Note: I know no characters are listed now, just need to describe what's happening first, please understand. They are coming in
the next chapter. Of course, only if you people are liking it, or seem interested so far.

This is originaly just some story I wrote on my own. I'm changing it a little, so it can have ff9 peeps.

Pleaz R&R!

Nobody seemed to be nice anymore. They would all laugh at the deaths of the different people. Ones, still human, but had animal
parts to them, like claws, tails, or pointy ears. Yet others looked pure animal, yet they seemed different. They could speak, and
stand on two feet, just the way they looked made them different from wild animals.

There were many people like this, and some learned how to transform to look human, yet their blood remained the same. Most
lived on the outer continent, which humans did too. These people all lived in peace, while everyone on the main continent, didn't.
The animal-human like creatures were hung, thrown in prison to starve, shot a thousand times, or even worse, one of pain and
agony, of what no one can bare.

This is the only reason why the human-like creatures transformed to look like humans. Not all of them were born with this ability
though, and they had to hide for all their life. The ones with this ability were very lucky, for the human creatures did not know of
it. It has been kept secret for hundred of years. It was a nice way to hide, and unlike any other way. They could live with their
enemies, and not be harmed in any way. They could also all have fun, play games, and talk to one another.

It made no sense why the human creatures wanted to destroy the animal-human creatures. Possibly, it was their nature to love it,
the sound and smell of death. Ones on the outer continent were different though; they did not seek pain and death, but peace
itself. Everybody says that the outer continent's way of life is poor. They are continuously having wars, which is true. People on
the main continent blame the animal-human like creatures for this. That is why they all must be destroyed.

It seemed they have won. None of the human creatures could find any animal-human like creatures. Everyone was so proud,
but no one seemed to know why. The only difference between now and before is that many lives have been lost. That didn't
occur in anyone's mind, only the ones who were still hiding in the human form. Only they felt sorrow, pain, and anger. They
were the only ones that cared, that seeked revenge.

Then one night, everything came to an end. A boy was being attacked by a savage monster that could easily crush him. One of
the animal-human like creatures became their regular form to become stronger. He wanted to protect the boy, in which he
succeeded. The boy told everyone in town what happened, and the secret was no long a secret.

In a few days, they would collect blood tests of everyone to see what they are. The whole thing in the past will then repeat
itself. No one could escape, there was no where to go or hide. They were all doomed; nothing could protect them now. The
Gods of the mighty heavens never answered their prayers, and they probably won't start now. This was the fate that they were
all cursed with but they couldn't understand why. They lived happily together for the last years, but now the human creatures
have to ruin it. All they want is destruction, until they have their own way.

Now only two days remain, until the blood is collected from everyone. There must be a way to escape, there has to be a way

AN: Tell me if you like it, or dislike it. Your reviews mean so much to me, you don't even know! Feel free to give suggestions,
if you feel something is wrong. ^_^