Disclaimer: Own Nothing
A/N: After Love Run Cold. We all have our own crazy theory on Lindsay's past don't we? This is mine.
Things had relaxed a bit around the lab since Danny and Lindsay had what he referred to as "the conversation." She was mostly herself around himself again. She allowed him to walk closer to her than absolutely necessary. She knew he did it so their arms and hands glanced each other as walked between the crime scene and labs but she didn't object. She laughed at his jokes, even the ones that weren't at all funny, but she was warmed by his many attempts to see her smile.
They were together looking at results on his computer screen when her desk phone began to ring. She didn't immediately make any move to get it. He looked at her wide-eyed in mock panic.
"Montana, aren't you waiting on Adam for DNA?"
"Yes," she said raising her eyebrows. She couldn't stifle her grin at his demeanor.
"You better get it or you will have to beg and bribe him with Grey's Payapa to ever get him to phone in your results again." Her phone interrupted him. "Third ring Montana, GO! GO!" He gestured her away with his hands.
She was laughing as she rounded her desk to answer the phone.
"Monroe." He watched as the smile dissolved from her face and her body shudder at the words from the other end.
"Its Lindsay Monroe." She emphasized her last name as if making a correction. Danny wondered, who mispronounces 'Monroe'? Her expression hardened as she sat down in her chair, shoulders slumped. She listened as someone on the other end said something that was distressing to her. Danny's brow was furrowed as he watched her. He wanted to pull the phone from her and tell whomever it was on the other end that if they continued to upset her they would have to answer to him.
"Why me?" She asked in a hoarse whisper. There was a reply from the other end of the phone, as Danny shifted in his chair. He didn't like the sound of this conversation.
"I understand." She said in the same whisper while staring at the ground. There was more from the other end.
"When?" She asked rubbing her face with her hand.
"I will do it." She said resignedly while replacing the phone in its cradle. She stared at it as if trying to process how a piece of molded plastic could have brought such a torrent.
"Montana?" Danny asked quietly, tentatively. Something was wrong. She made no reply, but continued to stare at the phone.
"Lindsay, what?"
Her eyes traveled to his concerned face, but she didn't speak. He could see her mind was faraway.
"Danny." She whispered, and stopped. Her eyes were on him but her gaze unfocused. He just looked at her. "Danny. Can you cover for me? I need to take care of something."
"I can. But Y'alright? You need help?" He wanted to walked over to her and drop to his knees to look her in the eye and gently shake her from her painful thoughts. But he stayed in his seat. She shook her head absently.
"No, I'm OK. Thanks." She blinked slowly and looked to the door, but didn't get up. She was working something out in her head, he just wished she would do it aloud so he could help her, and at least he would know what she was going through.
"Lindsay. Are you in danger?" He had to ask, it was out of his lips before he realized it would reveal he was eavesdropping.
"No. Not right now" She whispered still not meeting his eyes as she rose and walked out the door leaving him to stare at the doorway she used to exit.