A/N: Hah! Here it is! My first fanfiction ever! Please don't kill me if it's bad, you can't blame me for sucking. Well, you can, but don't.

This is just a fluffeh little oneshot/drabble thing that I wrote out of boredom. I was also kind of embarrassed cause I don't write fanfictions when I read them all the time.

Please review! Constructive criticism and flames are okay too.

By the way, words in italics are Kyo's thoughts.

Disclaimer: Fruits Basket and all its characters are unfortunately not mine.


It Could Happen

3 weeks. That's all the time he had left until… He didn't want to think about it. He knew what would happen. Torture. And he didn't mean the part about being locked up for the rest of his life. Nor having "visits" from Akito.

What bothered him was the fact that he wouldn't be able to see that bright smile in the morning that seemed to light up the whole world. Or come home exhausted from training at the dojo and hearing the sugary sweet voice greeting him.

"Welcome home Kyo-kun!" he would hear.

But no, he wasn't allowed any of those wonderful things.

He could only have misery.




In other words: No Tohru.

Kyo sat up on the roof in his pajamas. He had been lying in the same spot for a long time now. He was watching the stars, forcing himself to think about his future.

It was late at night. The moon was pretty high in the sky. It was eleven, maybe twelve o'clock at night.

Everyone should be asleep by now, Kyo thought, including me.

He sighed, and stood up, still looking at the beautiful full moon. That was when he found a shooting star. He watched as it soared across the heavens. When it disappeared from sight, Kyo walked across the roof and climbed down the ladder.

He went to the kitchen to get a drink before going to bed. It was cold on the roof and his throat was dry.

Kyo was walking down the hallway to his room after gulping down some milk when he heard a voice coming from Tohru's room.

Is someone in there? Kyo wondered, obviously curious. Maybe I should just take one little peek, to... make sure that she's safe.

He slid Tohru's door open about an inch and looked inside. It was empty, excluding a deeply breathing Tohru on the bed.

But that voice… He was about to shut the door when he heard it again.

"Kyo-kun… Don't... leave…" It was coming from Tohru. She was facing the wall, so he couldn't see her face. Kyo opened the door enough to let himself in. The light from the hallway flooded into the room as he walked over to the pink bed.

Kyo bent over the hunched figure on the bed and gazed into Tohru's face.

She had her eyes closed and was she was taking deep, even breaths. Tohru was asleep.

I must be imagining things…

"Kyo…kun…" Tohru squirmed in her bed just as Kyo took one step towards the door. So she was sleep talking!

"Don't go… I…" Her voice trailed off.

"You what?" Kyo accidentally whispered out loud.

"I… don't want you to go… because…" Tohru seemed to hesitate.

"You can tell me, I'll listen…" Kyo said in a soothing voice. Tohru seemed to be asleep, so he might as well play along.

"Don't laugh… please…"

What is she hiding?

"I won't… Just say it."

"I love you, Kyo-kun…" She whispered.

Kyo's eyes widened.

I can't speak. I can't move. I can't get my thoughts straight. I can't breathe. I can't… Hold on… Breathe you moron!

He took a big breath and let it out.

"I… love you too Tohru…" Kyo whispered.

"Really!" Tohru sat up straight, wide awake.

"Were you awake this whole time!" Kyo yelled, oh-so-obviously startled.

"You really love me back?" Tohru asked, ignoring his sudden outburst.

"Well, yeah…" Kyo said in a quiet voice, rubbing the back of his neck, blushing, and looking down.


He looked up to see Tohru leaning towards him, her face mere inches away from his.

Hell yes. Hell yes. HELL YES!

And right as Kyo's lips were grazing Tohru's…

He woke up.

Oh, how cruel life can be.

Kyo was still on the roof but with a blanket covering him. The sun was already up, he must have slept in.

Dammit! He slammed his fist into the roof. He did this with half of his usual power, because he knew that the spot he was sitting in was right above Tohru's room.

Kyo stood up, and he heard someone climbing up the ladder.

"Good morning Kyo-kun! I found you here this morning and thought that you might get cold so I brought you a blanket!" Tohru said in her usual cheery voice.

"Thanks." Kyo gave Tohru a soft, tender smile. The one that was reserved especially for her. She smiled back, unsuspecting of the heart she was melting.

Even if it wasn't real, that dream had him set for life. It was nice to have a little bit of hope, even if it was just a dream.

He knew the chances of her loving him were small.

But hey, it could happen.