I've been away from home now for quite some time. Not once did the thought of the crazy war coming again threaten me.
Though everyone else was scared, even humans. Who knows what's going to happen, what greed. The horror and screams of
pain are only two days away. Only two days, and I'm still sane? Perfectly calm without a drop of fear? The thought of that was
unbearable, yet my mind remained relax. Perhaps it is best to remain calm. There's no use of shouting out anger of fear.

I've been walking now for hours. I am so tired, I can barely stand. I walked alongside the buildings, keeping one hand on it to
control my balance. My mind occasionally drifted off, telling me to rest. That was it, I could bare it no longer, I had to listen to
my mind for once. After taking a deep breath, I sat down on the ground, with my head against the wall. I shut my eyes, turning
my head to the side, trying to get some comfort.

I was so tired, so dead. Yet noises came in my head, and kept me awake. I opened my eyes; I wasn't so tired anymore. It
came from the building I was leaning against. There was some talk about a war, but not the one in two days. It was another
one, I listened carefully, trying to get the details. It sounded like there was an army of men inside, but I paid attention to the
main speaker. He mentioned of a sneak attack at Acucia. He made it sound like there were going to attack that city, more like

Acucia is one of the few kingdoms on the outer continent which is still ruled by a king and queen. Most just have a regent, or a
high-ranked person to rule over their kingdom. Its strange, Acucia is such a peaceful kingdom. They would never attack
anyone unless if there were forced to. Then again, no one on the main continent is quite sure of that today. That was only last

I wondered how I could warn their people. How I could let them know of their fate that lies ahead. There's no way for me to
get there though, not another continent. I was only a child, a mere teen, I could never own, nor afford a boat. Boats are now
the only way to get there. For some strange reason, no one flies planes anymore, and they aren't even being produced.

I walked over to the docks anyway, just to see what would happen. It was really big with so many boats. I walked around
casually, trying to look interested, more than searching for something. I didn't want to look suspicious, since everybody things
every child is nowadays. Don't know what the difference really is between children and adults. Possibly the fact that children
want peace, while adults don't.

Right before my eyes was the biggest boat I have ever seen before. It was gigantic, not once would I ever dream to see
anything, just anything, so big in my life. I was full with wonder and amazement, and excitement and joy when I read a sign
carved on the boat. "Cargo ship, owned by Lyle." Why, this ship goes to the outer continent! If I was correct, Lyle was a city,
or whatever it is, close to Acucia. Now, I just have to find a way to get in.

I searched for a way to get in, but there was only one door. People are loading the ship now, there's no way to get past them.
Then I looked closely at the boxes. They were all half-empty, with a nearly opened lid. It'll be easy to hind in there, I don't
think they'll notice my weight to be suspicious. I looked around some more, and something caught my eye. The people are
getting the boxes from an area just about enveloped. Or so, they was a little hole that I could see through.

I went to where the boxes were, and to my surprise, nobody was watching over them. Nobody leaves so much junk just let
loose, where anybody can't take it. Oh well, this just makes my job a lot easier. I heard someone coming, and I quickly got
into a box closest to the ship, so I won't have to say inside so long. I didn't get a good look at what I was sitting on, but it
couldn't be anything too bad.

The box started to move back and forth, and I tried to be as quiet as I possibly could. I tried my best not to hit the sides, but it
couldn't be helped. I twiddled my thumbs in boredom, it seemed that I was being carried for hours. The box soon after started
to saw slowly, I could barely tell that it still even was. I stayed inside though; I didn't want to go out if someone was out there.

I tried so hard, yet couldn't resist. I was still very tired from before, and I've been sitting around for hours doing nothing. I feel
asleep from the tiredness and boredom, and remained in that state for a long time.