Disclaimer: I do not own Shadow the Hedgehog or Amy Rose, or any Sonic Team related character. Apart from I own my Shadow plush.

Right, here is my first (and probably last) poem. It is a poem Amy writes for Shadow. I would like to thank: Little Fortune Cookie. She is the one who suggested that I should post this and came up with the title - because I suck at that. So, I am now dedicating this to her. Thankies:)


The leaves fall from the trees

And yet you still stay

The next spring with the bees

And yet you still stay


You are the darkness

I am the light

You must stay tonight

I need you to protect me from myself


You stay with me

Yet I know this is where;

You don't want to be

To be in this dead end, you should just go


You protest, saying things that make

Me think you care

I know you don't love me Shadow

But give me a chance


I can be your light

Your shining star

I'm not trying to steal her place

You know that


I love you Shadow

Stay with me;

Even if it is

Just for tonight.


O.o Please tell me what you think. Thank you.