Summary: Chase is a writer, right? So naturally he had to write about all the interesting happenings from over the summer and during the early days of sophomore year. But what would happen if these writings were to fall into the wrong hands? CZ. SET DURING SEASON THREE!
Disclaimer: I do not own Zoey 101.
Written From The Heart:
The next day, Zoey Brooks returned to her dorm room after an exhausting number of morning classes. She decided to skip lunch, not really in the mood to see Chase after all that had happened.
She collapsed onto her bed, and stared at the ceiling. Just white; so plain, so simple. Why couldn't her life be like that right now? Why couldn't her life just be normal, instead of all this drama? It was almost like her life was a TV show, with problem after problem, storyline after storyline.
Zoey sighed, deciding to get a headstart on that English essay, and hopped off of her bed to retrieve a piece of paper from atop her dresser. But something caught her eye;
A large packet of papers, stapled together neatly on her dresser, with a note attached. She ripped it off and read it's contents.
Told you everything was going to work out.
Love, Quinn
"Huh." Zoey said simply, confused on what this packet could be. Her eyes traced the top page:
Written From The Heart
By Chase Matthews
Zoey rolled her eyes, disgusted, and picked it up, ready to throw it in the garbage, or maybe out the window. How could Quinn even think about giving me this story? Wasn't it bad enough reading it the first time?
She was halfway to the garbage can (which was, conveniently, by the window, just in case), but then another phrase on the cover of the packet caught her eye: The real, truthful, changed version where all will be revealed.
Zoey sighed. Should she read it? It could be her last chance to fix everything, for everything to be normal again.
Finally, deciding that she'd already read the story and there would be no surprises, she opened to page one, and began to read.
It seemed that with every sentence, her eyes grew wider and wider, her mouth dropped lower and lower, and her heart beat faster and faster. When she finally finished, she had a headache, and she set the story aside, trying to process every piece of information she discovered.
The message he sent to Michael said that Chase loved her, he dumped Lola because of her, Chase didn't want to go get sushi that day because of her, he had a whole mental debate to get over her, Rebecca was jealous of her and Chase's friendship because she thought Chase liked her, she joined Our Talented Stingrays to get revenge on her…Rebecca edited his story!...They made this whole plan to get her to listen to Chase; That's why my necklace felt so warm! And…Chase still loved her.
All of this, everything, suddenly made sense. It was because Chase loved her. He loved her when he rammed himself into a flagpole, when he dated Rebecca, and when he wrote this story. He always had. How had she not seen it before?
She felt so overwhelmed, but happy, maybe even giddy, at the same time.
Chase loves me. Chase Matthews loves me
It was a weird thought, but the good kind of weird. Like flying, or walking on water.
And then it hit her, and it should've been sudden, but it really wasn't.
I love him back.
Butterflies filled her stomach and her mind was racing, thinking about all the times they'd spent together as best friends, and mostly, what was going to happen next? How was their story going to end?
Smiling a small, I've-got-it smile, an idea in her head, she grabbed some paper, and began to write. But she was most definitely not writing homework.
Then, Zoey Brooks, paper in hand, took a walk to Maxwell Hall, room 140 to be exact.
She reached the dorm, and talked to Chase, finally. And then she kissed him. All was well.
The end.
Like my ending, Chase?
Love, Zoey.
There was a knock at 140 Maxwell Hall. It was about halfway through lunch, but Chase had opted to sit it out, entirely out of his fear of what would happen once Zoey read that story and knew the whole truth, no shortcuts or ways out.
As Chase heard that knock, it was as if he would faint from nervousness. Nonetheless, he opened the door, knowing exactly who it would be.
There she was, standing at his dorm doorway, just as beautiful as ever.
"Hey." Zoey gave a small smile.
Chase returned her smile. "Hey." His eyes drifted to a view of his shoes.
There was some silence, uncontrollable thought racing through both their heads.
"I'm sorry." Zoey finally said, quietly and sincerely. Chase looked up, shocked. All this time he'd thought that it was him who was at fault. What could she possibly be sorry for?
"Sorry?" he asked, confused. "For what?"
"For not trusting you." She answered. "For getting mad at you when it was Rebecca all along. For not realizing…" She stopped. "Just, I'm sorry. Really sorry."
"Forgiven." Chase nodded and gave another small smile. "And I'm sorry too. For not telling you the truth. For…everything."
Zoey nodded, implying that he was forgiven, then gave a shy smile. "I finished your story…" She held a piece of paper out to him, and he heart sped up.
"Oh." He said, not knowing what to say, or expect, as he took the paper out of her hand. Their hands touched for a moment, and they both blushed. "I'll just…you know…read it."
They stood, a foot away from each other, as Chase read through her ending to a story that's been going on forever. By the time he finished, he was grinning.
"Funny," Chase said, still smiling. "I don't recall kissing you, actually. When was this?"
Zoey smiled shyly, and kissed him, there and then, and he kissed back. The kiss lasted for a few seconds until Zoey lifted her face away and said, "Right now."
The two stood there, not sure what exactly would happen next, but knowing that the other would be there. For even though the phrase "The End" was added to the end of that story, they knew that it wasn't an end. It was a beginning.
A/N: I can't believe this story's over. It's just weird, but, in a good way:) I just want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who've stuck with me through this whole story. It really means a lot to me, and I'm sorry I haven't replied to your reviews. I've been really busy, but I've read all of them and they make my day. So thanks a million.
I think I will probably update Accepting The Present next because it hasn't been updated for a while.
In the meantime…I start my freshman year of High School in about 9 days. Any advice for me? I'm actually pretty freaked out about it.
Review please!