I have always wanted to make a story about chibies and now I can! YAY ME!

My Inspiration for making this story would have to come from Ladya C. Maxine for her story "Puppy 101". That is a very loving and hilarious story! If you read this, you just have to read that story. Safety Warning: I HAVE NOT OR HAVE NOT PLANNED TO COPY THAT STORIES IDEAS AND MAKE IT MY OWN IN ANY WAY! IT WAS JUST AN INSPIRATION AND NOTHING MORE!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything of Inuyasha; I'm just a poor writer who loves the Inuyasha series. AND SESSHOMARU!

CHAPTER ONE: The Transformation

(Let me set the beginning scene for 'ya. Inuyasha's group were walking down a path one day, when they saw no one other than Sesshomaru's group walking toward them up ahead. Inuyasha's group were a little surprised to see them, but thought that they were only passing by them and left them alone. Same went to Sesshomaru's group. They were only a few feet away from each other, when Inuyasha just had to open his mouth to make an insulting gesture toward Sesshomaru. The insult slightly angered Sesshomaru and caused him to insult Inuyasha back. Inuyasha was furious and did something stupid. He jumped in front of Sesshomaru and started to piss him off.) Now back to the story!

"Get out of the way halfbreed or I'll cut you through." Sesshomaru warned his younger brother.

"Say please." Inuyasha mocked with a grin on his face, trying to piss off his older brother into fighting him so he can kick his ass.

"Hmph. You're just wishing to die by my hands," He smirked. "I can easily make that happen."

"You wanna bet?" He challenged, unsheathing his Tessaiga (or Tetsusaiga in english)

Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes and put his hand on the Tokijin. Kagome ran in the middle of the two feuding brothers.

"Will you two calm down? Inuyasha, stop starting fights for once and lets go!" She pulled on his arm, but he jerked back.

"Stay out of this Kagome, I don't need you to get in the middle of this. I can handle him."

"Don't be foolish Inuyasha, leave them alone and let's go!" Her voice rose. When he refused the second time, they got into a heated argument. At this time, Sesshomaru was getting more and more furious. Sango, Miroku, Shippou were standing on the side watching the whole event.

Just then, Kagome's face flustered red in anger. "He must have hurt her feelings." Miroku said to Sango and Shippou, who nodded in agreement.

"YOU STUPID JERK!" Kagome screamed at Inuyasha, "SIT BOY!"

Inuyasha's face along with his body came crashing down to the earth. Kagome took a deep breath and began.


Inuyasha was at least ground into the hard earth one to two feet deep. Sesshomaru looked down at his brother in slight amusement. Rin couldn't help but giggle and Jaken just shook his head.

"I counted at least 18 or 19 times." Shippou said. "I think that's a new record by my account."

Kagome turned sharply and started walking off with the Miroku and the others leading behind, leaving Inuyasha groaning in pain. Instead of Sesshomaru walking around his brother or step over, he simply stepped on Inuyasha like he was apart of the ground.

"It seems your woman has finally taught you obedience." Sesshomaru said as he kept walking.

"Grrrrrrrrrr, That's it!" Inuyasha jumped up and ran after his brother. He had almost hit Sesshomaru's back with the Tessaiga, when Sesshomaru's quick reflexes dodged the attack and swung at him with the Tokijin.

The two brothers were battling yet again. Everyone sat out in the sidelines and watched their display. "I knew this was going to happen". Miroku shrugged. Everyone nodded.

"Learn your place in the world halfbreed!" Sesshomaru yelled as he swung the Tokijin at Inuyasha a second time.

"I'm sick of you always saying that!" Inuyasha yelled back, "You just can't face the truth that I'm your equal!"

"DIE!" Sesshomaru growled, charging at Inuyasha to make their swords clash.

"Such brotherly affection." Said an unknown feminine voice. It was coming from the forest. Everyone, even Sesshomaru and Inuyasha stopped to look as the body of the voice appear.

It was a female demon. She had black hair with pointed ears and jade green eyes. She was wearing a black and green kimono.

"And just who the hell are you?" Inuyasha turned his sword in the direction of the demon.

"Of coarse. My name is Naruta (A/N: that name sounds familiar to me) I have been resurrected by a man named Naraku."

Inuyasha's gang, along with Sesshomaru tensed at the name of their enemy. "And what purpose does Naraku have for you that would involve us?" Sesshomaru asked.

"He wanted me to do something very strange, but he said it would help him kill the two dog demons. I'm guessing you two are the ones that he's talking about." She glared over at Inuyasha then Sesshomaru. "Let us begin?" She asked

Before anybody could say anything, there was a strong gust of wind that picked up. Naruta's eyes turned blood red as the wind blew stronger. Inuyasha was the first to react. He slung his sword at the demon. "WINDSCAR!" The attack almost hit her but she was lightening fast and easily dodged the attack.

"Inuyasha! There's a sacred jewel shard in her chest!" Kagome screamed through the gusting wind.

Naruta began to mutter a spell, which made two small, but powerful tornadoes. One engulfed Inuyasha and the other engulfed Sesshomaru. It began to glow a bright white color.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome screamed. (A/N: She seems to do that every time Inuyasha gets hurt in the series)

"Lord Sesshomaru!" Jaken and Rin yelled in fear.

Suddenly, the first tornado exploded, causing Inuyasha to by thrown deep into the forest. Then the other tornado exploded causing Sesshomaru to be thrown in the other direction and into the other part of the forest.

The wind died down into nothing and it was silent. " Good luck with them now!" She chuckled and with Naraku's poisonous insects, she fled from the scene.

All was silent

"What just happened?" Sango asked as if she was in a daze. "I'm not quit sure, but we have to look for Inuyasha…he could be severely injured." Kagome added

By that time, Rin and Jaken had already left with Ah-Un in search for their master.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome called out into the forest along with the others. 'What if something bad happened to him? Her last meaningful words to him would be 'SIT'. She panicked at the thought of him dying out here all alone.

"Inuyasha!" She called again desperately. "Kagome, look!" Shippou pointed to a spot in a small opening. There was a bundle of red clothing and a sword stuck in the ground. Frantically, the group ran over to the pile to examine it. "Oh-no! Inuyasha!" Kagome cried and fell to her knees.

All of a sudden, there were slow movements from the bundle of clothing. Miroku removed some of the clothing to reveal a small boy. He had silver hair, puppy dog-ears that hung on the top of his head, and he slowly opened his eyes to reveal large golden orbs.

"I-In-Inuyasha?" Kagome stuttered. The small boy looked up at Kagome then backed away from her in fear.

"It's alright, I won't hurt you, are you alright?"

The small Inuyasha gulped and then slowly nodded.

"Inuyasha, is that really you!" Shippou said in amazement.

"H-How do know me, where is my mother?" Inuyasha said shaken with fear.

"Umm…were going to take care of you for now, you'll be with your mother soon." Kagome said softly. She couldn't to tell him that his mother was dead. No child should bare to hear that.

"Okay." He said with less fear of the humans before him.

"Do you know who we are?" Sango asked.

"No" came the reply.

They looked at each other and back at Inuyasha. "So this is what Naraku had in mind. To turn Inuyasha and Sesshomaru into chibies." Miroku said.

They froze. "Oh-no, we forgot about Sesshomaru!" He's probably been turned into one too!" Kagome picked up the small Inuyasha and held him close. "I know this sounds crazy, but we have to go look for Sesshomaru, Rin, and Jaken. Their probably going through the same thing we are."

"LORD SESSHOMARU!" Jaken screamed out. "Oh, where could he be?"

"I hope he's alright." Rin said with worry.

"Don't be foolish you silly girl, Lord Sesshomaru is very powerful, if there's one thing I know, it's that our Lord would never let a weak demon such as that harm him."

"She didn't seem that weak to me Master Jaken." She replied.

"Just stay silent and help me find Lord Sesshomaru!" He scolded

It seemed like forever when 10 minuets of searching went by. Maybe something did happen to Sesshomaru. Jaken began to worry more and more.

"Master Jaken, I think I see something over there!" She jumped off Ah-Un and ran off into the forest. "Rin, get back here this instant!" He tried to follow but his stubby little legs weren't matched for Rin's strong legs and she was gone from sight.

When Jaken finally caught up with Rin, he noticed something strange. Rin had fallen back on her bottom. Her eyes were frozen wide and she wasn't moving.

"Rin, what's wrong? What happened?" Rin pointed a shaking finger ahead of her. When Jaken turned his eyes widened in shock. There, next to a broken and roughed up tree sat Sesshomaru's clothing and swords along with his armor.

"Lord Sesshomaru!" Jaken ran up to his clothing with Rin following behind. Underneath his kimono top laid a small boy, a little bit bigger than Rin. The boy put his hand on his head as he stirred and sat up. He had long, beautiful silver hair with a crescent moon on his forehead. The slashes on his cheeks were very faint but noticeable. He opened his eyes to reveal golden orbs.

When the chibi Sesshomaru looked up, he flinched at the sight of Jaken and Rin. "L-Lord S-Sesshomaru?" Rin said almost speechless.

"How do you know me?" He said to them in child-like voice.

"You mean…you don't know us?" Rin said heartbrokenly.

"Am I supposed to know you?" He said confused

"What happened to you Lord Sesshomaru, you're SMALL!" Jaken screamed.

"Lord? I'm not a lord, I'm a prince." Sesshomaru corrected him. Jaken almost fainted from shock.

He stood up and dusted the dirt off from the kimono top that was covering him a little passed his knees. He looked at Rin, then at Jaken, and then at Ah-Un.

"Who are you people and why do you call me lord?"

"We are your friends and you wanted for us to call you that." Rin answered

"I did? But I don't even know you?" He answered, "You're my friends?" He said again.

"Yes, I'm Rin, this is Master Jaken," she said pointing to the dizzy toad demon, "And this is Ah-Un."

Sesshomaru didn't answer; he just looked at them again in confusion. "Do you know where my father is?" He asked.

Rin shook her head. Sesshomaru never talked about his father so she didn't know anything about him.

"Master Jaken, maybe we should take him to Kagome and the others. They might know what to do." Rin turned to Jaken.

"NO. We most certainly will not ask Inuyasha and his human companions for help. We can deal with this ourselves!" He yelled at her.

"Face it Master Jaken, we don't have a clue of what to do. If we want to save Lord Sesshomaru, then maybe we should ask them for help." Rin said desperately.

He couldn't argue with Rin. She did have a point. "Fine." He sighed.

Rin turned to Sesshomaru. "Lord Sesshomaru, we need to take you to some people, they might know where your father is." She tried to convince him.

Chibi Sesshomaru thought for a minuet. "Alright." He shrugged. Jaken jumped on Ah-Un, holding his reigns as Sesshomaru and Rin sat behind him and they took off into the air.

"They can't be too far off." Sango said.

"I wonder if they are having as much trouble as us." Kagome added still holding a squirming Inuyasha. "Inuyasha be still!"

"I can't help it, I smell me coming!" He said

"What?" Kagome gave Inuyasha a confused look.

"My senses are going nuts! I can smell someone that smells like me coming closer." Inuyasha was sniffing the air.

"Wait a minuet…could it be-" Kagome was cut off by a loud moan above them. When everyone looked up, they saw a dragon looking demon with two heads landing.

Rin jumped off Ah-Un and ran to Kagome. "Excuse me Kagome." Rin said timidly to her.

"Yes Rin?"

"We sorta' have a problem and we need your help." Rin said looking over her shoulder.

Sesshomaru jumped off Ah-Un and ran to Rin's side. He then looked up at Kagome.

She was frozen with shock. She had never seen Sesshomaru as a child and he looked sooo adorable!

"I don't believe it." Sango said walking over to Kagome, followed by Miroku and Shippou. Now, they were all staring at Sesshomaru.

"What the hell are you guys staring at?" He said a little agitated.

"He's…he's…he's so cute!" Kagome shrieked causing sweat drops to form on Sesshomaru, Miroku, Sango, and Shippou.

Inuyasha struggled from Kagome's grasp. When he hit the ground, he ran over to Sesshomaru and stared at him for a moment. Surprised, Sesshomaru looked down at Inuyasha.

Then, Inuyasha crawled up Sesshomaru's leg, around his torso, and onto his shoulder, sniffing him along the way.

"BROTHER!" He squealed and hugged him tight.

"BROTHER!" Sesshomaru yelled in shock, "I-I don't have a brother!"

"You do now." Shippou said blankly

Sesshomaru picked Inuyasha up by the back of his collar and squinted his eyes. "But he's a half demon!" Sesshomaru said in surprise.

"Please don't hate him Sesshomaru, he just a very young child and he wouldn't understand." Kagome explained.

"Hate him? Why would I hate him?" He gave them a confused look.

They just stared at him. "B-because you don't like half-demons or humans." Kagome said dumbfounded.

"I don't hate half-demons or humans. Why would you say that?" He still kept his confused look.

"Now I'm confused!" Kagome said throwing her hands up. "This is weirdest thing I've ever seen!"

"Maybe Myoga or Totosai can explain it to us." Miroku said. "They've probably been around during Sesshomaru's childhood. They should know what to do. In the mean time, we need to figure out what we're going to do with these two." Everyone looked down at the two people that they usually had to look up at. The two that no one would expect this to happen to. One a stubborn hard head who was kind and mean at the same time and the other who was a viscous, ruthless killer whose actions were hard to figure out. The two powerful sons of the Dog General were reduced to nothing but innocent children.

"This is going to be a loooong day," Kagome added.


A/N: The first longest chapter that I have ever written FINISHED! It gets a lot better in the future chapters please trust me! READ N' REVIEW, PLEASE AND THANK YOU