over the intercom.

"Come on that's us, let's get moving." Sasori said. Since Sasori was the brains of the Akatsuki operation, he decided to lead everyone to the gate. Even though Itachi, Deidara and Dana were dressed better he bet that they probably couldn't find the gate in 30 mintues. Tobi kept rolling over people's feet with his carry-on luggage and Hidan kept hitting people with his oversized man-purse. However, Saosri had found the gate and 9 boarding passes later, they were sitting in first class for the flight to New York City.

"Psssst. Hey, Kisame, you wanna get a bet going?" Saosri asked as he made himself comfortable in the ultra soft first class seating.

"Always." Kisame said.

"Okay, what will you bet that it doesn't take Itachi and Dana 10 minutes to be having sex in the airplane's bathroom?" Sasori loved to get these sexual bets going, over the years he had won approximately $347 dollars betting on Itachi and Deidara's sex lives.

"I got $10 says they won't do it, Dana's dressed too nice." Kisame said.

"Hell no, $15 says they'll be in there the minute this flight is airborne." Zetsu said.

"Okay, I got $20 says they'll be in there after drinks are served." Sasori said, and so the betting began. It was decided that the winnings would be split among the bidders.

"Oh my god! Deidara, the stewardess is like getting ready to go over the safety stuff, yeah. I can't wait until she does the part where you can use the seat as a floating device, yeah!" Dana said, her blue eyes sparkling.

"I know and just think Dana, we finally get to see what a real airplane bottles of liquor looks like, yeah!" Deidara said with equally shimmering blue eyes.

"Kakuzu, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard anybody say! Of course first class tickets are more expensive, that's why it's first class, seriously!" Hidan argued.

"Well, fine! But how was I supposed to know that?" Kakuzu said.

"It's common knowledge, dumbass, really!" And their fighting continued throughout the safety presentation.

"Passengers, this is your pilot speaking, we'll be departing the airport for New York City in approximately 10 minutes. Our flight is non-stop to JFK International we should be in the air for 3 hours. Thank you for flying Continential Airlines." The intercom clicked off.

"Hi! I'm Laura, I'll be serving first class today. Can I get you anything to drink?" the stewardess asked Kisame and Zetsu.

"I'd like a Diet Coke." Kisame answered.

"I'll just have water, thanks." Zetsu answered.

"I'll take ginger ale with a slice of lemon please." Sasori requested. The stewardess continued her way back through the first class passengers. Hidan and Kakuzu stopped arguing long enough for Hidan to request wine and saltine crackers so he could have an instant communion. Tobi wasn't sure what was going on and he was fascinated with the flip down laptop desks, so he didn't get anything to drink. Naturally, Itachi and Deidara and Dana had to be a little more complicated…

"I have to like, take a birth control pill, so do you like have something without ice, but yet it's still cold, yeah? I just like so hate ice in my drinks when I'm taking the pill, yeah." Dana said. The stewardess indicated that it wouldn't be a problem.

"Do you serve smoothies? I would love a raspberry smoothie. Wait, maybe not raspberry, I'm thinking Mango….no….no not mango….how about pineapple, yes! Pineapple! Wait….wait not pineapple…." Itachi was having trouble.

"Well sir, if it helps we only have strawberry, raspberry and melon flavored smoothies." The stewardess said.

"Who the fuck would order melon? I'll take the raspberry." Itachi said.

"Is it too late to get a mocha cappuccino with the whipped topping and cinnamon, yeah? Oh my god, I only so love those, yeah. But is it made with skim milk and low fat whipped topping, well actually maybe I just shouldn't get the whipped topping, yeah, Okay, yeah I'll take the cappuccino made with skim milk only and no whipped topping but I would like the cinnamon, yeah. " Deidara told the stewardess. She ran off to retrieve her drink cart. The journey to New York City had officially begun!