A tale of two sisters

Disclaimer; We don't own charmed leave room for stunned silence. We do however own the plot and all characters that were never on the show.

A/N; This is a joined story with two writers, me (emelie172) and De-anne (de-anneisapurplemonkey). We will write alternate chapters, mine being in Prue's POV and hers being in Piper's POV. I hope it won't get confusing.

Summary; We were finally free from grams never-ending looks and talks of how to live our lives. We were in THE city, New York…but not even New York is perfect in every way. A tale of Piper and Prue's lives at NYU. two charmed sisters - two writers


Prue's POV (emelie172)

1. Once more with feeling

I still remember my first glimpse of New York, the tall buildings from the small window in the airplane. Then it felt like everything I could ever want, a city full of life, no grandmother to be on my back on what I did or who I saw, no annoying little sisters. Just my definition of freedom…it's just that sometimes freedom can be overrated…


"…and so you pull up the page, careful not to smudge it and you hang it up to dry" Professor Ripley stood in front of the class and hung up the newly developed photo to dry.

Half the class were asleep and the other half was either starring blindly into space or like me, doodling in their note books. This was always one of the hardest class to stay awake on, Friday at four…never a good time to do anything really. But I needed a good grade and it was not like I had anything better to do with my time.

"Psst Prue!"

I looked up from my now fully decorated page, and to my left. There sat Dana as always. Just like Tom was on my right, just like high school…everyone always sat with their friends. Almost afraid to sit next to someone else.

"What?" I moved closer to Dana so that Professor Ripley wouldn't hear, not that he would. He was half deaf and didn't see very well either.

Dana didn't answer but moved her note book towards me. There in bold letters stood only three words; L.J; s at 7? L.J; s was one of the hottest clubs in town. I took my pen and wrote a quick answer before I returned it. She read and smiled at me just as Professor Ripley dismissed the class.

I grabbed my things and followed Dana out the door with the rest of the class.

"So Tom, are you on for tonight?" Dana teased him and I couldn't help but feel bad as his cheeks turned bright red.

Tom was what many other would call a nerd or a dork. He was out of this world smart but his social skills were as low as his IQ was high. He was very nice though and we had been friends since my first day at NYU.

"What about tonight?" he asked, adjusting his glasses slightly as they were siding down his nose.

"L.J; s at 7" Dana said and placed her arm around his waist. "Come with us out to dance our troubles away."

"I can't" Tom said quickly. "I have this paper to do and…"

"Tommy…" I said and stepped up in front of him, blocking his way. "That paper is not due until two weeks and you know it. Now you can either go with us and have fun or you can stay at home being bored, it's your choice."

"I'd rather be bored thank you" and with that Tom hurried away down the corridor.

"Oh come on, we'll have fun without him" Dana stuck her arm behind mine and pulled me with her towards the front doors.

"Sure we will" I said, not sure who I was convincing…her or me.


"You're going out?" Piper asked as I rushed from the bathroom towards my room. I was already with my head inside my closet when she walked inside. "I thought you had to study."

"I can study tomorrow, now which one" I held up one red and one black dress. She looked at both without saying anything. "Black…" I threw the red on into the closet and quickly changed into the dress. "Besides its not like I go out very often" I added as I went back to the closet for the matching shoes I knew I had seen there last month.

"I know" Piper replied and sat down on my bed just as I found one of the shoes. I crawled out of the closet and looked up at her from the floor.

"We'll do the sister thing tomorrow, okay?" I sent my best puppy dog eyes her way and she broke out smiling. My puppy dog eyes never failed on her.


"Great now help me find this little shoe's friend, I would look stupid balancing on one heel" I said and she jumped of the bed and joined me in the closet.


Two hours later I rushed down the street, my jacket flowing behind me like a cape and my purse in a tight grip. I turned the corner and almost stopped by the shock, the line to the club was mile long.

"Prue!" Dana jumped up and down from somewhere in the beginning of the line and waved for me to join her.

"Hey" I walked up to her and we shared a quick hug.

"Come on lets go inside" she pulled me with her and up to the bouncer. He took one look at us and then let us inside, I guess the dress made me look older. Thank God he didn't ask for ID; s.

"Okay this is just awesome" Dana said as we got inside and I was inclined to agree. The music was pumping so loud it felt as if it was in my blood. Everywhere people were dancing or drinking drinks…what a life. "Come on I need a drink" Dana led me to the bar where she leaned over trying to get the bartenders attention.

"What can I give you ladies?" the man asked as he walked up to us. He flashed his bartender smile and I could see that Dana was already smitten. She would 'fall in love' with a guy just if he talked to her. Kind of annoying if you ask me. Especially as I had to be there hearing her go on and on and on about it for weeks.

"I'll have a martini…" I started but Dana shook her head.

"No, we are getting tequila" she smiled. "Lots and lots of tequila…"


"Don't leave me…" it seemed as if my voice was barely heard. But I was standing so close, my head was on his shoulder and he had got to hear me.

"I have to" he replied in a hushed tone as he moved my head so out eyes met. His eyes met mine – those pools of green that always used to be filled with love. Now they were just as sad as I felt.

"No don't…" suddenly he moved away, out of my reach before he slowly dissolved into nothing. "Andy – don't leave me…"

I woke up crying, the dream had just been so real. I smashed my head against the pillow, every part of it aching from last nights tequilas. I dried the tears away trying to convince myself that he wasn't really gone. I mean he wasn't…he was just on the other side of the country. My eyes were starring up at the sealing before I let out a deep sigh and pulled myself up to take a shower.

Who ever said that with distance the love grows stronger – no seriously who said that? Because I have some real thoughts to tell him… This long distance thing really sucked!