Disclaimer: The lovebirds aren't mine, nor are any of the other characters. And I'm too tired to think of anything better than that right now. Heck, I even started a sentence with 'and', which, if you know me, tells you exactly how tired I am, since I love good grammar.

Anywho…I should be able to update fairly regularly on this story, since I've been a good girl and written it all out before I posted it. However, don't kill me if I don't update every day, since I have an immensely busy schedule. It will most likely be about every other day that I post a new chapter.

Also, the chapters are short. I know that, and you have been warned. So please don't review complaining about it. I normally write pretty long chapters (actually, usually I write LONG chapters to begin with, and then they get shorter and shorter…but that's beside the point), so I sort of needed a break from that.

Now then…on to the story!

Chapter One: Dreaming

"Pirate attack!"

Two words. Two very simple words. But these words were enough to strike terror into the hearts of anyone and everyone who heard them.

Rosethorn grimaced. She knew the pirates were attacking, so the words didn't surprise her, but they still scared her a little. However, she would deal with the fear as she dealt with all fear—ignore it and move on, doing what needed to be done.

She ran out of Discipline cottage towards the wall, where she could see the large pirate fleet. And suddenly Briar, the girls, Niko, Frostpine, and Lark were with her, running as she was to reach the wall, their goal. They moved as one, legs pumping at the same speed, feet hitting the ground at the same moment. At the exact time she reached the wall, the others did, too. Now in single file, they climbed the stairs and stood at the top. She accepted a handful of packets from Briar, and, one by one, threw them out to the shore near the fleet. As they flew through the air, she called on her magic, and the seeds in the packets grew quickly. Vicious thorns sprang out and spread themselves along the shore.

A hand touched her shoulder, and she spun around to see Crane standing there. What was he doing? He beckoned to her. Without speaking, he began to walk towards the edge of the wall. Briar continued to throw packets of seeds and make them grow. The thorns punched through the packets faster than the pieces of cloth fell apart. She knew that if anyone fell off the wall, they would be dead in a matter of moments. Yet here was Crane, walking right on the edge, and beckoning to her to follow.

She wouldn't! She tried to grab his habit sleeve, to stop him from falling, but he pulled away and continued his teetering walk. In a moment he would—

He lost his balance and fell into the thorns. She screamed and covered her eyes, unwilling to see any more.

Rosethorn woke up, gasping and sweating. After a moment, she realized she was on the floor, writhing among twisted covers. With a moan, she got up and sat on the bed again.

A minute passed, then two, then three—

A tall shadow crept into the room. "What happened, Rosie?" asked Lark's gentle voice.

"It was just a nightmare," said Rosethorn, trying to sound casual and failing miserably. "J-just a stupid, silly…" She trailed off and realized there were tears rolling down her cheeks. She brushed them away impatiently.

"Do you want to tell me about it?"

A long silence followed. At last, Rosethorn said brokenly, "It was Crane. We…we were under pirate attack. Just like last summer. Briar and I were growing those thorns and he—Crane—started walking along the edge of the wall. He wanted me to come too. I wouldn't. I grabbed the sleeve of his habit, but he yanked away from me—and then he fell…" She stopped, feeling hot tears rise in her eyes again and blinking them angrily away. "I just don't understand it. If it had been you, or Briar, or one of the girls…but why Crane? It's not like I would care that much if he died in real life."

"Are you sure?" asked Lark, as gently as she could.

"I…" She shook her head. "I don't know."

"Maybe you should talk to Crane about it. He might know what's bothering you."

Rosethorn looked at her, astonished. "Talk to him? This is Crane we're talking about, not some namby-pamby nonsensical Water dedicate."

Lark laughed. "I realize that. But you never know. Perhaps he could be of some help."

"Perhaps," muttered Rosethorn. "Perhaps…if pigs flew and Mila of the Grain was actually my friend Sally."

"Well, think about it, anyway," advised the other dedicate, getting up to hide her grin. "Good night."

"Good night," mumbled Rosethorn, lying back down and pulling the covers up to her chin.

Ask Crane about it. There was an idea. What kind of half-cooked idiot did Lark think she was? And yet—something about it struck a chord within her. Maybe Lark was right. Maybe he could help. Ask Crane…

Rosethorn fell asleep.

A/N: So what do you think? Love it? Hate it? Think it should be hung in the well? Review and tell me! If you don't, I'll send my army of giant marshmallows to eat you! Muahaha!


See ya next chappie!

