
"You have got to be kidding me..." Dean muttered, as he stared at Sam,

"Dude, what is your problem?"

"My problem, if we forget about annoying little brother's for a sec, is that i friggin' HATE them, Sam!" The younger brother in question flung his arms in the air,

"You are such a chicken-shit! You get flung against a wall by a pissed of poltergeist, but this, you're refusing?" Dean put on his most sensible 'Dad wouldn't want this' face,

"I just think there are better ways to spend MY hard earned cash,"

"You're always saying we need to take time off, have some fun! So this is what we should do!"

"It's only fun if i want to do it, Sam!"

"You do want to, you just don't realise it yet."

"And never will. We are not going."

"Come on, where's your sense of adventure?"

"HEY!" Dean snapped, pointing a finger at Sam, "I have a great sense of adventure. I just hate rats."

"They aren't rats, dumbass. They're mice."

"Whatever man, that place is just...creepy." Sam rolled his eyes. Then he got it, it was true after all, so he decided to play his trump card,

"Jess always wanted to go you know..." Dean actually rolled his eyes,

"Don't say it...don't use it..." he muttered, his eyes closed. Sam smiled and continued,

"She never got the chance, and i know she'd want me to go...she'd want me to be happy. It's all she-"

"Alright! Alright...we'll go to friggin' Disney world...but you owe me, buddy..." Sam grinned and skipped over to the kiosk to purchase the tickets. Dean groaned...

"Mickey friggin mouse, here we come..."

A/N-i don't really believe Sam would manipulate Dean quite that much, and i don't think he'd bring up Jessica (especially her death) just to get into Disney world, but i was doing this in a lecture so wasn't concentrating much, and i needed a quick ending, so that just kind of fit there! Reveiws make me sooooo happy. I've resorted to implied begging now...it'll be worse in the next story i write...then i'll lose all my self esteem...Thanx for reading!