Dark: Ah, the sequel-that-never-got-the-chance-2-b-posted xDD Ok, same drill, updates every Sunday, unless I'm full 2 the brim w/ skool work or tests or whatever else my private skool can come up w/. U dun really need 2 read Silent Tears 2 fully understand this one, but I'd advise u 2, really.

Disclaimer: Moi owns nuthin' but the characters u dun recognize (& this time, there r a whole lot of them xD). Steal them & I'll offer u a stay at Portugal & make sure u die out of boredom during that time. Also, Viscera Nigror Team belongs 2 Tenebrae Rosa. Description of all OC's can b found at the end of the Prologue.

Summary: "You cannot escape from your past. Or deny your future. Because they now know, and they'll come!" her eyes locked with her silver ones, "You are the reason why this is happening. You, the Praeceptrix. But you are also the one who can put an end to this slaughter." Kai/OC, OCTalaOC, Ray/Mariah hinted.

"..." speaking

'Italics' thoughts

: … : bit beast talking

Prologue... Memories

(6th June; Tokyo, Japan)

One year.

It's a short amount of time when you're with your friends. But when you stare listlessly to a wall or a ceiling for hours on end, thinking about that person, the most important one of your whole life...

It's an awfully long time. Especially when you really don't want to be thinking about that someone.

Kai Hiwatari, now at the age of fifteen, wrote the last word of his History assessment. Leaning back on his chair, he glanced half-heartedly at his wristwatch, In a week, the school ends. And in six days, that's it. A year. A whole year. Exactly one year ago, I met the one who changed my life forever... Iris... He looked through the window, to the bright blue sky, Seems so long ago. He got up and delivered his exam, picking up his things on his way. Exiting the classroom, he made his way out of the school and into the nearest café. He sipped the bottle of water he bought, as he returned home.

Once in the enormous Hiwatari Manor, he climbed the stairs, entering his room. In his way to the wide balcony he had, he picked up a photo frame. Once there, he sat on the railings, his back against the wall. His eyes swept over the picture, a finger running over the black haired girl on it. How he missed her... As she was still on the run from BIOVOLT, they couldn't even contact each other... Pure hell. And pure madness. But he could never forget her. Much to his displeasure. I've become too attached to her...

Their trainings here in Japan... The tournament's finals... The fear he felt for her... On the finals and then on the Abbey. How he almost lost her there again... And their night together. Finally, that good bye. How could he forget? Even if no one had seemed to notice, he saw the silent tears sliding down her cheeks. Little did she know, his heart was breaking at the sight. That was also the last time he ever saw her. Excluding in his thoughts, of course. She was always there, constantly. Her voice, her figure, her eyes... He knew she was okay, Dranzer said so each time he asked. And he hated himself for it. Too many feelings... Too many weaknesses...

Speaking of which... The teen took out his beyblade. As usual, the bit chip shined reassuringly, letting him know he was listening.

: She is just fine, young Master... :

The same answer, always. And the irony of the situation couldn't be ignored either: in a few weeks, another tournament was coming. This time in Brazil. And they speak Portuguese too... He groaned inwardly, One more thing to make me remember her... His mobile suddenly rang, as a message arrived. Ray's.

'Max and Tyson arrived sooner. Training starts now, if u can make it.'

'If you can make it'... You should have written 'Please, say no'... He shook his head, stepping outside the mansion again. He smirked lightly, A new tournament... Maybe she'll be there... Shrugging off the good memories, he continued on his way. Maybe then I'll forget these feelings... I have to. I need to.


(24th June; Porto, Portugal)


A loud scream made the people look with disdain at three teens. Almost getting under a car, a scared girl ran from two boys. One of them was laughing, holding up a cockroach, chasing the girl. The other male was chasing the other two, apologising to the people around them.

"PLEASE, get it away, Rui! Release it! NOW! Oh, please not that!" as much as Shauna liked to play along, Rui was exaggerating. He KNOWS I hate those twitchy, black, nasty, horrible things!

"Aww, c'mon! Just pet the little guy and I'll let it go. Come on, pwease? For me?"

"Rui! Do you mind! Stop it; look at the childish figure we're giving out!" Axel kept chasing the boy in front of him, but around so many people, it was difficult.

My salvation! Shauna jumped over Iris' gates, rounding the corner and climbing up the stairs as quickly as she could with her god-damned high heeled sandals. Taking out the spare key from under the old rug, she entered the house, breaking into a run again, "Iris!"

Said female got up from hearing music and speaking with Tiffany, quirking an eyebrow at the panting brown-haired girl, "What is it now, Shauna?"

The tired girl collapsed onto the couch, taking her time to catch her breath, "Rui... caught a cockroach... was chasing me... with it...!" she made a disgusted face, "Everyone knows I abhor those little... things!"

The DT Duet sweatdropped. Just then, a knock at the door sounded.

"I'll get it." The French girl winked, smirking. Walking out of the sitting room and onto the veranda, she opened the door, looking at the other two boys, "Yes? To buy cockroaches? Nah, not interested..." she closed the door in their faces, chuckling. They knocked again, followed by a row of swearing and threats. She opened it again, leaned in and kissed Rui right on the lips, making him release the dizzy insect in surprise. It flew away, as she pulled back.

Rui smirked, "Ah, Boisvert, I always knew you had a crush on me..."

Tif rolled her vivid blue eyes, letting the both of them enter, "Pff, whatever... Anyway, what was your grade at History?"

The other blonde coughed, "Hmm, a grand 95! As usual..."

"Yeah, right, backwards, so you got 59..."

"Hey! Can you do any better, Blanchett? That teacher hates my guts! At least it's a positive..."

"Well, I've got 98." Everyone turned to the shortest girl in surprise. Iris placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Well, Shauna is the best of our class at History. Better get used to it..." Rui ended up pouting, as everyone else laughed softly.

Iris smiled softly. All this brought back painful memories. Damn, I miss him... So much... It's just not the same. But, maybe, just maybe, he'll go to the Brazilian Tournament! I hope so... It would be great to battle him. She couldn't, wouldn't forget him. He changed my life... made me feel alive... Safe in his arms. They promised each other, she knew, but still... Will we be able to keep it? Everything changed after that tournament. BIOVOLT's still after me, wherever they are now. I'm glad that Black Dranzer isn't with them anymore though. But like Lugiohan said, Kai was just fine. However, she couldn't shake this feeling away... Something was about to happen. Something bad. Soon. Very soon.

She came out of her reverie to see everyone staring intently at her, "What?"

"Are you ok?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You're thinking about him, aren't you? I know you are..." Tif started, but Iris cut her off before she would reveal too much to the others.

"Right, train. Let's go, guys... We're leaving in three days!" as she walked away, the rest of them changed knowing stares behind her back, but as it had happened before, they kept silent. There was nothing they could say to make her change her mind. She would turn deaf, mute and blind as long as they kept asking her about her past. So, following her example, they got ready to train.


(27th June; Agadir, Morocco)

After almost being killed by their fans, the BladeBreakers finally arrived to the quay where their ship would leave to take them to Brazil. School was over and they were ready. They had flown to Agadir, west Morocco by plane, and as usual, Tyson was complaining.

"Ohhhhhh, it's soooooooooooo hot... And I'm soooooooooo thirsty! Can't we go and buy something?"

"Do you speak French?"

"Errr, no; so what, Kai?"

"They only speak French here. So, keep quiet and wait for the ship. Soon, you'll be sick of water, don't worry. It's two weeks till we arrive at Fortaleza."

"Pleeeeeeeease, don't remind me..." the ship hadn't even arrived, and Chief was already feeling ill, while everyone else snickered silently. Or in Kai's case, smirked.

A lot of beybladers had already arrived, most of them from Europe. Where they were standing, the noise of old friends meeting and knowing others was almost unbearable. But Kai tried to ignore them. If not, the BladeBreakers couldn't participate on the tournament.

His cinnamon eyes snapped open as he recognized one of the languages. He would never forget the rough sounds and quick words of Portuguese. Two girls were discussing, and he couldn't shake the sensation that he knew one of them...


(27th June; Agadir, Morocco)

"...And don't forget, if you say you want a tea, they'll bring you a cat (1)!" Rui continued to laugh his head off at the lame joke, while the rest of them tried to make the people who were looking at him believe they didn't know him at all.

"Please, will you keep quiet? Everyone's looking..." Tif placed her cap lower, covering most of her face, "Look at the figure you're giving out!" Even in her ¾ light jeans and beige crop top she was feeling too hot, and the playboy beside her wasn't helping her mood.

"Meh, so what?"

"Ahhhhhhh, look, the beach! Wow, it seems like the girls enjoy the sun pretty much..." Iris said loud enough for him to hear. Contrary to the others, she looked just fine in her dark grey blue jeans and sleeveless red top, much to their surprise.

"Wha- GIRLS? WHERE!" the boy ran towards the sea, as fast as he could, leaving the rest of them to sigh in relief. While Rui was searching the 'beach', the others came to a stop, waiting for the ship. The trip from Porto to Casablanca, and then to Agadir was long, not to mention tiring.

Shauna let out a sigh, pouring water on her curls from a bottle, adjusting her top to show her navel, "Urrgh, and I say Portugal is hot! How can you do it, Iris!"

The black haired girl shrugged casually, "I'm used to it, I guess... I'm ok."

"Speak for yourself! If that damned ship doesn't come quick, I'm gonna DIE!" the tomboy crossed her arms over her chest, frowning as some guys looked at her. Contrary to most girls, the French hated that.

"Woo, big hyperbole there, don't you think?"


"Chill, I was just joking!" Iris placed her arms in front of her in a peace sign, quirking an eyebrow at her friend.

"Well, don't!"

The other girl grinned, clearing her throat, "Singing, I'll spread-"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGH! IRIS!" electric blue eyes flashed in anger as Tif chased the other girl, both laughing like crazy, Iris still reciting a few lines from the damnable book once in a while.

"You, only you, pure love, with raw strength-!"

"Okie, I think that's enough, Blanchy." The older girl came to a stop, getting tired.

"What the hell did you call me?"

"What? Blanchett, therefore Blanchy! It's cute!"

"I'm not cute! Come back here, you!" and the chasing restarted.


Kai must've heard wrong. No, no, no one said 'Blanchett', no one. No need to worry or look at the group of teens chasing each other. No.

"Ahh, my salvation! The ship! Woooooowwww, BIG ship!" Tyson grinned at seeing the monstrosity come closer to the dock. "Now I can drink something!"

"Do you speak Portuguese, or Brazilian, by the way, Tyson?"

"Umm, noooo, why?"

"The ship's brazilian, you idiot. They won't understand you."

"What! NOOOOOO!" Tyson started running around in circles, horrified with the new information.

"Err, you're joking, right?" Ray quirked an eyebrow at Tyson, waiting for Kai's reply.

"Of course I am. But he always believes in everything I say." He smirked.

As a tanned, well built man, obviously the ship's captain, leaned over the edge of the ship, he started speaking. Errr, or so they thought, as they didn't understand a single thing. And suddenly, "I was joking, kids! Of course I know how to speak English!" there was a big sigh of relief from most part of the crowd, "We're taking you over to Fortaleza, a beautiful city indeed! This ship's pretty big, so, do come aboard!"

"Kai! What the hell! I trusted you!" Tyson pointed an accusing finger at Kai, looking angered, "How could you do it! Oh, the thought of not knowing how to ask for food!" everyone sweatdropped at that.

"I didn't say it was true, did I, stupid?"


A giggle was heard from their side, as a girl with rich light brown hair approached them, "I don't really think you should have come if you don't understand a single thing."

"You're brazilian?" Chief couldn't help but ask.

"Ah, no! I'm Portuguese! My name's Shauna, nice to meet the Wold Champions, eh?" she pecked their cheeks as a greeting and nodded at Kai, as he walked away.

"Of course, hehe! I'm Tyson!"

"So I've noticed."

"Hey, SHAUNA!" the Japanese boys looked oblivious as a blonde boy came over, talking to their new friend in that same strange language.

"They don't speak our language, silly!" Shauna quickly intervened in the other's speech.

"Oh, sorry.. I didn't notice that... I'm Rui, by the way."

"Ru... Why do you press so much on the 'r'?"

"Err, well, I dunno, my name's like that..." Rui rubbed the back of his neck in a typically Tyson-fashion, "You must be Ray."

The Chinese boy nodded, "Yeah."

"Thought so. The BladeBreakers, huh?"



"Coming, Axel/Tiago!" the portuguese couple shouted at two exact copies, two tall black-haired boys.

"Bleh, we gotta go..."

"That's ok. You'll go to the tournament, that right?" Max smiled, giving a high five to Rui.

They both nodded, "Course we will!"

"See ya around!"

"Bye guys!"

"Bye!" Tyson waved till they were out of sight, "Wow, that's a relief!"

"Umm, why do you say that?"

"Well, now, if we ever need something like FOOD, we can ask THEM to help!"

"Tyson!" the gang fell anime-style at their naïve team member. They started to make their way towards the ship.


After everybody was installed and after a good night's sleep, in the morning, the DT Duet had already started joking around.

"They talk and talk and talk..." one started.

"But I don't see them doing nothing!" the other continued.

"Of course we end up annoyed!" they both finished.

"Will you two just... SHUT UP!" Axel got out of their dorms, waving his arms widely, looking extremely pissed off. In his anger, he almost knocked Tyson to the floor, as the World Champions (minus Kai) came out of their own room, which by the way, was just beside theirs.

"Hey! Watch it!" Tyson complained, rubbing his shoulder, where the older boy had hit him.

"Des- Sorry..." the Portuguese captain threw over his shoulder as he continued to walk away.

Suddenly, two, definitely female laughs were heard. A blonde girl came out, a mischievous glint in her turquoise hues, grinning evilly, came out and behind her, a black haired one followed, grasping the former girl's shoulder to balance herself.

Ray's eyes widened slightly, whispering, "Is that who I think it is?"

Same sleek, silky-looking black hair, its tips a rich red tinge, even if it looked slightly shorter and wilder.

Same piercings on the ears, even if another one was on her left eyebrow.

Same clear silver/blue eyes, behind long thick black lashes.

Same frame, even if slightly more developed.

And the same melodic voice, now clearly amused, speaking in the quick and strange language to her friend as they both laughed and snickered.

There was no denying it. Same old Iris Catherine Blanchett, now a year older, in all her teenage glory.

Before they could say anything though, the girls walked away, following the retreating boy, calling "Axel!" on their way.

"Kai's in for a biiiiiiiiig surprise, guys..."


Half way through the morning, the three girls finally arrived at the canteen, looking around the place.

"Let's seat over there!"

"But Tif, the boys don't have a seat."

"Does that matter? They're boys! They're always 'standing'!"

"TIFFANY!" the other girls looked at the blonde, horrified that she would speak of something like that in the middle of a canteen.

"For God's sake, woman, we're going to eat, 'k? Don't speak of that!" Iris shook her head, as she walked towards the self-service buffet.


"Go to the damn table, then! Why does it have to be that one anyways?"

"Hmm, it has a great view!"

Shauna and Iris turned quickly. Indeed, one of the beyblade teams was standing near the table, its members all male, which would suit Tif's tastes for men perfectly.

"I should've known..."

"Hehe, orange juice, milk and cereals sounds good to me! See ya!"

The remaining girls sighed, "She'll never change..."

"Look over there, Iris! See those boys? The ones that are going out just now? They're the BladeBreakers! I've been talking to them last-"

Shauna stopped mid-sentence as Iris almost broke a few plates for turning around so quickly. There they were. Her friends. And most importantly, he was there. Kai...

"Kai!" she quickly ran towards him, stopping a couple of feet away, a smile plastered to her face, "I didn't knew you were here!" her feet started to step closer to him.

The boy's expression didn't seem to change in the least. But he couldn't deny what he was feeling. And he couldn't ignore Dranzer.

: Please, don't do this, Kai! Please! It's wrong, please, Master, don't do it::

But he did his best to do so. He just nodded at her.

Try to fly away, but it's impossible...
And every breath I take gives birth to deeper sighs.

And for a moment I am weak, so it's hard for me to speak..
Even thought we're underneath the same blue sky.

If I could paint a picture of this melody,
It would be a violin without its strings.
And the canvas in my mind sings the songs I left behind..
Like pretty flowers and a sunset...

An insecure feeling started to be felt, creating a slight pain in her heart. One of her eyebrows rose, "Kai? Something wrong?" she walked towards him again, but he took a step back. "What's-?"

"That's enough."

It's heavy on my heart...
I can't make it alone!
Heavy on my heart...
I can't find my way home!

Heavy on my heart...

So come and free me..
It's so heavy on my heart.

Those words entered her brain, piercing her sanity. But she didn't comprehend them. "Wh-What?"

"I said, that's enough."

She shook her head hopelessly, "I-I don't understand-"

"We're through. It's over! Do you understand it now!"

I've had my share of pleasure and I've tasted pain.
I never thought that I would touch an angel's wing..

There's a journey in my eyes,
It's getting hard for to hide...
Like the ocean at the sunrise..

From the second those words came out of his full lips, her blood ran cold. Various thoughts ran through her head, none of them making any sense. She just managed to mouth, "Why?"

"This. Is. Over. Do you want me to spell it for you too?"

"How can you say that- How can you be so cold!"

It's heavy on my heart...
I can't make it alone!
Heavy on my heart...
I can't find my way home!

Heavy on my heart...

So come and free me..
It's so heavy on my heart.

"It's the way I am." Kai whispered quietly, slowly turning away from her, ignoring the unbelieving stares of his team-mates. She could almost swear she saw hurt in those mahogany depths, but he was already walking away before she could be sure.

Can you find me in the darkness?
And Love,
Don't let me down..

There's a journey in my eyes,
It's getting hard for me to hide,
And I never thought that I'd touch an angel's wing!

"What the hell's wrong with you! The girl cried over you, not knowing how you were, worried about your well affair, and that's how you repay her?" the blond boy from yesterday, Rui, entered just then, catching the last few lines. He started walking in Kai's direction, his eyebrows set in a deep scowl, "You must have a reason. You don't just say 'it's over' without one."

"I just did. Got a problem with that?"

"Yes, we do, actually." A well built boy also entered, followed by his twin, both frowning as deeply as Rui was doing, "I think she has the right to know why."

Iris's eyes were brimming with tears by now, as she tried to brush them away vainly, "Kai-"

"Don't you dare saying another word, bitch. I told you, we're through. I won't say it again. I don't want you."

It's heavy on my heart...
Heavy on my heart...
I can't find my way home!
Heavy on my heart...

So come and free me..
It's so heavy on my heart.

And that was it. He said it; the forbidden word. Everyone gasped, while Kai just looked down at her coldly and her eyes widened. Both their bit-chips shinned indignantly, angered at Kai's bluntness.

"How dare you!" Axel stepped forwards, but luckily, the other two boys stopped him.

"The only thing that you definitely don't want is to admit your own feelings! And just because you're too fucking stubborn to even realise that-"

The back of a strong hand hit her hard across the cheek, make her stagger momentarily. Kai's.

So heavy...

There was a heavy silence among the gaping teens that watched. No one dared to make a sound. They only looked from one to another, to see how this would end up. And it wasn't going to be anything near pretty.

"You know what? I really don't have to hear this.." reaching up to her collar bone, her fingers grasped something, as she pulled on whatever it was, hard. She threw it to the floor, fire in her eyes, as they changed to red and back to silvery blue, as she struggled to keep her feelings in check. She exited the room quickly.

So heavy...

In the wooden floor of the ship, glistening faintly in the light, there was the ring he had given her, which was now made a necklace, as it had a thin silver chain through it.

So heavy...

"You sure have some guts to say and do that to her..." Tif glared daggers at Kai as she passed by him, quickening her pace to go after her friend, "Especially you. You know about her past, her weaknesses. You had no right to say that!"

The rest of the Dominatrix team also left, each of them glaring and frowning at the slate-haired teen, while he just stood there. After they were gone, Kai picked up the small necklace and started to walk away.

"That girl was right, Kai! How could you?"

"I cared enough. That time ended." And memories will be the only thing that will remain. Never again... Mark my words, Blanchett.


(1) tea/cat: in portuguese, 'tea' is 'chá'. Which u say in the exact same way as u wud say 'cat' in French, 'chat'. So, if u ask 4 a tea in portuguese, a french person will probably bring u a cat XD

(2) The Lusiads/'Os Lusiadas': a horrible book which every damn student has 2 study on the 9th grade. It was written on 1500 or so, and it's an epic poem, telling about the 'so-called' glory of the Lusitanian ppl (portuguese ppl). It has a language that's not spoken 4 over 2 centuries ago (probably more) & it's damn boring. One of the 2 banes of the existence of all Portuguese students.

Dominatrix Team

Captain: Axel Roth

Co-captain: Iris Blanchett

Rest of the team: Shauna Lopes, Rui Denzel and Tiffany Boisvert.


Age: 16

Family: his twin brother, Tiago (a/n:. or Titi, like the DT Duet like 2 call him hehe...), usually helps the team with the technical stuff

Nationality: French/Portuguese

Home country: Portugal

Past: a childhood like most spoil brats have, except he's not spoiled. He met Iris at the age of 5, but they only became friends after some misadventures.

Clothing: to combat, he usually uses baggy dark jeans, along with a black long sleeved shirt, a white t-shirt over it. Likes of practical things.

Physically: spiky jet-black hair, two inches long. His eyes are of a very dark brown colour and he's quite tanned. As he works out, he supports a very good built. He's the tallest.

Psychologically: he's the wise one of the group. A bit like Ray with a mixture of Robert, let's say. Has the feeling he needs to keep an eye on the others and hates pranks. Otherwise, he's usually nice and caring, but sometimes lets his anger get the better of him.

Bitbeast: Dromme. A dragon. Dromme is very alike Dragoon; with only a few changes: his claws are shorter, change the blue colour to white one and his eyes to black.

Beyblade: Right spin, white and silver in colour. The attack ring has three sharp edges that, contrary to the four edged ones, are pointing forwards and not sideways (a/n:. if u dun understand, it's not really important, I just like 2 give details XD). His weight disk is very light, allowing him extra speed and endurance.

Element: Wind.

Description: for such a big bit beast, he's extremely fast. His strategy is to tire his opponent, as Axel has a very good endurance. If one of these two is angry, it's wiser not to step in their way.

…Iris... (yes, she changed her looks n.n)

Age: 14 3/4

Family: all dead, sister killed in front of her.

Nationality: French/Portuguese.

Home country: Portugal.

Past: she was kidnapped at the age of six. She has no memories about her family except from her sister. Since then, she has her bitbeast and trained a lot, turning into one of the best bladers around and one of the most feared ones in her country. All her life she was tortured, raped and abused.

Clothing: join a piercing at her left eyebrow and her likes didn't change much... Always with her necklace in place, her gloves changed to dark red fingerless ones, just till her wrist, but her arms are still covered by two black mittens, which reach till half of her arm, along with sleeveless shirts, normally very dark or very light, jeans or baggy pants. Finally letting go of her fear for skirts, sometimes she wears mini skirts, although with shorts underneath.

Physically: she cut her black mane till half of her back and strangely enough, the three or four inch long red tips returned, after some time. Still with a heart shaped face and full red lips. Her eyes are the same, silver/light-blue when she's happy, blood red when she's pissed off. Her muscles are slightly more defined, still with the narrow waist. Her curves filled out a bit more.

Psychologically: the fear of boys diminished partially, but she only trusts the males she already knows. She's shy, comprehensive, a good hearer, a nice person, but very vengeful. But, never put her along with Tif, for they're the devil, when reunited. The normally called DT Duet, as in Devious Trouble Duet. On the battlefield she's fast, very powerful and merciless; she likes to end the game quickly.

Bitbeast: Lugiohan (read Lugui-oh-ahn). A white phoenix, similar to Dranzer. She's very pretty and gracious. Eyes green and the tips of her wings are red as her mistress' hair.

Beyblade: black, the tips of the attack ring blood red. Right spin. The attack ring has four parts. Her weight disk changed to a slightly lighter one, giving her a better balance, still with the firmness she likes.

Element: Thunder.

Attacks: Thunder clasp (lightning attacks the opponent), Seeker Spirit (her special) and hypnotism.

Description: Lugiohan's very loyal to Iris. They have a very strong bond and they speak telepathically. She belonged to Iris' sister, but when she died, Lugiohan was passed to Iris.


Age: 15

Family: the one we always wanted to have. Her parents give her all the freedom she so wishes. Has two sisters.

Nationality: Portuguese.

Home country: Portugal

Past: also went to rich schools, but used to work to get her own things.

Clothing: always in a mini skirt, various shirts and her black waist length coat over them. Normally, she wears high heels. Five piercings on her right ear, one on her left and one on her navel.

Physically: light brown eyes and very light brown hair, some golden tresses here and there, completely curly. She's the girly-girl of the group, but only on her looks. With a thin frame and a model-like stance, most boys have their eyes on her. The shortest girl of the group.

Psychologically: in a word, she's relaxed. When everything's down, you can count on her to always say 'Chill out'. She trusts most people and loves to get into Rui's games, not to mention she has a crush on him. Unfortunately, she's a pessimist, and even if she does not voice it, she thinks Rui doesn't like her in the least. Wise on the battle field, she's never intimidated easily.

Bitbeast: Ariana. A jaguar.

Beyblade: in a mixture of beige and very light pink, she's a master in defence. The blade base is quite low, letting her use a good type of defence ring. Left rotation. Her attack ring may be simple, but it's enough for her style.

Element: Ice.

Description: Ariana is very gracious, pretty much like Galux. Her speciality is speed and doesn't let the pressure pull her down.


Age: 15

Family: is rich, and that's the reason why he escaped from home. He now lives on his own.

Nationality: Portuguese

Home country: Portugal

you may think he had a easy life, but not in the least. His parents were always away, never caring about him, until he got away.

Clothing: You'll never see him without a t-shirt of his football club, FC Porto. Simple Nike trainers, loose pants, that tee and he's ready. Uses two dark wristbands.

Physically: A dream boy. Yup, the short and very light blond hair over blue eyes. Ok, left one green and the other blue, but you know what I mean. Has a great built and he's the second tallest. The small loop he has on the top of his left ear only makes him look better.

Psychologically: simply, he's your usual playboy, his performance better than Enrique's. Likes to be the centre of attention and blabbing about himself, although knows when to be serious. His favourite hobby is flirting with girls, especially with Shauna, since he has a crush on her. However, he's too blind to see how he really hurts her by playing with her just like that.

Bitbeast: Zephyrus. A grey wolf, with tips of white fur here and there, with two tails, his eyes blue. Seems imposing and intimidating at the same time.

Beyblade: what else? White and blue, of course. Right spin, normal weight disk and a firm base. In blading, he uses a free-style attitude, and loses his temper quite easily. You can compare him to Tyson in some ways.

Element: Wind.

Description: Zephyrus is a very powerful bit beast, and very ancient. Is a master on the attack and rarely enters in defence techniques. Likes to play around with his opponents just to finish them off in an instant right after.


Age: 14 3/4

Family: doesn't know anything about

Nationality: French

Home country: France, but always lived in Portugal.

Past: knows Iris almost since birth. Since then, they're like sisters. She was used to live by her own and work for herself to survive.

Clothing: normally in beige or black colours, or a mixture of those two. Likes wearing tops, but her femininity stops there. She always wears ¾ pants or normal trousers, always with trainers.

Physically: Turquoise eyes, the roots of her hair are dark brown, and the rest a shockingly blond tinge. She's tanned and very pretty, even if there's always a wicked gleam in her eyes.

Psychologically: knowing Iris was a very BAD experience! She's the Queen of Pranks and loves to piss off Axel, which is very easy. She's your usual tomboy, but also very moody. You don't want her as an enemy. As Iris, she's vengeful.

Bitbeast: Ignisithar. A black winged unicorn, hooves and horn golden, with red piercing eyes.

Beyblade: the weight disk is surrounded by small, very sharp edges, making it practically deadly when fighting bladers who use defence or endurance to win. It's a copy of Iris', but where hers is red, Tiffany's is golden.

Element: Fire.

Description: when called, is usually lethal. Only obeys to Tiffany and is very powerful. To be defeated, one has to attack her right after she does, for Ignisithar's energy drops a bit.

Viscera Nigror Team

Captain: Tenebrae Rosa

Co-captain: Forest Romano

Rest of the team: Kironi Ngo


Age: 15

Family: None.

Nationality: Russian

Home country: Russia

Past: Her parents died when she was just a baby and was left stranded on the streets of Russia, but was found by the co-head of Biovolt. She was then trained to be one of the ruthless beybladers but she still has pure innocence deep inside of her.

Clothing: Trainers, black baggy pants hugging her hips and pink sleeveless top hugging every curve of her body.

Physically: Her long brown hair was cut short up to her nape, the edges all spiked out. Her eyes are of a sparkling violet colour and she's very fair. She's the tallest.

Psychologically: She's the wise one of the group. A bit like Ray with a ting of her own sweetness. She's protective of her friends and would do anything to avenge them, even if it means taking her own life out.

Bitbeast: Deathscythe. A Black Angel who has the power of Death.

Beyblade: Left spin, black and silver in colour. The attack ring has three sharp edges that, contrary to the four edged ones, are pointing backwards and not sideways. Her weight disk is very light, allowing her extra speed and endurance.

Element: Dark

Attacks: Black Feather Arrows and Dark Sparkles

Description: She's extremely dangerous and powerful. Far more powerful than Black Dranzer. Her black wings help her endure the attacks from her opponents but you better watch out for her own attacks.


Age: 14 3/4

Family: Sister works in Australia with the Koala Bears; older brother is at home looking after their sick mother.

Nationality: Canadian/British.

Home country: Canada.

Past: She was one of the most happiest kids in the world until she witnessed her father leaving her family, despite the fact that she was Daddy's little girl. Her mother started to get depressed in which she became sick and she ran away and stayed at the Blade Sanctuary in Canada to train and become one of the strongest beybladers. She entered as many tournaments there are in order to win enough money for her mother's operation.

Clothing: Black boots up to her ankles, wears skirt five centimetres above her knees. Joining her black skirt is her soft green top, the sleeves going off her shoulders. She wears her favourite birthday necklace and matching bracelet.

Physically: Her long black hair is streaked with green and her dull forest-green eyes are now sparkled with joy.

Psychologically: she's very competitive in the tournament when money is involved as the prize, but overall is gentle.

Bitbeast: Lacuna. A black canine with nine tails. Eyes emerald green and emerald green patterns on each of its tails.

Beyblade: Green. Two sharp blades. Medium weight disk. Small base. A beyblade that has a strong defence and medium endurance and attack.

Element: Earth.

Attacks: Earthquake.

Description: Lacuna once belonged to Forest's father when she was small. They have a strong bond and they feel each other's emotions.


Age: 15

Family: A stepmother, two snobbish step sisters and a dead father.

Nationality: Korean.

Home country: Korea

Past: Once her stepmother entered her life, she was treated as a slave. Ran away and met with a beyblading team in a park sometime after.

Clothing: Sometimes wears the traditional Chinese clothes like Ray's, but usually wears shorts and a turtle neck sleeveless top.

Physically: Jet-black hair and rich brown eyes. Completely wavy and up to her waist, pulled up into a high ponytail.

Psychologically: Completely negative. Since she became a slave, she had to defend herself against her step family: this means being rude, cold hearted and short-tempered. And will remain like this to strangers.

Bitbeast: Hailey is a blue phoenix similar to Dranzer with eyes bright red.

Beyblade: In a mixture of baby blue and black, she's a master in defence. The blade base is quite low, letting her use a good type of defence ring. Right rotation. Her attack ring may be simple, but it's enough for her style.

Element: Ice.

Attacks: Ice crystals.

Description: Hailey has a huge pride from her herd and is never a push over. Always teaches the other bit beasts a lesson. Is still sore that Deathscythe had to become the leader of the team.

Thanks 2 (From Silent Tears' Epilogue):
Tenebrae Rosa: yh, I wondered about that myself quite a couple of times. When the time comes, I'll ask 4 ppl's opinion about it. & yh, this isn't completed as of yet. Like u kno, some other things got me hooked :P so, I've been neglecting this a bit. But I'll finish, it even if it kills me, I swear

hiwatarisaori: aww, thank u :D Like I already told u, it's reviews like urs that make my day & make me work my lazy ass off on this. Hope u'll read this & like it as much ;)

Dark: Plz review & I'm open 2 suggestions this time xD Come back 4 more next week