~~ I don't own DragonBall Z or The Characters

~~ I don't own DragonBall Z or The Characters. This is the last chapter. If you would like to see a sequel to this story let me know in the Review. I'm thinking about a second but don't know if I should write it. Thanks and Please Review ^-^~~

Chapter 10: Please Live!

Trunks could feel his father's ki fading. "Pa-pa!" he screamed. "Pa-pa's dieing!" "What?" one of the maids asked. The guard blinked. "The prince dieing? I'll go check it out." He said before running out the door. Trunks looked into the sky. "Is… Pa-pa going to live?" he asked. The maid ran her fingers through his hair. "Your Pa-pa's going to be just fine." She said. "At least I hope so lil' guy'


The guards went the direction Trunks said Vegeta flew. "Okay men, split up and if you find any thing let the others know. They all separated and set out to find the prince. The guard who walked the direction Vegeta ha gone, soon found traces that the prince had been there. "Hmmmm…" He looked around. "Huh?" He spotted a body or something, in the dirt, a distance away. He quickly approached it. "P-Prince?!" He stared in confusion as he knelt beside Vegeta and lifted his head. "He-he's d-dead!" He exclaimed. The guard pulled out his transmitter and contacted all the others. Soon all of them arrived. "Good work, Bolz. Okay men, Lets get him back and get him some medical attention." The main guard commanded.

Vegeta was rushed into the palace, in a stretcher like thing. Trunks ran out of the room. "Pa-pa!" "Keep the child back!" One of the guards ordered, as the rushed Vegeta into a room to see a doctor. Trunks ran after them, but the had the door locked. The child beat on the door, almost breaking it, crying. "Let me in! Let me… *sniff* in! I wanna see *sob* my Pa-pa!" The maid walked up to Trunks and picked him up. "Shhh." She held him tight and soon he cried him self to sleep.

When he woke up he was in a bed. Quickly he jumped up and ran down to the room Vegeta was in. Trunks quietly opened the door. "Pa-pa?" He whispered, walking up to the side of the bed. "Pa-pa, you awake?" Vegeta didn't reply. His eyes were close and he was no moving. Tears welted up in the child's eyes. "Pa-pa!" He cried, "Don't… you can't be dead…" he fell to the floor in tears. "No!… no….*sob*" The doctor walked in. "Young Prince… what are you doing in here?" "Pa-pa… Pa-pa's dead." He cried. The doctor picked Trunks up. "There, There, Your Pa-pa's not dead he just unconscious. He um… He's sleeping a deep sleep." The doctored said. "Well…*sniff* when will he wake up?" The child asked. "I don't know... but when he does I'll let you know. Now don't worry and go eat."

Trunks ate and then went to see if Vegeta had woken up, yet. When he got to the room the door was locked again. "Pa-pa must still be sweeping." He said and went to play until Vegeta woke up.

The doctor looked at the nurse. "How do you suppose we remove this?" "I don't know, Doctor, cut off the hand?" Both were silent. They had to remove the crystal before Vegeta died. If it was not taken off soon he wouldn't have any life energy left. The doctors and nurses continued through the night trying to remove the crystal from Vegeta's hand.

In the morning Trunks rushed down to see if Vegeta was awake. He opened the door and ran up to the bed. "Pa-pa! Wake up!" he yelled desperately. "It's no use, he can't hear you. That wont wake him up." The some one said. It was the doctor, he looked sad. "Pa-pa's not dead is he?" Trunks asked. The doctor was silent. The little half saiyan climbed up beside his father and layed his head on Vegeta's chest and fell asleep.

Later that afternoon the doctor was talking with a guard. "What will happen to the child if the prince doesn't pull through?" Doctor asked. "I'm not sure. Prince Vegeta said his mate was killed, but the king said the boy could stay here at the palace if we couldn't find anyone." "Hmmm…"

Trunks woke up and rubbed his eyes. "Ah, good, your awake. It's time for lunch." Doctor said as the guard left the room. Trunks ate and then played until bedtime. After all the maids left the room Trunks got out of bed and quietly opened the door. There were guards at each end of the hall. When they weren't looking he rushed down to Vegeta's room.

"Pa-pa?" Trunks whispered. He crawled up into the bed and layed beside Vegeta, as he cried him self to sleep.

Later in the night Vegeta opened his eyes. "Huh…" He grunted. He tried to sit up but felt to weak. Trunks was quietly sleeping beside him. Vegeta smiled as he covered him up. He looked down at his hand, which was wrapped up. They removed the crystal." He said as he relaxed. "Let's go home, son." He said after a moment of silence. He picked up his son, finally able to move, and flew to his space ship. He set it to fly to Earth, then layed down in the bed with his son beside him. He smiled and fell asleep. With that they head back home to Earth with out bidding far well to any one.


~~ Well that's it. That's the end of the story I really hoped you liked it I put lots of work into it… well maybe not lots but who cares. Thanks and please don't forget to Review!~~