Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach.

Chapter 23

Darkness was conveyed all around them, the fire obscuring their shadows against the slightly rough stone walls. It didn't scare Rukia, but it frightened Inoue to see their anti-selves distorted.

"You know," began Rukia, "You didn't have to come, Inoue." She eyed her fellow traveller waiting for a response. All Inoue focused on was their shadows. "You can turn back now if you want."

Inoue shook her head. "No, I'm fine." She said with a hint of ambiguity in her voice. She looked up at Rukia and smiled.

"Then let me ask you why you chose to follow me,"

Inoue opened her mouth then closed it again. "I, I wanted to talk to you about something," confessed Inoue.

Rukia eyed her suspiciously and gestured for her to continue.

Inoue started fingering the white material around her waist. "Ano…"

They kept walking, stopping every now and then to inspect scratches and dents on the walls. Inoue still could not tell Rukia what was on her mind. She thought of the possibility that Rukia might end up hating her. She didn't want that. She didn't want her to get upset with her, but she didn't want to not ask Rukia either.

- - - -

"So," started Hinamori, trying to strike up a conversation.

She had tried a few times since Rukia and Inoue had left, but the boys just didn't hear her. It was like they were stuck in their own world. She now wished she had followed Rukia instead of staying there.

"How long would you expect it to take to get over the mountain?" Ishida asked.

"More than a few days for sure," replied Hitsugaya. "But we're sitting ducks if this storm continues."

"Isn't there another way?" joined Ichigo.

"You could fly us over, Hitsugaya," suggested Renji.

Everyone looked to him, Ichigo and Ishida giving him questioning looks. Hitsugaya was glaring with the intention to pull at Renji's thick red hair and kick him in the face.

"You can fly?" asked Ichigo, a sceptical look worn on his face.

Hitsugaya refused to speak and kept his eyes on Renji.

Hinamori joined in, hoping to clear things up. "Kind of…but even if he could, there is no way that he's going to be able to carry all the horses over the mountains," she looked over at Chad, "Plus Chad for that matter." She added.

- - - -

"Just say whatever you want to say, Inoue," said Rukia, fed up with the shy girl.

During the whole time they walked, Inoue had opened her mouth so many times, but nothing came out. The usually cheerful, upbeat girl was now reduced to a diminutive, overly shy child.

"Does it have anything to do with the battle?" Rukia interrogated. The other girl shook her head. Rukia scrutinised the girl for a moment. "Then what do you want to talk to me about? I'm sure whatever it is, Hinamori would've been able to help you."

Inoue shook her head again. "I would've asked Hinamori-san, but it doesn't concern her."

"So it concerns me," concluded Rukia, 'I wonder why' she thought. Inoue nodded. "Do you have a problem with me?

"No, no, no," objected Inoue. "I just wanted to ask you…"

Rukia sighed. "It is not like you at all, Inoue," Rukia said. "I've never heard you not be able to speak your mind before."

"You're right," Inoue laughed softly. She bit her lip and then ask, "Kuchiki-san, do you," she paused, trying to phrase her words. "Are you and Kurosaki-kun together?"

The words came out so quick that Rukia just barely heard her. She turned to face the auburn haired girl – who was flushing immensely of pink and red – with disbelief expressed on her own face.

"And how did you get down to that conclusion?" Rukia asked. The idea never really entered her mind until now. Certainly they spent a lot of time together when they were younger – and quite a bit lately – but it never crossed her mind that she and Ichigo could be…something more?

Inoue started becoming fidgety again. "Well, I just thought, you two seem so comfortable around each other, and you seem to understand each other so well – ish," Inoue said to the ground. "It seems like you've known each other from the beginning of time itself."

Rukia let out a scary cackle of a laugh escape her thin lips. "I have no idea how you deduced that, Inoue, but be sure it is nothing like that." She allowed the smile to sustain on her features. "And what is the whole point of this anyway?"

"Well if you two are not together…" Inoue started. Her face flushed with heat.

Rukia finally understood why Inoue had asked what she did. A twinge of envy pricked at her heart for a few heart beats. "You like Ichigo, don't you, Inoue," Rukia said, more like a statement than a question. From the corner of her eyes Rukia could see Inoue nod, her face glowing pink and rose. "I see."

The girls walked further in complete silence.

"Kuchiki-san?" after she heard Rukia 'hmm' in reply, she continued. "Do you hate me now?"

"Of course not, Inoue," Rukia replied in a hurry.

She couldn't really picture Inoue and Ichigo together. Inoue, the bright, bubbly, enthusiastic and forever smiling girl next to the tall, serious, moody and forever scowling Ichigo. It just did not fit. Maybe it was just her. Maybe she was jealous. Maybe they two could be perfect, but Rukia doubted it. 'Envy, is not a good feeling to have' Rukia thought.

"That's good," said Inoue, but she had this feeling that something definitely wasn't right with Rukia. "Are you okay Kuchiki-san?"

Rukia was about to give Inoue a nod when she saw some sort of light ahead of her. It was dim, but she could still see it.

Inoue still did not get an answer from Rukia. "Kuchiki-san, are you oka-"

"Inoue," said Rukia, cutting in on Inoue's question. "Tell me, do you see that light over there?" she asked.

Inoue squinted to see what Rukia was pointing at. Her eyes began to water from straining her eyes but she eventually saw a flicker of light. "Yes, I do."

"Come on," was all Rukia said before she raced out to the source of the light.

"W – Wait up, Kuchiki-san!" Said Inoue has she dashed after her friend and companion.

When, at last, Inoue had caught up to Rukia, she bent over to breathe. "Kuchiki-san, please don-" she stopped when she raised her head to look at what had captivated her friends eyes.

"This can't be possible…" muttered Rukia.

Inoue was left speechless for a while too. "It's all so…green,"

End of Chapter 23

A/N: I've already started on the next chapter. Hopefully I will be able to finish and post it up by next week. Thank you to those who are so patient.