Chris Carter and 1013 Productions own the X-Files. JK Rowling, Warner Brothers and Scholastic own Harry Potter. All I own is this story line, every Harry Potter DVD and a complete collection of X-Files DVD's. I wish I owned Fox Mulder.

A/N This story is set anytime during Sorcerers Stone through Prisoner of Azkaban of HP (although it contains information in all the books) and after X-Files episode "Emily", but before "Requiem".


Dana, reminiscing: Ever since I was a child, the two main passions of my life were to relieve human suffering and to find the scientific explanation for every event in our universe. The first passion was fulfilled when I became a medical doctor. The second passion led me to investigate unexplained phenomena.



Special Agent Dana Scully had just plopped down on the sofa with the TV remote in her hand after a long and frustrating day at work, when suddenly there was a loud, insistent knock at the door. Muttering an unprintable word, she heaved herself off the sofa and padded over to the door to find her partner, Fox Mulder, standing there, looking like a kid in a candy store.

"Pack your bags, Scully, we take a plane first thing tomorrow!"

Scully groaned. "Not back to Maine, Mulder. We combed the entire area and sifted through every piece of evidence and..."

"Not Maine, Scully--Scotland!"

Scully stared at him while she tried to comprehend what he was saying.

"Scotland--Scotland--Mulder, that's not in our jurisdiction," she stammered.

"Scully, I just spoke to Assistant Director Skinner. He said it was a special assignment--outside the mainstream, even for us, but the red tape has been cut, the approvals have been given on all sides, and we leave tomorrow. So, get packing."

"But--but--Maine--I still have evidence being analyzed at the lab, and..."

"Scully, listen to me--we're off that assignment. Delegate it, make a few calls, but we're going."

When he saw that Scully still hesitated, he grinned at her and said, "Besides, Scully, weren't you just saying the other day that you need to get out more?"

Scully sighed in frustration and threw up her hands. "I give up." She headed for the closet where she kept her luggage, and said to Mulder, irritably, "I don't see why you're so excited."

"Among other reasons, we'll be going through Kings Cross Station."

"Yeah, so?"

"Kings Cross Station, Scully, where the disappearances occur!"

"You lost me Mulder, " she said, throwing some toiletries in a bag.

"For years there have been reports of disappearances at Kings Cross. They go like this. A child or teenager, pushing a lot of luggage before them, runs at top speed at one of the pillars--always the same one, Scully--then the luggage, the kid, everything vanishes! My own theory is that what they are seeing are ghosts. But we'll be able to see the pillar up close, maybe collect some evidence."

"Mulder, I think what really happened is that somebody's eyes were playing tricks on them one day, but it was such a good story that it became legend, and other people want to get in on the act."

Mulder shook his head. He knew Scully would insist on a "rational" explanation, but he didn't feel like arguing with her right now. "Don't forget to call the lab," he said.

Scully picked up the phone and started dialing. "So, Mulder, what's the name of the place we're going?"

"The Hogwarts School," Mulder said nonchalantly, and then grinned. "Of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Scully hung up the phone quickly and turned to look at him, eyebrow raised.




"But it's never done! Muggles are never allowed at Hogwarts!" Severus Snape said, emphatically.

"Not never, Severus. Just look at Argus Filch."

"It's different for squibs. They understand our need for secrecy"

"If I may, Headmaster," Minerva McGonagall broke in," We have laws against muggles at Hogwarts in order to protect ourselves. We have no guarantee that the muggles you propose bringing into Hogwarts won't reveal our secrets, even by accident or with the best of intentions."

"Professor McGonagall, I looked carefully into their backgrounds. They have proven themselves many times to be discreet and well capable of keeping secrets," Dumbledore said, wearily. He had fought this same battle in the Ministry of Magic, particularly with Lucius Malfoy, who had fought him tooth and nail. "Besides," he said quietly, "They are already very close to finding out about us on their own. Only they don't realize it yet."

"But Professor Dumbledore--how?" McGonagall gasped.

"You remember hearing rumors about Voldemort's activities overseas?" Dumbledore asked. McGonagall and Snape nodded. Dumbledore continued. "The attacks occurred in Maine. The two American muggles have been investigating these incidents for their Federal Bureau of Investigation. I have learned from my sources that all they have to do is put the pieces together and we'll be discovered."

"Couldn't you obliviate their memories, instead?" Snape demanded.

"I did consider that, Severus. However, on further reflection I decided the best course would be to simply bring them here and show them what they are looking for."


"It's been decided," Dumbledore said, finally. "They will arrive here tomorrow, we will make them feel welcome, and we will cooperate with them.