You're all I ever wanted, all I ever hated, it's you that makes me ill, it's your fault, it always is.

Naruto and all its characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto.

AB Type

Chapter one

Breath in, breath out. Slowly. Breath in, breath out. Now, open your eyes and try not to vomit.

That was the beginning of her new life. And all she had in her head was to throw up.

A few minutes in silence, looking at the white ceiling told her that she wasn't feeling any different, except for the sickness, of course. But aside from that, she could still call herself Haruno Sakura, as always.

Her eyes moved slowly to the window, and out to the gray sky. It seemed like it was going to rain, and it didn't make her feel any better.

When she tried to move, she realized how heavy her body felt, heavy and tired. She sighed out of resignation. She hated to be hospitalized.

A shy knock sounded on the door, followed by a strong, yet quiet voice. Tsunade's voice. It lightened up a little Sakura's mood.

"May I come in?" Her teacher was like her mother, sometimes. Sakura saw the doorknob turn and the door slowly open, letting enter her mentor's voluptuous form. Her eyes were shining with unshed tears, maybe because the surgery had gone all right, and to see Sakura, looking at her with a tired smile, but a smile at least, made it all real. She had survived, and damn she was happy for it.

Tsunade sat on the chair next to Sakura's bed and raised her hand to comb softly some wild pink tresses. She had known early in the morning about Sakura's awaken, so she put a sedative on her so she could work on the very little details of her body's health.

"So, how are you feeling?" her concern was evident, but it was like a mother caring.

"I feel like puking", Sakura said with a small smile.

"It's normal, don't worry about it. Anyways, is good to see you smiling." Tsunade smiled too.

"I'm sorry...for keeping you all so worried", Sakura said with a very weak voice.

"You don't have to be sorry for anything, it's not your fault at all, everything that we did was because we care about you, so don't feel sorry"

"Well...yeah...", Sakura smiled a little uncomfortable. Tsunade noticed this, maybe she had been using a harsh tone of voice, damn.

"I'm happy to have you here with me again, Sakura", Tsunade said cautiously while giving the cutest smile she could give, then caressed her hair softly. Sakura in return looked at her smiling face, and smiled too.

"Well girl, would you like something, I mean, you must be feeling quite weak"

"Yeah, a glass of water would be like heaven right now, I'd prefer to let the food for later", Sakura felt her throat terribly dry and her stomach threatening to return whatever she had in there.

"I'll be back right away", the teacher winked at Sakura and then went out of the room.

The smile on Sakura's lips slowly fading away. Her eyes glued to the ceiling again, and she couldn't help bringing back to her memory the series of circumstances that had brought her to this bed, on this particular day.

It was during a training session with Tsunade that she first felt the nuisance. She had been practicing a special jutsu and suddenly her head felt like a feather. It happened more and more, accompanied with erratic heartbeat. That time she fainted, but afterwards she could only dismiss it as tiredness, after all she had been training like mad the last month.

Then, it started to happen more frequently, during eating, training, even in her relax moments, but when it happened during a mission, she started to concern about it. The ANBU exams would be taken very soon, and that was the reason she had been training so hard, so she couldn't afford any illness.

When she told the Hokage about it, she monitored her, and the look on her face, the next day when she told Sakura what was happening with her, remained burned on her mind. She had said that it was an absolutely uncommon illness to blood. It happened when the chakra started to reject the owner's blood. Of course it was dangerous; of course it meant sure death.

She couldn't live without chakra, nor could she live without blood.

She remembered how Kakashi became mad when he knew about it. And knowing too that they shared the same type of blood , he almost cut his neck to give it all to her.

A soft chuckle escaped Sakura's lips.

She had never seen him like that.

Naruto, on the other hand was convincing every person on the village to donate their blood for her. Gosh, he could be so childish sometimes.

But Tsunade said that the same type of blood wouldn't work at all, it was the problem in first place. And if they wanted to transfuse another type, they had to pass the blood through a special treatment, which had fifty percent of probabilities of succeed. Definitely not a win/win situation.

Finally, the last person in the world she had thought that could save her life, did it.

Yes, it was nonetheless than the Uchiha Sasuke himself, who presented that day to donate blood. He tried to avoid her and everyone.

The rest of the process went smoothly because of the high level of acceptance that her body showed to his blood. Ironic, without a doubt.

Now she could only laugh, when before she would have cried.

She had his blood running through her veins, mixing within hers, replacing hers little by little as she saw the transfusion machine beside her. She could actually see her blood being cleansed and changed to become like his.

Sakura couldn't quite comprehend how did it work, but it was mostly thanks to a secret jutsu of Tsunade.

She looked at her hand and saw the unusually big vein under a thin layer of pale skin.

'It was you blood, it's mine now', she felt an odd feeling at that thought.

Sasuke had all a story around his blood and family lineage, and because of it he had molded his life to become the avenger he was. And to have his blood, his tainted blood running through her body provoked her both fear and happiness.

"May I come in?", Kakashi's voice interrupted her thoughts like an explosion in a church.

He had this amused expression on his face, as if observing some ridiculous scene.

"What, I know I look terrible, but at least try to conceal it !", Sakura spat in between a wide smile.

"You should look at yourself and your thoughtful face, it cannot be helped", Kakashi said trying to suppress a bored laugh.

For a moment, they only stared at each other. It was peaceful and spontaneous. With Kakashi it was always like that. Where Tsunade felt like a mother, Kakashi felt like the father. Always concerned about her, always caring, always understanding. He was like a mature figure of her best friend.

"The Hokage told me that you would be awake around this time. So tell me, how do you feel?", he took a seat next to her.

"Weird...I mean, is my body and I feel the same, but, there is something...I don't know...I feel like my life doesn't belong to me anymore", That was another thing she liked about Kakashi, that he was like her confident. She could tell him everything about her, and still feel comfortable around him.

"Because of Sasuke", Kakashi said almost like a statement.

"Yeah...It's his blood after all, just that is into me"

"Don't worry about it, you'll get used with time. You should see it as a gift, as a new chance to live and correct your mistakes, not everyone has that possibility"

"I guess I'll feel better when I face him", she said like to herself.

"So, how is Naruto, did you tell him that I'm alright?", she said changing the subject.

"He went on a mission yesterday, he will be back at the end of the week, hopefully" Kakashi answered.

"Yesterday, but he said that he would have a mission about a week ahead. Why did he leave so soon?"

"Sakura, I know you don't have any reason to know it, but...well, you have been in coma for two months", Kakashi's words were like a bomb to her. They were cautious and mesmerized, like he had been planning a lot of time how to tell her, but even his concern couldn't help the painful knot that was created on her gut.

Two months, damn, that seemed like an eternity for someone who had been actually unconscious.

But how much had she missed of?

"Oh...well...", she didn't know what to say. Seeing the worried look on Kakashi's face made her want to lighten up the mood.

"Such a lazy bum I am, don't I, she said faking a smile. She just couldn't bare his guilt face.

"Yeah... anyways, Sasuke said he would be coming today to see you. He still doesn't know that you're awake, so it'll be a big surprise for him", the tenseness fading away. to act towards him now? how to look him in the eyes, it was a very difficult situation indeed.

So the day passed away. Tsunade appeared with a glass of water on her hand and Kakashi left in favor of work, he said.

When she finally was alone, the gray sky had gone black, without a star to look at.

That's when Sasuke made his entrance.

At first he didn't notice that she was awake, because of the darkness. It was around midnight anyways, and she was supposed to be in coma. So he stood next to her, just looking intently at her dark figure. A quiet "sorry" escaped his lips in the way of a barely audible whisper.

"What are you sorry of?" Sakura said gently while moving her head in his direction. She fought the urge to laugh when he gasped loudly out of pure astonishment.

"Sakura, you...awoke?", his surprised voice threatening to broke his always collected behavior.

"Yeah, although I'd prefer to be asleep with such a strong headache", she joked. The dim light that came to the room made her eyes glitter. She could only stare at him, and he, in return, could only stare at her, with wide open eyes.

"I'm glad" was the only thing he said. She couldn't have asked for more, after all, is the Uchiha Sasuke we are talking about.

They remained there, silently looking at each other, unsaid feelings screaming through their eyes.

Sakura could suspect his worry, it was obvious to her, he was a part of her now.

"So, I knew that your acceptance was about ninety eight percent, that's quite something", his voice losing a little of its coldness.

"Yeah, so I knew, before falling into coma", she said, trying not to sound too sad. But he noticed. He knew better than that.

"Well, I don't know if I should be saying this but, many things have happened", his gaze turned to the dying lights of the village. It was a weird look, but Sakura couldn't quite pinpoint what he was feeling at that moment. So she decided not to ask and remained silent. She would eventually know about the changes, but for now, she wanted to enjoy this rare moment of peace with the boy of her dreams.

"Well, I'm leaving now, you have to rest and regain your strength", Sasuke said looking at her.

"I hope I'm seeing you all soon", so she smiled widely at him, like showing that she was as cheerful as always. But the insistent nuisance in her stomach remembered her that it would never be like before.

When he left the room, saying a quick good night, her smile dropped. There was definitely something wrong with Sasuke, and it worried her. She could feel it. It was an ache in her heart that told her that something had happened. Something big.

Sleep overtook her and she decided to accept it in order to feel better.

And the dim light seemed dimmer, and everything became dark.

'Good night, Sasuke-kun'

A few days later, she was in perfect shape. Her body felt as new and to know how worried had been everyone just because of her, made her self-esteem grow a lot.

Needless to say, her relationship with Sasuke had turned into a very interesting one. He seemed more worried about her, even caring, in his own way, of course.

The way they could know of each other's thoughts just with a look was beyond her reasoning. She could do nothing but being happy with it.

Naruto awoke her early in the morning with a loud knock at her apartment's door. He rushed into her bedroom when she still was trying to open her eyes. He stood beside her bed for the longest time, and when Sakura was able to look at him, he was crying like a baby. He threw himself at her, embracing her with all the love he could posses. His warmth was very welcoming in those cold mornings, so she returned the hug, a little shocked.

"I'm so happy you're alright, Sakura-chan!", he said between sobs. Her eyes filled with tears of emotion, a new feeling building up inside her and she needed his hold hopelessly.

"I heard bastard's blood was your salvation...God, Sakura-chan, I couldn't believe it when I heard it"

"I think none suspected it either", she said, loosening their hold.

"Well, so now get ready because we'll call today free. I invite you to eat somewhere, and for you not to feel uncomfortable..." she could see him blushing a little and looking sideways "...we can invite someone else...", Sakura could only laugh. He was really cute after all.

"Don't worry, Naruto, it's ok with me", she said seeing the bewilderment on his face.

A few -much- minutes later, Sakura was ready and they left her apartment. She thought, as an obvious reasoning, that he would take her to Ichiraku's, but to her surprise, Naruto took her to a very elegant restaurant. And she was even more surprised, astonished, when he didn't order ramen.

"Wow! It seems I really missed of a lot of things!" She said while the waitress was looking at her with a bored face, waiting for her to order.

Naruto only laughed, a little ashamed. The truth was that he had thought of taking her to Ichiraku's in first place, but when he spoke to Kakashi about it, he gave him this idea. He said that Sakura would be damn surprised, and he was absolutely right.

He would have preferred a hot bowl of Ramen, instead of tiny pieces of fish with insipid rice and sea grass, but for Sakura chan, he could do it over and over, just to see her smiling face.

Sakura was indeed glad for the change. She liked ramen, but she liked more to see Naruto make such a big sacrifice for her.

An odd feeling took possession of her stomach, like a warm flow of something that made her look at this blonde boy she had in front in a way she had never seen him before. He was like...glowing, and for some reason, she couldn't take that stupid smile from ear to ear that now occupied the 70 percent of her face.

"So, what happened to you in this time I was lazing around?", she asked curious.

" can call me "captain" now" Naruto said proud.

"Captain?...don't tell"

"Yes, I passed the exams! Now I'm captain of the third special ANBU squad, but, you should keep it a secret, you know..." His smile was even bigger than hers.

"Whoa! congratulations, Naruto! I'm very happy for you", she said honestly, though a part of her was envious, she had trained so hard to give that exam, and she fell sick.

"Yeah...thanks...and, Sasuke, he wanted to give the exam too, but the old hag Tsunade didn't let him...yeah, I laughed of him for about a week" he said with a full mouth.

"I think he's not worth of trust yet...but he should have felt terrible", she imagined his face the week Naruto made fun of him.

"But the old hag has a bland heart beneath all that pile of wrinkles, so she will forgive him soon, I believe she will let him take the exam the next year"

"I hope so..."

They continued they meal. Naruto made some jokes from time to time, and all went smoothly. By the time they finished, the sun was big above their heads. The summer was arriving imposingly, and the hot days were an announcement of the heated season that was coming.

They walked to a river, into the forest, where the rays of sunlight only warmed the skin.

Sakura felt incredibly comfortable with Naruto, just the two of them, sharing a peaceful moment, something that would have never occurred before.

Late in the night, Sakura was in her bed, having a cup of tea. The bed felt nice and soft, but for some reason she couldn't sleep. Lately she had had problems with it, but then again, she had been asleep for two months, so probably her body was tired of it.

'Naruto'...he plagued her mind now, and deeply into her heart she was scared of it. Scared because that was how she begun to like Sasuke, some years ago. Could it be that she was developing new feelings for her blonde teammate? Before that seemed like an impossible, ridiculous thought, but it wasn't so insane.

She chuckled. Yeah, it was funny...very funny. But that brought her mind to her other teammate.


She was sure of her love for him...even in the most decisive moments of their relationship, she had been firm beside him. So why did she had that pain in her chest? it had been there since she first woke up in the hospital, and it grew when Sasuke was mentioned.

'Weird', it was obvious anyways for her to feel odd with him.

'Sleep girl, just sleep' her mind was too confused with the recent events, and still was trying to adapt to her 'new' life.

So she closed her eyes, and slowly, fell asleep, with the nuisance that something was definitely wrong.

A/N: I don't really know how long will be this story, I think as much as my volatile inspiration lasts xD. But I have quite good ideas for this one, so...enjoy it Oh, by the way, Is going to be an Ita/Saku, definitely, but I don't know if I could include another pairing, I'm a little interested now in some Naru/Saku stuff, but not so much...oh, and Sasuke...poor guy, he is going to suffer in this story...muahahahhaha

Please review!