~~ First of all I don't own DragonBall Z or any of the Characters so don't sue me ^-^ hehe and please Review my story and tell

~~ First of all I don't own DragonBall Z or any of the Characters so don't sue me ^-^ hehe and please Review my story and tell me what you think Thnaks a lot enjoy!~~

                                           Father Alone

 Chapter 1:Good Bye…


      Vegeta walked into the house. It was silent. He looked around but no one seemed to be there. He walked into Bulma's lab. Computers were on but the room was empty. The only sounds were the computers buzzing and the lights humming.

       Vegeta left the lab and headed for the kitchen. He pasted by the stairs and heard a crying. He glanced up the staircase, startled, then quickly rushed up them. To his horror, he saw his wife laying there, covered in her own blood, holding their only son.

       Vegeta, with his eyes full of terror, slowly walked up to Bulma's side. He knelt down beside of her and lifted her head. It was limp and lifeless. "She's dead…" He whispered. His eyes began to sting from the tears he fought back.

       He lifted his little boy from her cold, bloody and lifeless arms. The boy's crying silenced as Vegeta held him close. Quickly Vegeta carried Trunks down stairs to the phone, were he called Mr. and Mrs. Briefs. They soon arrived.

 " Vegeta dear, we're here." Mrs. Briefs called out. Vegeta walked out of the other room with Trunks in his arms. Vegeta looked torn apart emotionally. He handed the baby to Mrs. Briefs. "Clean him…" Vegeta told her as he walked back up to Bulma, Dr. Briefs followed.

       Bulma's father gasped at the sigh of his only daughter. "Bulma!" He hurried down stairs and called the hospital, then went back up with his daughter.

       "Who did you call, old man?" Vegeta asked. " The hospital." Dr. Briefs replied. "The Hospital!?" Vegeta yelled. "Can't you see she's already dead? What good would the hospital do?!" Dr. Briefs was silent. Outside you could sirens. Vegeta walked out to his gravity room to try to relax.


       The phone rang in the Son's home. Chi-Chi got it. "Hello? What? Really…. Oh dead, I'll be right over." Chi-Chi hung up the phone. Goku looked up at her. She looked concerned. "What's wrong, Chi-Chi?" Goku asked just as Gohan walked in. 

       She was silent for a moment. "Mrs. Briefs just called," She began. "Bulma… She's dead…" Goku looked surprised while Gohan looked shocked. "Dead?" Goku asked. "What happened?" "I don't… know" Goku got up " Well, we better get over there."

        The Sons soon arrived at Bulma's house. Goku rang the doorbell and Mrs. Briefs answered it. "Hello, Goku" she said not sounding her normal, cheery self. "Please come in." Chi-Chi carried little Goten, who was only about a week old, in and Goku and Gohan followed.

       The ambulance had already hurried Bulma to the hospital and Dr. Brief had gone along. "Where is Trunks?" Chi-Chi asked? "Up stairs asleep." Mrs. Briefs answered. "Well, who's going to take care of him? You and Dr. Briefs?" "No, I am." Someone said from the dark doorway. It was Vegeta. Everyone looked at him in disbelief

       "You, Vegeta?" Goku asked puzzled. "Yes, Kakarot. He is, after all, my son." Everyone was silent. Vegeta was right he is his son. No one objected. So it was settle Vegeta would take care of the child.

       ~~ Okay, I'll hurry and get the second chapter done I'm kinda slow, sorry about it but it should be done real soon ^-^ c-ya and don't forget to Review Thanks! ~~